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Lots of People Love Obama, But Does Anyone in the World Really Fear Him?


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More Jimmy Carter part Duex stuff;

"It may seem rather unkind to express some serious doubts about US President Barack Obama just now. He is wowing the UN with talk of nuclear disarmament. He is mesmerising the Group of 20 with talk of global recovery. He is leading a policy review that talks of winning in Afghanistan and he will not send more troops in response to the request of the US military commander in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal, without deeper talks.

He has stirred hearts in the Middle East with talk of peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians. And from October 1 he will be talking directly with the Iranians in pursuit of his talk of stopping Tehran from getting nuclear weapons.

It's a lot of very impressive talk. And yet, and yet...

Machiavelli said for a prince it is better to be feared than to be loved.

For much of his presidency, most of the world feared George W. Bush. For a brief, shining moment after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, America's enemies feared Bush, while almost all the rest of the world loved him.

That is the perfect situation for any US president. It can't be sustained, of course, and Bush squandered the love part of the equation much more quickly and much more comprehensively than he should have. But he never lost the fear bit........."

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It's apparent that a lot of people fear him. Why else would there be such a concerted effort to spread incorrect info about him?

Maybe but isn't it a bit worrisome that it is only Americans that fear him (oh and our closest friends - ie this Australian writer)?

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Machiavelli was a racist.

For a brief, shining moment after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, America's enemies feared Bush, while almost all the rest of the world loved him.

That is the perfect situation for any US president.

The funny part is that Obama's friends love him and his enemies actually do fear him.

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A consequence of being feared is being hated. Got to throw that factor in there as well. How much fear is worth being hated?

I think the it is possible to speak softly and carry a big stick.

Bush was terrible at the former, ok on the latter though he swung it too wildly.

Obama is great at the former. Jury is out on the latter.

In that respect, the article has a point.

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Not a chance. I think every enemy of the USA breathed a sigh of relief when Obama was elected. Becuase they knew that he wasn't someone to respect/fear but rather saw him as weak and a non issue.

That sigh of relief was quickly drowned out by explosions of munitions dropped from UAV's on their heads. :D

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I think the point was not about the Americans who don't like him, (for the record I do not fear him, I disagree with most of his policies). There is a huge difference between that and our enemies fearing him. Our enemies should fear our president- they should be afraid to attack us, knowing that if they do- we will kick their ass, or like the Cheney poster-Kill every last one of them.

I don't think our enemies fear Obama in that sense. I think that they think he is weak and that if we are attacked, he would not react the same way GWB did. I also think that they feel like maybe they can convince him to change policies, such as lifting trade embargo's(but then look how he handled Cuba recently).

all I know is, as long as we stay safe, I'm cool. The minute we are attacked, and Obama doesn't react the way he should to protect us, then I'll be pissed. til then- I'm not real worried.

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Republicans make very good points. North Korea feared Bush so much they developed, tested, and acquired nuclear weapons on his watch. North Korea also developed and tested longer range missiles because they were so afraid of Bush. Same goes for Iran, they feared Bush so much they sent thousands of roadside bombs to Iraq and built thousands of uranium enrichment plants.

And don't forget the Russians, who on Bush's watch, invaded Georgia and took over the region of Abkhazia-all because they feared Bush's awesome influence over eastern Europe.

And then there's the Palestinians, who launched thousands of rockets into Israel-purely because they feared Bush.

Clearly, the fear of Bush is why American foriegn policy has been such an unmitigated success over the last 8 years.

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I think that they think he is weak and that if we are attacked, he would not react the same way GWB did.

You mean by asking the country that DID attack us to hand over a handful of bad guys allowing them time to escape? Apparently according to Gary Berntsen of the CIA let Osama get away once we had him cornered by not allowing US troops to finish the job. Shift the focus away from those that actually attacked us to Iraq a war we are still stuck in to this day. Is that how you want Obama to respond? I don't. If we get hit again I want to be at war the next day and I want the war to be focused on exactly who attacked us and I want those people defeated.

Bush was praised for his response but unlike many I thought the US response to 9/11 was weak and indecisive.

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Republicans make very good points. North Korea feared Bush so much they developed, tested, and acquired nuclear weapons on his watch. North Korea also developed and tested longer range missiles because they were so afraid of Bush. Same goes for Iran, they feared Bush so much they sent thousands of roadside bombs to Iraq and built thousands of uranium enrichment plants.

And don't forget the Russians, who on Bush's watch, invaded Georgia and took over the region of Abkhazia-all because they feared Bush's awesome influence over eastern Europe.

And then there's the Palestinians, who launched thousands of rockets into Israel-purely because they feared Bush.

Clearly, the fear of Bush is why American foriegn policy has been such an unmitigated success over the last 8 years.

Don't forget the 2nd coming of anti-american socialists all over latin america that used Bush as a rallying cry to crawl back into power. They were so afraid by this strong leader that they were strong arming their nations into submission and openly mocking him weekly.

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