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As a Skins fan, do you find yourself rooting against them?


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Years upon years of following a run-of-the-mill, consistently mediocre franchise will do that to a fan. Particularly one who's lived through the great times.


I think the near decade of being in 8-8 purgatory is just the tip of the iceberg. The fact we as a fanbase are essentially taken for granted is starting to wear on us. When the team is caught red handed selling tickets to re-sellers and at the same time sues their own fans for doing the same thing, it tends to rub people the wrong way. Paying the outrageous prices to go to FedEx, seeing all of the opposing team fans there and as you take a sip of your $9 beer looking up to see the majesty of our lite-brite minitron? That video screen is a joke, especially considering down the road in their brand new stadium the Ravens are already REPLACING the giant screens they have. What the hell is going on?

Season after season of paying premium prices for an underwhelming stadium experience and to watch a team go 8-8 tends to grate on you after a while.

That is why people boo, that is why people root for injuries, that is why people hope for monumental failure. The fans are a reflection of the owner.

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I think the near decade of being in 8-8 purgatory is just the tip of the iceberg. The fact we as a fanbase are essentially taken for granted is starting to wear on us. When the team is caught red handed selling tickets to re-sellers and at the same time sues their own fans for doing the same thing, it tends to rub people the wrong way. Paying the outrageous prices to go to FedEx, seeing all of the opposing team fans there and as you take a sip of your $9 beer looking up to see the majesty of our lite-brite minitron? That video screen is a joke, especially considering down the road in their brand new stadium the Ravens are already REPLACING the giant screens they have. What the hell is going on?

Season after season of paying premium prices for an underwhelming stadium experience and to watch a team go 8-8 tends to grate on you after a while.

That is why people boo, that is why people root for injuries, that is why people hope for monumental failure. The fans are a reflection of the owner.

No the fans are are a reflection of a society. I know there seems to be an awful lot of posters on here who constantly seem to be on their periods and like nothing better than to ***** and moan but I am sorry if you start rooting for injuries ( you should have been so happy a couple of years ago around November time - "Sean Taylor so injured he is dead wooohooo 0-16 here we come") and hope for monumental failure then really find something else to do on a Sunday ...seriously . If you are sick of being "taken for granted" then here is a radical thought ... stop going to the games, stop buying the $9 beers ...really you cannot get through three hours without alcohol ? wow ...

Sport is supposed to be an escape a game something to watch to enjoy yourself . If you cannot do that then stop watching ...its that simple ....

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It seems we are always rebuilding. It's just so darn disheartening to see other teams who have rebuilt two and three times (the right way) and gone on to do great things in the same span Snyder has owned the team.

This is very painful. If I can recall the steelers have rebuilt at least twice since '99. And even Mike Tomlin was on record as saying that in today's NFL you have to be prepared to accept a totally different roster ALMOST every year, if not every 3 years. Its the "system" and the guys you decide to bring in that will fit the system and hopefully minmize the learning curve. So it shouldn't be about keeping the same players over the long haul but at least keeping the same coaching staff around longer then 2 years, imo.

i am with you that i want us to end up with the worst record in the league this season, but my reason is because we would finally be in a position to draft a franchise QB and not have to give up 2 arms and a leg (which snyder is gleefully willing to oblige) to get him. we would also be able to grab a top tier Olineman in the early 2nd/3rd. this draft is deep, and the talent at the top has star written on them and top talent is still going to be available in the 2nd and 3rd rounds. i hope we can snag mccoy, but bradford would do.

And this is the thought process that screws us everytime. I say trade every damn 1st rounder you can for bottom 1st/2nd round or 2nds and 3rds because that's where you get the most value. I'm tired of high risk draft prospects. I'll take a Chris Cooley, Clinton Portis pick outside of the 1st round and go there.

As much as some of you hate Bill Bellichek that dude has been on record saying "I want nothing to do w/ the top 13-16 picks in the 1st round...give me 3rd rounders all day." Suffice to say i thnk they have somewhere between 2-3 1st rounders this year:doh:

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Nope I'm hoping that things click.

Then we draft linemen, linemen, linemen and a homerun threat at RB.

Then find a scientist and fashion designer to make a pair of football gloves that will do to Carlos rogers hands what speedo swimtrunks did for olympic swimming... have people saying wow, and who is that?

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I understand the sentiment of the OP.

I even agree to an extent. I have been saying for the past few weeks that I hope 1 of 2 scenarios comes true for this team.

Scenario 1: Jim Zorn learns to call plays, Jason learns to look at more than just his first read on passing plays and we end up going 11-5/12-4 and shaking up **** in the playoffs. Giving us some good momentum to build off of, with a solid QB/Coaching combo for years to come.

Scenario 2: We go 5-11/4-12, there's no doubt what needs to happen with the team/FO and we restructure the FO, bring in a real GM, start to get rid of some of the dead weight & bloated contracts on this team right now and really rebuild a team that's got its eye on being a consistent winner for years to come.

I get where the OP is coming from. If the team is just going to be mediocre at best, I'd rather them be terrible and we know what we have and what needs to happen. Every year we have this up and down ending just missing the playoffs, or sneaking in there if all the stars align. Then during the offseason we think we're just 1 guy away from being a contender and it's never the case. But I'll always root for my team, I always want to see them win. I'd take scenario 1 any day, but if you told me the Redskins would end 8-8/9-7 leaving us scratching our heads wondering are they just a piece away from being a contender or are they just a mirage, I'd prefer scenario 2, because we've been just 1 piece away for too many years.

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