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White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

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White House Loses Bid to Exclude Fox News From Pay Czar Interview

The Obama administration on Thursday tried to make "pay czar" Kenneth Feinberg available for interviews to every member of the White House pool except Fox News. But the Washington bureau chiefs of the five TV networks decided that none of their reporters would interview Feinberg unless Fox News was included.


Nice to see the other networks stood up for Fox. The administration is looking really bad on this one - kind of Haldeman, Nixon like...

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Hated when Bush played the exclusion game (although they tended to blacklist reporters and not whole networks... although I think they did blackball a couple of papers and magazines). This is not smart by the Obama WH just creates more of an us v them atmosphere and gives them credibility if they ever want to say... "The White House is afraid of scrutiny" or "is hiding something."

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Hated when Bush played the exclusion game (although they tended to blacklist reporters and not whole networks... although I think they did blackball a couple of papers and magazines). This is not smart by the Obama WH just creates more of an us v them atmosphere and gives them credibility if they ever want to say... "The White House is afraid of scrutiny" or "is hiding something."
So much for post-partisanship. Hypocrisy, just like his speech in New Jersey the other night.
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From Fox's own article:

"What was averted was a very serious constitutional violation by the White House," Johnson said. "There cannot be selective and arbitrary access to the White House based on some subjective determination."

I agree with this. If the White House sincerely believes that the Fox News organization as a whole no longer deserves journalism credentials and full access, then they should make a proper case and not do it in a piece meal fashion.

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From Fox's own article:

"What was averted was a very serious constitutional violation by the White House," Johnson said. "There cannot be selective and arbitrary access to the White House based on some subjective determination." .

I don't think it is a Constitutional violation though. There are tons of media who are denied access all the time. Often, it's because they're too small, but the White House does constantly pick and choose who gets those seats and who gets to be a part of the press corp.

On the main subject, I think Obama's people just made a very dumb move, but I really don't think it is a "Constitutional violation"

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I don't think it is a Constitutional violation though. There are tons of media who are denied access all the time. Often, it's because they're too small, but the White House does constantly pick and choose who gets those seats and who gets to be a part of the press corp.

They need to do better than "we don't like you" if they are to exclude mainstream media.

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So this is the transparency administration, eh? Transparent as in "we'll share what you think is everything we're doing to our media puppets but if they dissent, blacklist for them?"

I don't think Obama is some totalitarian dictator, but honestly, he's making it harder and harder to defend him and his administration, not that I'll be defending either anytime soon.

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They need to do better than "we don't like you" if they are to exclude mainstream media.

I absolutely agree. And frankly, if FOX is a slanderous, libelous organization that can't be trusted and brokers mostly in deception, exageration and deceit... then they should fine the hell out of them or they should sue them. Excluding on the basis of hurt feelings is just pathetic looking and allows all the paranoids on the right to really believe that there is a liberal conspiracy between the media and a D government.

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So this is the transparency administration, eh? Transparent as in "we'll share what you think is everything we're doing to our media puppets but if they dissent, blacklist for them?"

I don't think Obama is some totalitarian dictator, but honestly, he's making it harder and harder to defend him and his administration, not that I'll be defending either anytime soon.

oy vey

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So much for post-partisanship. Hypocrisy, just like his speech in New Jersey the other night.

A politician being hypocritical? Oh my word, I'm shocked. I'm equally shocked that others who are silent when "their" guy is in office pretend to be indignant and surprised when the "other" guy does the exact same BS.

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A politician being hypocritical? Oh my word, I'm shocked. I'm equally shocked that others who are silent when "their" guy is in office pretend to be indignant and surprised when the "other" guy does the exact same BS.
So a candidate who ran on "change" and a promise of not continuing the "status-quo" in Washington, and who had a "grass roots" campaign that overwhelmingly stated that things could not stay the same in Washington, is now given a pass when they take what the previous admin was doing and one-ups it? Bush excluded reporters. Obama tried to exclude a network, and one of the largest at that. No free pass should be given. I have been saying this since 2004, the two party system is driving a wedge into this country and both sides are becoming more and more extreme. I hate to say it, but we are starting to politically resemble the African model: the victor tries to eliminate the opposition. We have not fallen into actual genocide of the opposition, but social extermination is being attempted - by the Reps and the Dems. All Dems have to say to create a base now is to mention the GOP. They took the battle plan of the GOP (making LIBERAL a 4 letter word) and expanded it. It is rather disgusting, and I am done with it.
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So a candidate who ran on "change" and a promise of not continuing the "status-quo" in Washington, and who had a "grass roots" campaign that overwhelmingly stated that things could not stay the same in Washington, is now given a pass when they take what the previous admin was doing and one-ups it? Bush excluded reporters. Obama tried to exclude a network, and one of the largest at that. No free pass should be given. I have been saying this since 2004, the two party system is driving a wedge into this country and both sides are becoming more and more extreme. I hate to say it, but we are starting to politically resemble the African model: the victor tries to eliminate the opposition. We have not fallen into actual genocide of the opposition, but social extermination is being attempted - by the Reps and the Dems. All Dems have to say to create a base now is to mention the GOP. They took the battle plan of the GOP (making LIBERAL a 4 letter word) and expanded it. It is rather disgusting, and I am done with it.

you took my thoughts and made them eloquent! great post!

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A politician being hypocritical? Oh my word, I'm shocked. I'm equally shocked that others who are silent when "their" guy is in office pretend to be indignant and surprised when the "other" guy does the exact same BS.

I'm equally shocked at your silence. :cool:

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