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As a Skins fan, do you find yourself rooting against them?


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No, and only because of how fickle the NFL is.

Look at the Cardinals last year. Have they built a "dynasty" that dominates year after year?

No, they haven't. But they got to the SB. I'd be fine having the Skins sneak in a steal a super bowl even if we have to claw into the playoffs and get hot at the right time. That's all you need in this league.

Sure, we're not looking at any dynasties for a LONG time (after Synder leaves), but that doesn't mean we can't get lucky one year and steal a trophy.

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jockey, dont feel bad about all these people hating on you. If we had lost to tampa like we prolly shouldve all these people woulda jumped off the bridge and been right there with you. That one win gave all these people just enough hope and good feelings to run on for one week.

I for one dont necessarily root for losses but definitely dont see anything wrong with em. I actually think they are better for the organization than wins at this point. And they absolutely are.

The problem is that all these people that will buy tickets and go root their hearts out for a 3-13 team. Its soooo dumb and its that behavior and never ending support that perpetuates the disaster this team is in.

Call it tough love. But that is exactly what this team needs right now.

The fact that you can realize it makes you a BETTER fan than all these retards that will blindly shell out cash and support the person that is running this team into the ground.

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We are only one quarter through this season and it feels like an eternity! Of course I don't root against the Redskins. I stick with the team. Would I like to see some changes in how management runs the team? Absolutely. Do I want them to lose on purpose to make these changes? No! I want them to go 16-0 every year. I get frustrated when they don't win and then don't make the necessary changes. That is where I get frustrated.

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No way do I want them to lose but this team hasn't beaten anybodys asses in years now. I was tired of it with Gibbs/Brunell and even then we still had 35-7 and a few others.

If only Gibbs didn't want that old washed up QB who had proven his whole career that he couldn't start a complete season healthy. I said at the time, Brunell was a good idea, as a back up to Ramsey. 40+ Mil 7 years isn't what you pay a backup though.

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I have and will in particular games, a couple hypothetical examples:

1. Skins and Raiders are both 2-13 and going against each other the last game, all other teams have at least 4 wins. The top pick in next year's draft appears rock-solid, but after that there are a lot of question marks. It's a position we really need. I'd root for the Raiders to win so we can get that pick and be better for multiple seasons, which will lead us to more playoffs, which imo is more important than the outcome of one game that is essentially meaningless otherwise.

2. Cowboys are 9-6, Lions are 10-5. If the Cowboys win and Lions lose, Cowboys make the playoffs with tiebreaks. The Cowboys play on Sunday and win, Redskins play Lions on Monday Night, and Redskins are 3-12 and winning the game does nothing for us. My hatred for the Cowboys would trump my desire to see the Skins beat the Lions (whom I also like). I'd pull for a loss so that the Cowboys miss the playoffs.

I don't hope we lose any games this season. If we do and it shakes things up for the better that's a possible silver lining, but not nearly as likely/certain a benefit as the above scenarios.

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So in other words, this is a thread asking, would you rather take a Big Picture/long term look at things or look at the short term and just win now no matter what.

Looks like Danny has conditioned the majority of you well.

He definitely has financial security.

That being said.... I could live with a 2-14 or 3-13 season IF it meant real change would come to the front office- mainly, Vinny Cerrato's dismissal.

But when Sunday comes, I always hope we win. These days though, I never expect a win. Not with this bunch. So when they do win, it's always a pleasant suprise.

And that is sad....especially when you consider that this franchise used to be expected to win on most Sundays and be a contender.

We've fallen a long ways.

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i will start by saying i am a die hard skins fan through and through. Have been for many years.

On the contrary, i find myself wishing they lose every single game this year. Not because i wish bad on zorn. I like the guy.

Why?....because my hope is that an 0-16 season will force the poor excuse of a front office to re-think their strategy in fielding a team and realize that the way they have gone about business in the past years is not working. Especially if they see the team go 0-16 (it pains me to say: Unfortunately they have won 2 games to this point)

i don't want to beat a dead horse but building a team exclusively through the draft is the way to go. Your offensive and defensive lines are the lifeblood of the team and concentrating on those positions are paramount to success.

(as a youngster, i always wished then gm bobby beathard would go for the high profile and flashy rb, qb or wr but time and time again, he was always dedicated to building that line - smart man - heck i could even through a few td passes behind that quality line he built)

it seems that every single game they win leads everyone, front office included, into a false sense of getting to the promise land....without realizing the games they win are just flukes.

I'll get more satisfaction out of wins when i know the front office has a plan and the traditional proper structure for the organization to survive and prosper for the long haul (ex. N.e. Patriots)

...and maybe want to kiss the lombardi trophy a few times.

The only control i have is through wishing for them to lose every single game.

I can't make the fans boycott the games (which is long overdue and realize people we have more power than we think).

I can't make the fans stop buying the merchandise.

