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As a Skins fan, do you find yourself rooting against them?


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I will start by saying I am a die hard Skins fan through and through. Have been for many years.

On the contrary, I find myself wishing they lose every single game this year. Not because I wish bad on Zorn. I like the guy.

Why?....because my hope is that an 0-16 season will force the poor excuse of a front office to re-think their strategy in fielding a team and realize that the way they have gone about business in the past years is not working. Especially if they see the team go 0-16 (it pains me to say: UNFORTUNATELY they have won 2 games to this point)

I don't want to beat a dead horse but building a team exclusively through the draft is the way to go. Your offensive and defensive lines are the lifeblood of the team and concentrating on those positions are paramount to success.

(As a youngster, I always wished then GM Bobby Beathard would go for the high profile and flashy RB, QB or WR but time and time again, he was always dedicated to building that line - smart man - heck I could even through a few TD passes behind that quality line he built)

It seems that every single game they win leads everyone, front office included, into a false sense of getting to the promise land....without realizing the games they win are just flukes.

I'll get more satisfaction out of wins when I know the front office has a plan and the traditional proper structure for the organization to survive and prosper for the long haul (ex. N.E. Patriots)

...and maybe want to kiss the Lombardi Trophy a few times.

The only control I have is through wishing for them to lose every single game.

I can't make the fans boycott the games (which is long overdue and realize people we have more power than we think).

I can't make the fans stop buying the merchandise.

I can't force Snyder to sell the team.

It seems we are always rebuilding. It's just so darn disheartening to see other teams who have rebuilt two and three times (the right way) and gone on to do great things in the same span Snyder has owned the team.

It also pains me to know we have lost one generation (now going on 2 generations) of potential Skins fans because all they know of the Skins is a poor pathetic team and not the proud winning organization I grew up with.

Am I alone in my mindset in wishing for losses? I just want to know if anyone else feels the same way.

I want my proud organization back

Be heard

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i am with you that i want us to end up with the worst record in the league this season, but my reason is because we would finally be in a position to draft a franchise QB and not have to give up 2 arms and a leg (which snyder is gleefully willing to oblige) to get him. we would also be able to grab a top tier Olineman in the early 2nd/3rd. this draft is deep, and the talent at the top has star written on them and top talent is still going to be available in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. i hope we can snag mccoy, but bradford would do.

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personally no, but I have some friends who have been die-hards since gibbs 1 and share similar thoughts to you... their reasoning is this club needs to hit rock bottom before it move ahead in the correct manner...

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NO, and I am really annoyed that you do an still call yourself a fan. I want the team to pull it together and use the talent that is on the roster. i want them to win every remaining game. I would rather be wrong about vinny, danny, and every player i might doubt than to wish the team lose even a single game. not even for better draft position.

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It's kind of like having a drug addict for a relative. You don't condone their choices in life. You know those choices are detrimental to their health and while you don't want to see anything bad happen to them, you do kind of hope something happens that will open their eyes and seek real, professional help and correct the way they live.

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Exactly.... If you say yes turn in your Redskins Fan Card (our crappy FO has been selling them you didn't know? ;) )

Every year, I hope we go 19-0. If we lose, I find POSITIVES about the game instead of dwelling on the NEGATIVES. Either way, the next game, I forget about the L and cheer my ass off and hope we come away with the W. Yes even if it is UGLY.

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I don't personally subscribe to that, but I understand and fully appreciate those like the OP that have been beaten down by nigh on two decades of almost constant mediocrity that do.

The same way I fully understand and appreciate those that half want the QB to get injured to get anything in there to spark this anemic offense.

Years upon years of following a run-of-the-mill, consistently mediocre franchise will do that to a fan. Particularly one who's lived through the great times.


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