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Orakpo's locker room outburst, "I'm tired of of this [stuff]!"

The Full Monty

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In UnWise Mike's otherwise downer column this morning, he briefly mentions a scene in the locker room. Brian Orakpo apparently was taking this loss very hard:

Brian Orakpo's baritone voice emoted a one-word expletive in the corner of the locker room, so thunderous many of his teammates turned around.

"I'm tired of this [stuff]!" the rookie added, muttering to no one in particular as he sat by his cubicle. "Every week you come out and this same [stuff] happens. We prepare, we work hard and then this. I can't deal with it . . . I can't deal with it."

I love the fire and I love the fact that he still is fighting and preparing to win every week. We need more young guys like this to join the hard working vets we have like London Fletcher. Orakpo's hungry and he's improving every week, we need to get these guys a better supporting cast of fellow hungry, but focused playmakers, unlike undisciplined or mediocre ones (Rogers, Landry).

Orakpo's a warrior and he'll only get better. In time he can take a leadership role on this team and keep the defense and maybe the whole team fired up like he is.

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They know that there will be a new coaching staff next year, if not next week. Why waste energy making this staff happy?

I don't know that I buy into this logic. Everyone shows up on film, so every game is adding to your resume. I don't think anyone is interested in hurting their image and with that their chances of getting signed to a good deal elsewhere after this ship has sunk. They may not be using the energy to please the current staff, but I don't think they'll just quit either. Frankly we're just not that good.


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There was a scene a few weeks back where he looked like he was about to lose it and philip daniels was talking to him on the sideline. Its nice to see a guy who wants to win! I never believe in finger pointing but maybe it is time some of the guys like Rak and Flethcher went over to the offense and said look u need to score more than 17 points. This is ridiculous. They couldnt score 17 with a healthy Samuels and Thomas so its not all on the crappy oline. Aaron Rodgers isnt having trouble scoring and his oline has let him get sacked like crazy.

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You know, Zoony said something in the gameday thread that I think fits. The problem is truly a lack of accountability. If a vet screws up, and deserves to be benched, doesn't matter, they still play. Your play on the field doesn't mean much when it relates to actual playing time.

How discouraging must that be to a rookie who is out there trying to learn a new position, busting his ass?

No wonder Rak is frustrated. I would be too.

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I just hope that this level of frustration doesn't turn into apathy, like it seems to have done for other players. Orakpo does have that 'veteran mentality' as people keep pointing out, but he's still young and vulnerable to giving up on this season.

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You know, Zoony said something in the gameday thread that I think fits. The problem is truly a lack of accountability. If a vet screws up, and deserves to be benched, doesn't matter, they still play. Your play on the field doesn't mean much when it relates to actual playing time.

How discouraging must that be to a rookie who is out there trying to learn a new position, busting his ass?

No wonder Rak is frustrated. I would be too.

That's a terrific point. I mean, I can think of a ton of examples, but none as blatant as ARE returning punts.

I think its sends the message that no matter how bad you perform, it's almost impossible to play yourself out of a starting job. Maybe it doesn't have to be as dramatic as a full-game benching, but even just sitting a guy for a series (cough cough, Landry) to get him focused and fired up to play better.

Guys should be accountable for every snap and think, wow, my job's on the line, or if not my job, my playing time.

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We're just a mess all over the place ... so many things to be "fixed", from the F.O. to the sidelines to the field.

I've been a Redskins fan for a VERY long time and I honestly can't remember it EVER being this awful in so many places.

This is so depressing. :(

Edit: But Orakpo is one of the few bright spots in this season. Hope he keeps his heart and fire through all of this.

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How is the D bad against the run? Last year they were in the top five, sign Haynesworth, and now cannot stop my son running thru a hole! The secondary has let up some easy tackles but the holes are huge. Was Washington that good against the run? He is still available.

The Skins are not a 2-6 team and it pisses me off. I know, they Are a 2-6 team, but when will they get a break. D plays good offense cannot score. Offense scores El fumbles the ball.

The OL is terrible. Ne excuse for the back-ups to be so bad. How did they expect to pick up OL in FA? That is what Zorn said the staff decided when drafting. Noone lets a good OL go, period. The Steelers signed both their OL FA's at the beginging of the year, like everyone else. Now, instead of teaching young lineman this year, we have two guys playing that noone else wants.

This draft we should be able to go after a QB but Okung is the best OL in the draft and the Skins need him.

Orakpo is going to be an incredibale player and it is good to see him not accept losing in this manner. Haynesworth exploded two weeks ago so that two guys. Maybe Hall can make a tackle next week, when it coounts, and Skins can upset.

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Props to Rak.

Thank god someone is showing some fire and heart. Too bad our coach nor most of the rest of the team can say the same.

The Redskins problem is deep-rooted but at the same time, the right coach and the right moves on offense can put us back into contention.

We're not like the Browns, Cheifs, Bills, Lions or Rams because we actually have a defense.

Those teams are ranked at the bottom in offense and defense.

If Snyder does the right thing in the offseason then we can be back into this. Some changes need to be made offensively but most importantly the coaching staff needs an overhaul.

Zorn is friendly and seems like a good guy, but he doesn't have the leadership quality that we need.

Rak, London Fletcher, Rock Carwright, Albert Haynesworth, Chris Samuels (if he returns), these are guys that the new coach is going to like. These are guys with heart and fire that speak up when it's necessary and try to make their team better.

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