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What if campbell won't re-sign


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I wouldnt come back if I was JC, no matter how much money they offered me

I will support him wherever he goes

Assuming you mean unless they are playing the Redskins, I'm with you. I feel bad for Campbell, and I think he got a raw deal here. If he leaves after this year, I bet he will be successful somewhere else. Especially if that place is Minnesota.

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I think it is kind of silly after looking at Ryan, Flacco, and now Sanchez that people just assume that a new QB will set us back 5 years. QB can succeed in the NFL, but you need to have a good GM who knows talent and a coach that will be around a while and have them pick a QB that will fit the system. Since we don't have and apparently never will have that set up, we will struggle. Struggle and look on while teams like the Ravens find a guy and have success right away.

You can't even begin to compare any of those teams offensive lines to ours the second half of last season. People that comparing the rookie QB's vs ours/Oline are comparing the incomparable

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No I got Jason going to the texans and reuniting with Andrea Johnson. The texans would be perfect for Jason because he could really manage the game while throwing to an elite WR. I dont want Jason to leave because I know he is good, but some redskins are silly. They expect Jason to do everyones job on the team. Moss drops the ball and fumbles and you hear "Jason its all your fault" I dont know what to say to things like that...

reuniting with andre johnson?

seeing as campbell went to Auburn and Johnson went to the u.I think you just have a man crush on campbell...plus what have the texans ever done?

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I love this perceived insult and disgraceful treatment of him that people still hold against this organization.

They tried to upgrade the most important position on the team after an abject year of mediocrity from a Campbell led offense, without which we'd of at the least been a play off team in '08; with an EXCEPTIONALLY rare commodity that hardly EVER comes on the open market, a young, talented, young man well on his way to becoming a top echelon player at the position in many an opinion, and something we've not had around here in eons, a true franchise QB.

How disgraceful of the Washington Redskins to look to upgrade any position, let alone the most important of all. I mean after all the rolling success and production we've had with the current superstar starter, how dare th..... ahhhh..... :doh:

Last time I checked, were 'sposed to be in the winning business, not the sentiment business because a guy's real likable off the field, however unproductive he may be on it.

As for the "what if he won't re-sign" question:

One can only hope this year he finally shows the type of production from a first round vet that we've yet to see in his career thus far and that question is at least on the table to be answered next off-season.


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I think it is kind of silly after looking at Ryan, Flacco, and now Sanchez that people just assume that a new QB will set us back 5 years. QB can succeed in the NFL, but you need to have a good GM who knows talent and a coach that will be around a while and have them pick a QB that will fit the system. Since we don't have and apparently never will have that set up, we will struggle. Struggle and look on while teams like the Ravens find a guy and have success right away.

Although I think it's a little early to be thinking about offseason stuff, I definitely agree with your point. This team will continually be handcuffed due to the lack of a proven GM. Vinny, IMHO, is just like us, but has a cushy job and is getting paid like an Ozzie Newsome even though he's not even close to being in that class of FO executives.

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No I got Jason going to the texans and reuniting with Andrea Johnson. The texans would be perfect for Jason because he could really manage the game while throwing to an elite WR. I dont want Jason to leave because I know he is good, but some redskins are silly. They expect Jason to do everyones job on the team. Moss drops the ball and fumbles and you hear "Jason its all your fault" I dont know what to say to things like that...

Besides Jason not going to college with AJ unless Schaub continues to suffer with injuries I see no way he starts over Matt.

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No I got Jason going to the texans and reuniting with Andrea Johnson. The texans would be perfect for Jason because he could really manage the game while throwing to an elite WR. I dont want Jason to leave because I know he is good, but some redskins are silly. They expect Jason to do everyones job on the team. Moss drops the ball and fumbles and you hear "Jason its all your fault" I dont know what to say to things like that...

Is this his drag name????????

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also if there is no cap I think him and carlos get extended a year

they would be RFA's

but there's no rule that says guys under contract have to show up. If he didn't want to re-sign with the Skins and they matched an offer from someone else he could stay home and demand a trade.

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Let me preface this with the fact I think Jason Campbell is a nice guy, and even good people can disagree about anything.....

1. If as the OP kinda said: If Campbell plays "lights out" from now on (he has NOT so far), as the kind of QB we've been waiting for him to become, then we should offer him an appropriate contract, a nice one, but not a six - ten year contract, and not "highest paid QB in NFL" either. And I'd be happy to have him back.

If Campbell walks from that, good for him if he can get the same or more elsewhere, because he has not earned any better deal here.

2. If Campbell plays as he has been, where statistically he improves as he has just about every season, still slow read and release, but still middle of the road, offer him an appropriate contract, an average one. I'd be OK if he stayed, but we need a better long-term solution.

Again, if Campbell walks from that, good for him if he gets the same of better elsewhere. We need to move on anyways.

3. If Campbell plays like he did against the Giants and Rams, where one game he gives the game away, and in the other he's strictly average as a QB, we should offer him a minimal contract, and I hope he's gone or becomes our "vet backup" as soon as we draft or sign someone decent.

Again, wish him well personally, and good for him if he signs on with another team.

I'm sure what happens In Real Life is going to be less cut-and-dried, as well as what needs to be done about it, but that's what I think on the matter.

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I don't know if anyone has considered the possibility of Campbell not wanting to re-sign.

You know I actually have, but I don't know with the state of things in the skins organization that we could get that lucky, chances are after the off season and every thing JC was put through, he probably will resign just to punish us, and we sure don't know enough about football to actually let JC walk.

I say a very cap unfriendly contract that will hang us cap wise for the next 4 years, JC is close to making a career out of doing nothing.

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Id like a quarterback who can "make" all the throws.

Jason can make all the throws. Some are better than others. Jason, despite what some might say is a good QB. No he's not elite but with the right parts around he can have a long career in DC. The point of this thread is we need to realize that the cups half full, not half empty, but if the fan and front office don't get a cluel, he's gonna really be gone. I'm just wondering if we're gonna regret him leaving like we have so many other good QB's we've had in DC.

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This commercial is hilarious!!

But not to get off topic, JC is a very underrated qb. After 8 games last season, he was at the top of alot of experts' list for mid-season MVP. Then alotta stuff happened, JC's production went downhill as did the 08 Skins. It jus baffles me how ppl always seem to place the blame squarely on the shoulders of JC....to hell with all that talk about "the qb shuld be responsible for the teams success/failure, he's the primary reason for....."

I'm gettn tired of hearin it!! So what he doesnt go out evry sunday & put up Drew Brees numbers, he's a good QB who doesnt throw the ball to the other team, and steadily shows improvement evry season.

For whtevr reason, he hasnt lived up to sum of the fan-base' standard for a QB but i dont see any signs of him regressing any time soon; but what i do see from him is promise for the future as he keeps gettin better and better.

If JC play terrible this season, I wuldnt blame us for lettin him walk. But if he lights it up, it wuld be a mistake (one that this organizations seems to make quite often) to let him walk.

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reuniting with andre johnson?

seeing as campbell went to Auburn and Johnson went to the u.I think you just have a man crush on campbell...plus what have the texans ever done?

I had a feeling I was wrong on that, but no I dont have a man crush on Jason. I think you may have one with all the hating you guys be doing. Hate is the new love and besides the texans Wr Johnson is really good.

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