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As a Skins fan, do you find yourself rooting against them?


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I know it isn't a popular opinion, but Snyder will be the man when there is no cap. He's the guy you want... the man with the bread to by the best of the best.

It will be Skins vs the Boy's again! Can't wait.

Forgive stupid question what happens in 2011 if a new CBA is approved? And the Redskins have way too many contracts for the new cap?

Are we in Cap Hell for a few years?

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Forgive stupid question what happens in 2011 if a new CBA is approved? And the Redskins have way too many contracts for the new cap?

Are we in Cap Hell for a few years?

Not a stupid question at all but a good point. I would imagine that there is no way the union would go along with a new cap. If there were, some kind of grandfather clause would kick in. Dan is the man when It comes to the cap. He could sign all the great players in the league with his cash. We will have so many prime pro-bowl players that we will undoubtedly win big a couple of times.

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So the way you choose to root for your team is to root for them to lose?

How are you helping us any more than Cowboys fans are? You're not.

You're not fans. Neither of you. I don't need a badge to see that.

It's called tough-love. And I don't think any of us actually root for them to lose, as in dress up in the opposing team's colors and cheer madly when we throw a pick-6. We just watch the game somberly and hope the Skins lose but are still pleased when/if we play well and win, at least that's what I've done the times I've hoped for a loss.

If I can bring a perhaps terrible real-life analogy, my sister was wild in high school, and getting into more and more dangerous things. One day she and her friend "borrowed" a car from someone and a cop caught them. My mom was really conflicted and so was I--would it be better for my sister's future if we could get this quashed as if it never happened, or would a short time in jail wake her up, possibly avoiding much more serious problems or even death in the near future?

Well the decision was on the victim of the theft, and it was a month or more before it was made to not press charges, but my sister got pretty scared (and spent a bit of time in jail) and after that she was a lot smarter in her choices.

Sometimes rooting for something bad to happen is done because you're thinking of the best long-term interests. It doesn't make you a bad fan, or bad brother, it just means you think that the long-term consequences are more important in this one case than the short-term loss.

On the other hand, if you root root root for you team or sister etc. no matter what they're doing, perhaps you're an enabler.

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Not a stupid question at all but a good point. I would imagine that there is no way the union would go along with a new cap. If there were, some kind of grandfather clause would kick in. Dan is the man when It comes to the cap. He could sign all the great players in the league with his cash. We will have so many prime pro-bowl players that we will undoubtedly win big a couple of times.

WHY would you want all of these pro-bowlers if there is no cap? You say Dan is the man when it comes to the cap--I mean, when has this team TRULY been affected by the cap? Logic would say that since Snyder is so good at manipulating the cap, what's to stop him from getting high-priced players RIGHT NOW? He already does this. For the mostpart, he gets whatever FA he wants. He's shown it time and time again.

The fact of the matter is, if Snyder went out and got a bunch of big names, we'd be in the same boat we've always been in. Get high-priced free agents who don't care about the team. We'd waste a ton of money and time, and go 8-8. But hey, Snyder would maybe sell a few more jerseys in the process.

Snyder says "Been there, done that."

Time to build like a real team, cap or no cap.

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Sometimes.. Down deep I dont mean it, but I've said numberours times that I wish/hope we loose to "teach us a lesson".. Unfortunately, these players get paid so much, loosing probably doesnt hurt all that much.. Not to mention the team doesnt seem to have a lick of pride or enthusiasm.. So, I cant say I root for them to loose, but I sometimes wish they'd do bad so it'd be obvious that a change needs to be made. (Yet even when they do bad, nothing ever seems to change.. Go figure)

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I hate this team from top to bottom as my passion for this team decreases each day snyder is in charge. When I think of this team now I think of Snyder, greed, overpaid and underperforming. Im just sick of it all. I have had season tickets forever and I will have no problem unloading them to dallas, eagles and giant fans. My loyalty is shattered and I blame it on the way this managment has run this team into the ground.

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NEVER THAT!!..But we do have major problems to deal with, concerning players, FO AND FANS before we get back to winning again.

It may be the new age but I have never seen the focus on pre-game activities rather the game in itself!! In my 30+ years as a Redskins fan...The Redskins games was ALWAYS raucous but now a days there's barely a whimper.

Myspace and facebook is just what they are and have enough followings where we do not have to place focus on setting up sites to arrange, outside the stadium tailgates and meetings...

Before we start placing the blame at everyone else, we HAVE to realize that we, as fans have a duty to maintain support for the T-E-A-M!!

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