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Honestly, We Should Cut Landry


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Can Kareem Moore play FS?
Moore is a natural FS and hits hard.

Kareem Moore is supposed to be a very good FS, Blache/Jackson both speak highly of him.

Horton, imo, was playing better then Landry has been.

And the coaches saw fit to bench him; they coaches gotta see that Landry's head isn't in the game.

Maybe they should sit him and let him clear his head and start someone else.(Moore if they want to keep the same scheme, or Doughty/Horton if they are willing to play more 2 deep)

They can't be afraid to give the young players a chance when a 'veteran' is underperforming.

And even if the don't want to throw Moore out their as 'center field' FS right away the could play alot of 2 deep and ease him out back deep over a game or two.


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It's way too premature to talk about trading Landry, or cutting him. Landry is still a very talented player -- and we need to recall how he makes a lot of great plays along with the blunders that people are all pointing out. Landry has talents that can't be taught, but flaws that can be corrected. Let's try coaching him a bit more earnestly first.

I am struck by how Landry's play is undicisiplined --and that's a reflection on his maturity, but also on his coaches not addressing these tendencies. Laron racks up too many personal fouls, and misses tackles trying for the 'big hit.' ...But all these things can be reined in, by good coaching.

So, I think Blache and Co. (yes, including Gray!) need to buckle down and coach this guy better on the fundamentals. If that doesn't work, see if he can be played differently scheme-wise. If that doesn't work, then he's trade-bait as the Skins start to rebuild.

COMMENT: Everyone is pointing to Landry's ineffective tackle against Turner's breakaway run -- so why aren't they wondering how Turner was getting through our line so often, and usually with a lot of momentum built up? Atlanta had a lot of guys breaking free into the backfield yesterday; our DBs were not going to always look that great trying to tackle an RB built like Turner runing with a full head of steam.

In spite of his blunders, let's not make Landry the scapegoat for all that ails this team. The defense as a whole didn't play that well, and the offense didn't help them either.

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It's way too premature to talk about trading Landry, or cutting him. Landry is still a very talented player -- and we need to recall how he makes a lot of great plays along with the blunders that people are all pointing out. Landry has talents that can't be taught, but flaws that can be corrected. Let's try coaching him a bit more earnestly first.

I am struck by how Landry's play is undicisiplined --and that's a reflection on his maturity, but also on his coaches not addressing these tendencies. Laron racks up too many personal fouls, and misses tackles trying for the 'big hit.' ...But all these things can be reined in, by good coaching.

So, I think Blache and Co. (yes, including Gray!) need to buckle down and coach this guy better on the fundamentals. If that doesn't work, see if he can be played differently scheme-wise. If that doesn't work, then he's trade-bait as the Skins start to rebuild.

COMMENT: Everyone is pointing to Landry's ineffective tackle against Turner's breakaway run -- so why aren't they wondering how Turner was getting through our line so often, and usually with a lot of momentum built up? Atlanta had a lot of guys breaking free into the backfield yesterday; our DBs were not going to always look that great trying to tackle an RB built like Turner runing with a full head of steam.

In spite of his blunders, let's not make Landry the scapegoat for all that ails this team. The defense as a whole didn't play that well, and the offense didn't help them either.

+1. He is talented and has the potential to be a good player. He's probably delusional like many other players who clearly do not believe in this FO and coaches.

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I don't buy that crap about Laron being better with Sean Taylor. That's total BS.

Remember how good he played after Sean passed during our win streak and even in the playoffs? That was at Free Safety. Doughty was the SS.

So cut it out with that crap. He was a damn fine free safety at the end of the 2007 season and picked off two Hasselbeck passes in his first ever playoff game.

He can absolutely succeed as a free safety, he just doesn't want to work hard at it. So I agree, let's trade him while we can get something out of him. He doesn't want to get any better.

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Always thought this guy was nothing more than a 3rd rate Sean Taylor wannabe. He wants to make those spectacular hits and make the highlite reel - but he doesnt have the game-brain like Taylor did.

Hall, Landry, Rogers - kick em all to the curb. TODAY.

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I think we can all agree that Landry's tackle angles and technique have clearly gone far south and the majority of the blame rests on him. However, I will also agree with those here that are blaming the lack of intensity from the coaching staff. I am not willing to give up on Landry quite yet, but that doesn't mean I'm not frustrated watching his play half the time. We have to motivate him somehow to start making plays again for this team.

Another thing people are quick to forget is that he takes away a lot of deep plays against us. I agree that his tackling is suspect, but these people that say he "fails at every aspect of his position" aren't looking at the whole picture. I say to those people, sure, let's bench him and start some other guys and see how many times we get burned over the middle, especially with our soft, buttery CBs. We are also asking Landry a lot with how easily some RBs make it through our first two lines of defense.

My opinion is that if we're going to talk about cutting people, trading people, etc, we've got much more pressing issues than our safety core.

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It all comes down to discipline. Who is there as a coach to discipline him and get him back to basic tackling? Last year he played so deep into coverage that we looked like we were in punt formation. We need a change in the secondary formations. We never play bump and run coverage. Rogers plays eight yards off his receiver so therefore his receiver is full speed by the time he is blowing by our safeties. I'm not a coach but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

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Ugh, will this never end?

A quick search shows this for his senior year.


This next part is from LSU sports on his previous years.





indeed, and im still wondering if people remember the right rookie season with Landry... people are saying he played well:doh:

I remember his rookie season, everyone saying how much better he would look at FS...

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We seriously overrate our players trade value...Nobodys trading for Landrys sorry a**...It's not like other teams dont have game film of his continuous suckage...

you would be surprised... a lot of the media rate him highly... you always hear him being talked about as one of the best young DBs in the game...

i say do it, his value is high for some reason and we need picks

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