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Favorite Skins Memory of All-Time & The Past Decade


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Well ladies and gentleman. I'm sorry to put some positivity into this message board but it is needed. While all (well, most) of the hate being thrown around is well deserved, let's keep in mind that we are fans.

So I made this thread in honor of my 5,000th post & my birthday. Let's try to keep things in this thread positive.

What is you favorite memory as a Skins fan of all-time, and from the past 10 years?

All-Time - Super Bowl XXVI


Me and my dad went to my uncle's house to watch it on the big screen, even though my uncle and his family wasn't even there at the time. The game was epic. For me, the Redskins means family. Growing up, it was always my family watching the games together on Sundays. Parents, sibblings, grandparents, and usually extended family as well.

Past 10 Years - 2005 Season



I just loved that season as a whole. Every game was exciting to watch (minus the Giants and the "Wellington Mara Game" that i was in Vegas for). Santana had a ridiculous season. CP had a ridiculous season. Lavar got to go to and win a playoff game (we all loved him back then). Watching Gibbs on the sideline was amazing. Sean Taylor established himself as a force. The Monday Night Miracle. It was just a great season to be a fan of the Redskins.


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Nothing to add to your two choices Renegade, (the Monday night miracle NEVER gets old), save maybe' when the news Coach was coming back for his second go-around broke if were not talking solely games this past decade; and you could pick most any game from my favourite all time season back in '91. (The Oilers game at RFK when the English kid missed the chip shot late always stands out for two top teams at the very top of their games for some reason. The press conference the day after with him in tears having been cut I'll never forget.).


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All time is too difficult to nail down.

As for this decade.

No question the whole feeling around town and the two big wins in back to back weeks against Dallas and the Giants back in December of 2005. For younger fans, those two weeks were exactly like the "old days". I'd say that whole time was the high point of the decade. Things have gone south since.

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Congrats on 5K, RTK!

My favorite memory of all-time, other than our SB victories, was Darrell Green's TD punt return vs. the Bears in the 1987 playoffs (when he broke his rib);


I'll agree with you and say that my favorite memory of the past decade was our 2005 MNF comeback vs. the Pukes.




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All time is too difficult to nail down.

As for this decade.

No question the whole feeling around town and the two big wins in back to back weeks against Dallas and the Giants back in December of 2005. For younger fans, those two weeks were exactly like the "old days". I'd say that whole time was the high point of the decade. Things have gone south since.

can't really argue with you...it did kinda feel like the "old days."

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All time was the SB against the broncos. Getting down 0-10, and then storming back with 35 in the second quarter. (goose bumps)

This century, I'd say the Monday Night game against Dallas in Dallas. the 2 Moss bombs, then the tackle by ST21 to seal the deal. (shivers)

Honorable mention to the game against Dallas at home in 2005 when they just crushed them to get to 9-6 and go play Philly for the chance to get into the playoffs. They came out and whooped them that game.

Side note: You know, just a few years ago, 'Skins vs. Dallas was Gibbs vs. Parcells. Boy, the luster has come off of that coaching match up.

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I'd have to go with the playoff game against Chicago in 87'.

Darrell Green back to receive the punt and ran it back for a T.D.

It was a cold day there, and I remember Summeral commenting on how cold it was, and classic Madden replies "yea, your spit freezes, your hands, hec, ANYTHING hanging on you will freeze"

Summeral lost it at that point, me too.

I'd have to say that a particular play I liked a few years ago, when T.O. first got with the Eagles, and all the hoopla was about him, and he caught a sideline pass, then a "HELLO" snot-knocker put on him by ST, which caused him to fumble...

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Winning 4 games in a row at the end of 07 to make the playoffs. The emotional toll that season had on the entire organization and all the fans after Sean Taylor was murdered was channeled into the team, and we beat 4 quality opponents in a row. Winning against Dallas in week 17 brought tears to my eyes.

Sad, but that's the best I've got. I was only 3 when we won our last Super Bowl, so I don't remember it.

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For me it was.

Combining big December home games with playoffs on the line with two hated rivals also fighting for the playoffs and add the holidays. It was almost like I was 13 again. It felt really good.

Sorry Scruffy...you are understating how it felt...it felt really awesome! It was 180 degrees from the way things are now! I was so jacked up....because all the media experts said no way the Skins run the table...and the look on the guys at ESPN when the Skins blew out Dallas...PRICELESS! They all looked like they had just seen the end of the world.

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All time was Super Bowl 22. With 26 a close second.

Past decade? The Monday night miracle is close, but the victory over the Eagles on New Years Day 2006 to get us in the playoffs is it for me. The image of ST diving into the end zone to seal the playoff berth will stay with me forever. There was one other Redskins fan at the bar that day, we both knew exactly what was going through each others heads at that moment. That's the last time I hugged a total stranger.

Memories like that is why I'll never stop rooting for this team......

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My favorite all time memory would be my first trip to RFK. It was the last game of the 83 season, the Skins wore out the Giants, Riggo broke the single season TD record. Just a great day. After years of watching on TV it was surreal to actually be there. I didn't actually believe I was there until I saw Redskins painted in the end zone.

My favorite memory of the last decade would have to be the 05 playoff run. Everyone had given the Skins up for dead at 5-6. Then they just refused to lose. Monday Night Live still came on TV, Champs was packed and every episode ended with a raucus Hail to the Redskins.

Good times! Where have they gone?

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The final 3 weeks of the 2005 season (sweeping the division rivals) takes the cake over the past decade. To me, 2005 edges out 2007 because it felt like the start of a mini-Gibbs run. We still hadn't tasted the hype and disappointment of 2006. It truly felt like things were in place for 3-4 year run of dominance through the division.

By 2007, it felt like a farewell tour (which it turned out to be). By the time we made the playoffs in 2007, I had the feeling that a wild card was about the best we were capable of doing and, if we were going to win a Super Bowl during Gibbs II, it would have to be an unlikely run with Todd Collins.

My favorite memory of all-time is easily the 1987 playoff run. That was the first championship season I remember from start to finish (I was only 5 in 1982 though I do remember the game). I was so nervous for every game. Falling behind 14-0 to Chicago. Green's punt return. Taking the lead over Minnesota on that pass to Clark. Green's huge play on 4th and 3 in the end zone. Falling behind 10-0 to Denver. Sanders nearly fumbling away the next kickoff. Williams getting hurt. The Quarter!

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