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WPC: Cerrato: Redskins “adding a set of eyes”


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IMHO, this is a BAD move.

Vinny and Danny need to really think thru about what they want to do, and do it with the integrity.

I feel for coach Jim Zorn. He really wasn't given an opportunity to succeed. He did have an opportunity to pick his assistant coaches, and a QB that fit his offensive vision. He was given hand me downs, and poor ones at that.

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It's my hypothesis that Lewis is there to report to Snyder and Cerrato about his feelings on Zorn's operation here, to review film on Jason, make recommendations for benefit in the short term but mainly to give Snyder an outsider's impression of what Zorn is doing right or wrong.

It is interesting but it would be funny if Lewis told them that Zorn's play design looks OK but it's the timing and the QB execution. It may be Zorn's "stay" of execution except that he may be asked to make certain personnel changes--will he? I don't know. It may be that Lewis finds he's not communicating something to the offense and by doing so, he's failing as a coach.

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Cerrato says this is all his idea. Not Dan Snyder’s. Cerrato came up with it on Monday and cleared it with Jim Zorn, whose job security is obviously threatened by such a move that was twice before replicated in the Snyder era, including Bill Arnsparger “helping” defensive coordinator Mike Nolan, whose contract soon expired and wasn’t invited back.

Funny...Nolan was the one who Snyder canned at the end of the year due to the vanilla ice cream flap...and why we have the worst owner in the league (not including Al Davis):


Early that season, after a Redskins loss, Snyder told Nolan that his defensive calls were “too vanilla.” Like the other coaches, Nolan had figured out by then that trying to explain football to Snyder was pointless, since he already had the game figured out. A few days later a gallon of 31 Flavors ice cream showed up on Nolan’s desk with a note that said, “This is what I like. Not vanilla.”

Nolan laughed and sent Snyder a note: “Thanks for the ice cream. My kids enjoyed it.”

“The first time it was actually kind of funny,” Nolan said. “I didn’t mind it at all.”

The next time wasn’t as funny.

The Redskins lost on the road to Dallas, and Nolan went into his office late Sunday night to start looking at game tape. When he arrived, there were three giant canisters of melting 31 Flavors ice cream on his desk with another note: “I wasn’t joking. I do
like vanilla.”

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He did have an opportunity to pick his assistant coaches, and a QB that fit his offensive vision. He was given hand me downs, and poor ones at that.

They should have upped the ante for Cutler. I really think you'd see more from the Zorn offense (though I don't know how much more) if they'd have done that and I don't know if Zorn wasn't involved in those attempts to get Sanchez or Cutler.

I have to say, if Snyder and Cerrato wanted continuity on D, they should have just kept Gregg Williams and screw who you get along with personally.

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It's my hypothesis that Lewis is there to report to Snyder and Cerrato about his feelings on Zorn's operation here, to review film on Jason, make recommendations for benefit in the short term but mainly to give Snyder an outsider's impression of what Zorn is doing right or wrong.

It is interesting but it would be funny if Lewis told them that Zorn's play design looks OK but it's the timing and the QB execution. It may be Zorn's "stay" of execution except that he may be asked to make certain personnel changes--will he? I don't know. It may be that Lewis finds he's not communicating something to the offense and by doing so, he's failing as a coach.

This is a very astute observation. If there is a breakdown, it may be between Sherm Smith and Campbell. The conclusion may be that Smith is the weak link and that Campbell simply doesn't have "it".

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I dont think it's just you my friend. I remember last year when Vinny told us he wasn't talking to Miami and then like an hour later told us he had spoken to them three times that day.

I still give him a pass on the no talks with Miami thing as I've always viewed it as being in the best interests of the team.

This though is a bit odd. As Art & I were in the hotel that weekend & know from Sonny that they were up that night with the ice cream party Dan had going on that night. I've no idea if Vinny was attending that, interviewing Sherm, on in his room. So, given that, maybe Vinny is being on the level with Sherm not interviewing in Detroit. :whoknows:

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They should have upped the ante for Cutler. I really think you'd see more from the Zorn offense (though I don't know how much more) if they'd have done that and I don't know if Zorn wasn't involved in those attempts to get Sanchez or Cutler.

I have to say, if Snyder and Cerrato wanted continuity on D, they should have just kept Gregg Williams and screw who you get along with personally.

I agree with alot of what you have stated here in this post. However, Williams was not a "yes" man and he wasn't going to be used as a puppet. Snyder is going to have a "yes" man in place until he hires someone like Shanaha, Holmgen or possibly Cowher. I don't think Cowher would come here though.

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Does this guy know the path from the redzone to the endzone? Does he know how to score TDs in the first half? If so this may help.

The way I see it is Zorn needed some sort counterbalance to his play calling. If I remember correctly the current OC is a former running backs coach and didn't have playcalling experience previously.

I think we all knew something needed to be done to improve the offensive production. I don't know if this is a too many cooks in the kitchen situation until I see the outcome at Carolina, but man for all the shots Zorn has taken for bland predictable playcalling I didn't expect this reaction from the fans. :whoknows:

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Talk about being desperate. Especially for Vinny.


Not the first time they have done it. Remember the Nolan experiment and the "consultant" they brought in.

Doh someone beat me to it!

The Ice Cream is classic Snyder. Kind of funny in a way, but kind of a reflection of things to come.

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Lewis has been out of the game for 5 years...is he really going to be that great of a "consultant"?

Here's what happens when a company hires a consultant...

- Management identifies a problem (that the workers already know)

- Management tries to figure it out (without speaking to the workers)

- Management hires a consultant or a team of consultants to analyze the problem (that the workers feel is unnecessary)

- Consultant comes back with a solution that not necessarily the best solution (the best solution could have already been suggested by the workers)

- Consultant gets paid big bucks & some workers lose their jobs (workers get pissed and now have to hard harder causing more dysfunction)

It's a damn Dilbert cartoon!

More evidence that Zorn is gone next year. Hopefully, Vinny is too.

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Check the other thread on this.

In there, the theory is Lewis is being brought in as a convenience to getting past the Rooney rule, clearing a quick path for a Shanahan or like hire in January.

Why wait until January though? The seasons not lost. Its not ideal to bring in a new coach in the middle of the year but doing that would ensure that the guy we want is here before he lands somewhere else. The Rooney rule is negated by interviewing Blanche for the job

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I still give him a pass on the no talks with Miami thing as I've always viewed it as being in the best interests of the team.

This though is a bit odd. As Art & I were in the hotel that weekend & know from Sonny that they were up that night with the ice cream party Dan had going on that night. I've no idea if Vinny was attending that, interviewing Sherm, on in his room. So, given that, maybe Vinny is being on the level with Sherm not interviewing in Detroit. :whoknows:

Well, Lewis probably lives in Michigan and is a former employee of the Lions, so him being there doesn't strike me as unusual.

As for the speculation, sometimes things are what they are and that he's just here to help.

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