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Do we even want to win at this point?


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A 4-12 season this year most likely means (not in any order):

Zorn Fired.

Vinny Fired.

New QB.

New Front Office.

A Changed and Less Intrusive Owner.

Great Draft Picks.

While all these would be welcomed changes, there is NO evidence that ANY will happen...especially the 'Owner' part.

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Some people in this thread just don't get this. Loser heart? PLEASE. Can you say that you were in Canton witnessing Green and Monk get into the HOF? Can you say that during the run of our last Superbowl team you were at the playoff games? I can, I was there.

Saying hoping for the greater good that we lose out means you have a loser heart says to me that you have no understanding of what has gone on with this team and ownership this past decade. To me it says your selfish and putting your own desires above the best interest of the team for the future. I want to say to you that I am not a fan of the fans, I am a fan of the team. I am not a fan of the players, I am a fan of the team. I know where I stand, you need to question your own thought process and spin that.

No one says that the higher the draft pick the better the chance you don't bust. The fact about the higher the draft pick is that the higher you pick the more choices you have to choose from, IN EVERY ROUND. That can not be a bad thing. Many choices is a luxury, you get the man you want

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Some people in this thread just don't get this. Loser heart? PLEASE. Can you say that you were in Canton witnessing Green and Monk get into the HOF? Can you say that during the run of our last Superbowl team you were at the playoff games? I can, I was there.

Saying hoping for the greater good that we lose out means you have a loser heart says to me that you have no understanding of what has gone on with this team and ownership this past decade. To me it says your selfish and putting your own desires above the best interest of the team for the future. I want to say to you that I am not a fan of the fans, I am a fan of the team. I am not a fan of the players, I am a fan of the team. I know where I stand, you need to question your own thought process and spin that.

No one says that the higher the draft pick the better the chance you don't bust. The fact about the higher the draft pick is that the higher you pick the more choices you have to choose from, IN EVERY ROUND. That can not be a bad thing. Many choices is a luxury, you get the man you want

Is there any point in acknowledging the short sighted? Don't let them ruffle your feathers..

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Not really my business but I'd say that you always want to win, no matter what. You never want to lose when you can win. You start thinking like that and your no longer a Franchise going through a tough stretch. Then you become a Tampa Bay or a Cleveland or some other Franchise who has suffered decades long stretches of bad, losing football. You can draft the most talented guys in the world but if you bring them into a losing environment, there going to lose.


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I want my skins to win. I don't care. Might as well make an attempt to win. If you lose you lose, but if you played your heart out then you know you did your part. I as a fan pour my heart out every sunday for the skins to win. I may not like how the team is run, but I can't do anything about that.

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What makes everybody so sure Vinny is gone if we lose out?

He has already started to convince Snyder that Zorn is the problem (he got a guy to leave his bingo job to replace him) and he also tried twice to replace Campbell.

Zorn and Campbell will be the scapegoats.

Snyder is the guy making all the personel decisions not Vinny, he's not going to fire his lap dog for decisions he made him self.

He will just hire the biggest name coach he can get, waste that top 5 pick and continue to make the same retarded moves that he always has.

Dan Snyder is never going to change.

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Winning always helps your team better then losing. That super high draft pick could end up being a total bust, but the third quarter of the Falcons game showed me how emotional this team really is. When they're giving it everything they've got, they can still win football games. The second they lose faith in themselves, its all over.

I say give it what you got and let the cards fall where they may. That's the right thing to do. I refuse to lose...

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With ojnly a couple teams at the very bottom a couple of wins will not hurt our draft pick. Right now I would like to see Marko and Thomas on the field with Davis and Betts in the backfield.Portis will be cut for cap so there is no reason to play him.The D had an early INT but offense did not keep the momentum.The fact that noone came over to Halls rescue is unbelieveable and explains the Skins problem.A bunch of guys and not a solid team.The D is a playoff D but the offense is runnung a scheme that the personel cannot execute.

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people are going to bash if you say you want the skins to lose and that your not a "true fan" but whatever. To tell you the truth i think its better, im so over this year i'd rather they get a high draft pick next year and see if we can turn this around somehow. Whats the point of finishing say 5-11 vs 2-14?
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