I can't force snyder to sell the team.

It seems we are always rebuilding. It's just so darn disheartening to see other teams who have rebuilt two and three times (the right way) and gone on to do great things in the same span snyder has owned the team.

It also pains me to know we have lost one generation (now going on 2 generations) of potential skins fans because all they know of the skins is a poor pathetic team and not the proud winning organization i grew up with.

Am i alone in my mindset in wishing for losses? I just want to know if anyone else feels the same way.

I want my proud organization back

be heard

get the hell outta here with this nonsense!!

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I don't think you guys should be so hard on the OP. He's obviously looking at the big picture. I agree with most of you that it's wrong to simply root against your team, but it certainly muddles the picture when there's a good chance for change should the team have a terrible record come January.

I also think the OP could have worded it a little better. Again, you shouldn't ROOT for your team to lose, but you should definitely WISH and HOPE for better things to come, but those things will only seemingly come if the team fails.

Hypothetically speaking, would you want us to go winless the rest of this season if we were guaranteed to become a perennial playoff contender for the coming years, or win 8 games this season with the same gameplan for the coming years, with no glimpse of change in sight?

It's actually a pretty intriguing question.

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I can't say that I'm rooting against them, but I will say losses don't hurt anymore. Not in the least. Losses once hurt alot and would take days to get over. Now when we lose, I shrug my shoulders. I feel nothing.

I guess I kind of see where you're coming from in that, while I don't root for the Skins to lose, when they have struggled against the Rams and Bucs and lost to the Lions there was a part of me that felt good and hoped that these debacles would hit Danny and maybe just maybe force him to realize that his organization is a mess and that he needs to give the keys to somebody who knows what they are doing.

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not a chance in hell

you don't know what's going on, nor know what will happen as the season progresses. I hope the team gets it together and have a good season.

I hate to get on you of all people, but we say this every year. "It's gonna get better." "It can't get much worse." "We're making progress." I definitely feel what the OP is trying to say. It's a shame that it's come to this, but it's almost a blessing that next year may be an uncapped year. There are a LOT of good free agents out there after this season (I'm sure it's by design). I know everyone is against FAs and say you should build through the draft, but next year may give us an opportunity to finally blow this team up and allow us to have a couple of 5-8 win seasons instead of 3-4 win seasons while we are rebuilding our core.

If only Gibbs knew the damage he would do this team by leaving to spend more time with his family (his NASCAR family, that is)... *sigh*

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I hate to get on you of all people, but we say this every year. "It's gonna get better." "It can't get much worse." "We're making progress." I definitely feel what the OP is trying to say. It's a shame that it's come to this, but it's almost a blessing that next year may be an uncapped year. There are a LOT of good free agents out there after this season (I'm sure it's by design). I know everyone is against FAs and say you should build through the draft, but next year may give us an opportunity to finally blow this team up and allow us to have a couple of 5-8 win seasons instead of 3-4 win seasons while we are rebuilding our core.

If only Gibbs knew the damage he would do this team by leaving to spend more time with his family (his NASCAR family, that is)... *sigh*

First, I don't blame Gibbs at all for leaving. He has the right to not care about the franchise after his departure. He may or may not have known about this "damage" you speak of following his retiring, but as far as I'm concerned, he's done enough for us, and frankly just came back from the comfort of NASCAR to help out Snyder who was willing to give him a fat paycheck.

Secondly, dishing out big bucks to FAs next season will be a disaster. When the next capped year comes around, those fat contracts we made in 2010 will still be there, and most likely count against that year's cap. So to combat this, we would give huge signing bonuses, and try not to put as much on the back end of the contract. What does this do? Makes players lazy. They already got paid--what do they care? Sounds alot like our current situation, doesn't it?

An uncapped year should be used to get out of our existing contracts with overpriced players. Pay them off, kick them out the door, and start fresh.

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I'm 100% with the OP on this. Little Napoleon is never gonna sell the team. The ONLY chance I have in my lifetime of seeing a winning franchise again is for him to finally realize that he doesn't know what the heck he's doing and he finally hires someone who does.

The only way that happens is for the bottom to completely fall out.

So, yes, though I've been a fan for 38 years, I have been rooting against the Skins this season.

I think of it as fighting a forest fire by setting a fireline in front of the blaze.

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Oddly enought, yes, I do sometimes. I more or want Synder to be humiliated as a result of how he has ruined this franchise.
I'm 100% with the OP on this. Little Napoleon is never gonna sell the team. The ONLY chance I have in my lifetime of seeing a winning franchise again is for him to finally realize that he doesn't know what the heck he's doing and he finally hires someone who does.

The only way that happens is for the bottom to completely fall out.

So, yes, though I've been a fan for 38 years, I have been rooting against the Skins this season.

I think of it as fighting a forest fire by setting a fireline in front of the blaze.

Neither of you are fans. You don't root against your team.

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