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WPC: Cerrato: Redskins “adding a set of eyes”


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Cerrato: Redskins “adding a set of eyes”

Redskins vice president Vinny Cerrato defended the hiring of “offensive consultant” Sherman Lewis on a conference call, saying it was merely the chance to gain experienced help.

Sure, and the egg producers asked the Easter Bunny to come by for a chat.

Cerrato and the media has largely been at odds for many years, mostly because the Redskins official seldom talks and even then later admits to deception. So, his word doesn’t mean much.

But let’s give Cerrato’s side first.

Cerrato says this is all his idea. Not Dan Snyder’s. Cerrato came up with it on Monday and cleared it with Jim Zorn, whose job security is obviously threatened by such a move that was twice before replicated in the Snyder era, including Bill Arnsparger “helping” defensive coordinator Mike Nolan, whose contract soon expired and wasn’t invited back.

“All we’re doing is adding a set of eyes,” Cerrato said. “We have had some struggles and thought that it was a good time to bring in a fresh set of eyes to see if there’s anything the fresh set of eyes can help us. You bring in a guy to see if there’s any help he can give.”

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Is it just me or did it seem rather odd that Vinny said Sherm was in the team hotel at Detroit, but he & Zorn didn't talk about bringing in a fresh set of eyes until yesterday?

I dont think it's just you my friend. I remember last year when Vinny told us he wasn't talking to Miami and then like an hour later told us he had spoken to them three times that day.

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All Vinny does is try to do damage control. He should have brought somebody in the off-season to help. There must be a million articles about this teams lack of coaching experience in that area. He must have his head buried in the sand. BTW - I'm a Zorn supporter and hope he succeeds.

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I dont think it's just you my friend. I remember last year when Vinny told us he wasn't talking to Miami and then like an hour later told us he had spoken to them three times that day.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that this was in the works before Monday, probably last week. I also thought it was interesting that Zorn had said the team was off from film study on Monday. I bet the coaches were with Sherm breaking down film.

I don't agree that it spells doom for Zorn, tho. I don't really know how much of a threat a guy who has been out of football for 5 years is.

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Is it just me or did it seem rather odd that Vinny said Sherm was in the team hotel at Detroit, but he & Zorn didn't talk about bringing in a fresh set of eyes until yesterday?

For all we know they gave Zorn the benefit of the doubt because he's had just 1 season and the team did finish 8-8. But, then the offense struggles again early on, Vinny or Snyder or whomever gets the idea to bring in a consultant since they've done it before. But, it's early in the season, don;t want to jump the gun. Then Vinny sees Sherm, a 25 year vet in the WCO, and then the Skins lose to the lowly Lions. But, he still wants to give Zorn a chance, maybe the Lions loss is a wake up call, but the team struggles for the first half against Tampa, so despite rallying for the W, Vinny feels now it's ok to bring in a consultant.

However, that's just one conspiracy theory among the many already forming, point being we don't really know. I do like that it was discussed with Zorn first, I do like that we're bringing in more experience. But, this move does seem odd right after a win. But, we'll have to wait and see how it pans out.

One thing is for sure, Sherman Lewis won't be able to turn everything around immediately, and people shouldn't expect a major turnaround for this coming Sunday. He has to get comfortable with the team, has to study them like he will, which takes time.

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This looks to be more like a subtle start for change; bringing in Sherm to do his "observation" of the lack of offensive firepower and his suggestions on how to improve it.

Depending on how the rest of the season goes, will impact whether or not the push for Holmgren starts. I believe that barring a big turnaround, Sherm is there to get things organized for Holmgren to come in next year.

Uh, huhuhuhuh huhuh....I said organ...

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However, that's just one conspiracy theory among the many already forming, point being we don't really know. I do like that it was discussed with Zorn first, I do like that we're bringing in more experience. But, this move does seem odd right after a win. But, we'll have to wait and see how it pans out.

As I said, I think the actual conversations started last week. After a loss like that in Detroit, I'm sure there were a lot of thoughts along those lines.

The difference between this and other consultants is that Lewis is from the same coaching tree. While I agree that something like this should have been done in the offseason, I think it will only hurt Zorn if he can't turn it around, which is the situation he's in anyways. It only just reinforces what we already know.

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Can't Zorn take a hint. They are trying to push him out. What other head coach would be happy about a consultant?? It's a transitional move for sure. When Zorn is fired in the next two weeks, the "Consultant" will be there to help transition the new coach and get him up to speed.

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