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Do we even want to win at this point?


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We're 2-6 right now. Toughest schedule in the NFL coming up. I assume you all will agree that we're not winning out and thus, not making playoffs. Assuming you agree with that, what's the better scenario?

1. Lose out, finish 2-14, be a complete embarassment and practically guarantee change everywhere and a top 3 pick

2. Win several games and gain "momentum", leaving the door possibly open for JC or Zorn or even Vinny to come back next year since we finished strong?

I can't really root for the Skins to lose. Its not really in my nature. But at this point, its the best thing for this team. If we end up winning 5-7 games, I think there is a possibility that we won't go into blow-up mode. And that is the worst possible outcome.


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people are going to bash if you say you want the skins to lose and that your not a "true fan" but whatever. To tell you the truth i think its better, im so over this year i'd rather they get a high draft pick next year and see if we can turn this around somehow. Whats the point of finishing say 5-11 vs 2-14?

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Yes, we do not want the first overall pick as you can never trade down from it. We want to be in the 4 through 6 range in the draft which is where you can trade down and get more picks. This means we need to have at least four wins. We need a LT in a big way and if CS comes back he can either move to RT or hold the fort for the rookie while the rookie learns at RT. We need a stud guard and center out of this draft and hold off on a QB until 2011 draft. We can play Colt and sign Vick when the Eagles cut him as a stop gap.

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If we continue to lose it would mean (hopefully) that Danny would have no choice but to get rid of Vinny. So at this point, if that's what the end result would be than I'm not going to sweat the losses.

I'm more concerned about our future then I am this total trainwreck of a season and if somebody wants to flame me because of that? I really don't care.

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1. Lose out, finish 2-14, be a complete embarassment and practically guarantee change everywhere and a top 3 pick

The only thing you guarantee there is the embarrassment part, where are you people getting this weird thought that you will somehow influence TheDan to transmogrify into something he has never been in his life, ie. an effective manager? ONE little disastrous 2-14 season and all of a sudden LilDan will see the light? You're kidding yourselves............

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I can never root for the Redskins to lose. And I don't see how anyone here can sit down to watch the game and cheer for the opposing team...

That being said, I will admit that it would be better for the franchise in the long term if we went 2-14. I think if we win any of the upcoming games, it would be the perfect excuse for the front office to say "Look, we are improving. We don't need any big changes."


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Well that's the hard thing, right. Most of us can't root for the Skins to lose, myself included. But you can't argue its not better for the franchise if we do lose.

Its like you have a kid who's in sheer agony. You know he's going to die and its better if you pull the trigger than watch him suffer and end up with the same fate. But can you do it?

Ok, that's a bit extreme but this is extreme skins after all.

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people are going to bash if you say you want the skins to lose and that your not a "true fan" but whatever. To tell you the truth i think its better, im so over this year i'd rather they get a high draft pick next year and see if we can turn this around somehow. Whats the point of finishing say 5-11 vs 2-14?

Bull, I'll say it now, We should lose every game the rest of the year. Anyone calling out my true feelings about this team is full of it.

Positives of losing out:

1. Improves our draft position meaning better players are availible to the next coach

2. Guarentees there are no false senses of "these problems aren't so bad...we just need one or two pieces to fix this" attitudes that constantly haunt this team. We will know we suck and that we must change if we lose out.

3. Guarentees major changes to the coaching staff. I want Zorn out

4. Nearly guarentees Vinny's fired. If you want Vinny out then you want to lose. If we win he has the chance of convincing Snyder it's not all his fault. Bull. Fire Vinny Snyder!!!

5. It might make Snyder reflect on himself and cause permanent change for him. What Snyder needs more then anything is to look in the mirror and fix what's starring back at him. Winning keeps that from happening. Snyder needs to go hide under a rock and get out of making any football decisions. That won't happen unless he finally hits bottom and that only comes with losing

6. It will force Jason Campbell to be cut. It will also cause a purge to this roster unlike anything we've seen since Marty was here.

Positives for winning....

I don't see any thing other then feeling as if were not that bad. I'm sorry but that feeling is not a good one for the team at this point.

No question we need to lose out. Sorry season ticket fans but in the best interest of the team next year we all should be praying were somehow picking 3-5 next year and don't win another game this season.

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I want them to win but realize realistically its not going to happen we will be 3-13 at best senario, I just hope we make the right moves in the draft and offseason to avaoid our current mistakes but in this organization that would be considerd thinking outside of the box

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