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Anyone think the latest media blitz will put a fire under the Offenses' butts?


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It seems that players are starting to get pretty pissed off about what the media is reporting lately, whether it be about Zorn under fire, or the fans booing and what it means, and the lack of offense and finally, that they will lose to Detroit.

Maybe this is a positive thing in the long run as it will give the Redskins offense something to prove sunday against a medicore Detroit team.

Maybe I am in the minority, but I am now that much more intrigued to see how our team comes out and responds after the last week of media bashing.

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It seems that players are starting to get pretty pissed off about what the media is reporting lately, whether it be about Zorn under fire, or the fans booing and what it means, and the lack of offense and finally, that they will lose to Detroit.

Maybe this is a positive thing in the long run as it will give the Redskins offense something to prove sunday against a medicore Detroit team.

Maybe I am in the minority, but I am now that much more intrigued to see how our team comes out and responds after the last week of media bashing.

Exactly what I'm thinking AND hoping for. I really am looking forward to Sunday, we will find out ALOT about this team and it's character.

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Honestly, if the past couple of years haven't lit a fire under their asses, why would this?

+1 everyone is thinking way to much into this.

The offense is going to play how they play. I'm sure the last thing they worry about on the field is the latest media crap

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Maybe this is a positive thing in the long run as it will give the Redskins offense something to prove sunday against a medicore Detroit team.

Maybe I am in the minority, but I am now that much more intrigued to see how our team comes out and responds after the last week of media bashing.

I was gonna start a thread on a similiar topic; i think the media scrutiny is good for a competitor like Zorn.

I think the public scrunity of his play calls will bring good results.

Think back to the backlash that followed the Giants game and the football media wondering about the lack of 1st down passes and JC about JC being effective in the shotgun.

Zorn certainly heard about and was forced to answer for it by the local sports media members.

Then the Rams game comes up and there is passing on 1st down and JC was in the shotgun in the 1st quarter.

Fans and media, but more importantly well repected football media like Sunny and Joey T will hopefully force Zorn to take a closer look at himself and his playcalling.

I think Zorn is now more aware that all eyes are on his playcalling in the redzone and i think Zorn is gonna rise to the occasion.

Sometimes it takes a little heat to get things cooking.

People focus better when they're trying harder and people try harder when they have something to prove.

Imo its a micro-application of the true message behind Jordan's speach.

The haters are fuel for your fire.

Like when Portis psuedo called out the OL.

You can't tell me they didn't block better.

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First of all, if they need something like this to put a fire under their butts, then this team has even more problems than I thought. Secondly, I don't see the offense coming out and looking any better than they did last week. They may actually find the endzone once or two, but when you really go back and look at it you will see that they will play like crap just like they did last week.

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First of all, if they need something like this to put a fire under their butts, then this team has even more problems than I thought. Secondly, I don't see the offense coming out and looking any better than they did last week. They may actually find the endzone once or two, but when you really go back and look at it you will see that they will play like crap just like they did last week.

Hmm, you know I thought that other than not finding the endzone a few times, they looked pretty decent... I mean we can't run the ball worth a **** right now, but the passing game is working. That should open things up for Portis if we stick to it. Hey, isn't that how the WCO is supposed to work?

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Hmm, you know I thought that other than not finding the endzone a few times, they looked pretty decent... I mean we can't run the ball worth a **** right now, but the passing game is working. That should open things up for Portis if we stick to it. Hey, isn't that how the WCO is supposed to work?

I agree, I don't know why people are criticizing the offense in general, which has moved the ball well between the 20's.

The local media is a total joke. They ask the players repeatedly what their response is to the media, then they (the media) say that the players are too concerned about the press coverage and are "talking about it all the time." I mean, the media are asking the questions, of course the players are going to answer. The morons on the radio are the worst. They spend every moment from 6 am to 10 pm criticizing the team, scrutinizing every player and every press conference, but don't listen to player interviews on their own station. (Don't want to let facts get in the way of their tirade.) They just make stuff up as they go along, then say it is a "powder keg" at Redskins park, with a "huge war" between the players and fans. Its just pathetic.

One thing that the media onslought might do is give the players somewhat of a "us against them" attitude, which wouldn't hurt.

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No, offense has been dead for 4 years I don't see it coming back to life no matter who we play. Detroit is still a pro team and should be able to stay close with an a Redskin offense with a washed up running back, a never was QB and a receiver who thinks he is all that and never was(MOSSS)

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I think the media crap is irrelevant. Zorn needs to just start holding players accountable instead of telling Campbell in the headset that he can't make the catches for them. Or practice those down the field pass plays more because if he really wants Campbell dropping back that far, Heyer and the rest of the OL needs to know where to be.

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Zorn's already stated that he isn't worried about his job. Why would this change anything?

You don't think Zorn's and Sunny's exchange is going cause Zorn to at least take a double take at his redzone playcalling?

There is no doubt in my mind that Sunny's opinion carries wait with Zorn.

And you can't tell me that the playcalling in the Rams game wasn't effected by every single media interview asking Zorn about Campbell the shotgun and 1st qtr passing.

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Importance to winning:

The Coaching Plan = 19.9%

The Player's Execution of the Plan = 79.9%

Emotional Crapola = 0.2%

I agree for the most part. But, and this isn't on Zorn this is on the players, something about this team during Gibbs 2 on to last season -- is they tend to put in a lemon game against a bad team and tend to get upset unexpectedly at least once if not more during a season.

I recall the lowly Raiders coming in at beating them, Tennessee came in winless and won, last season it was the winless Rams beating the Skins who were on a high.

Some of the players have remarked that they tend to struggle against bad teams. And yeah I know every given Sunday anything is possible but it seems to happen to them every year and more than I would expect from this team -- I haven't pulled out the stats but I don't recall for example the NY Giants getting upset by the dregs of the NFL year after year in a game, I could be wrong.

My point is I do think the media attention will help them avoid coming out flat. And I think the game will end up being dissapointing for the Campbell haters, I think he will have a big game, reading some of the posts about him you would think JC has 60 QB rating as opposed to the 89 that he has with almost a 70% completion rate.

And if you watch the tape that's been circulating with Zorn coaching JC on the field he flat out said he ran the ball in the end zone becuase the playmakers weren't catching the ball, not because of JC.

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This is really getting to be an "out of control" situation, team-wise.

IMO, every single person on the team, from the coaches to the QB's, to the kickers to the friggin' waterboy, should sit down one day and do absolutely nothing but watch games from the 80'S, on how this team grew to be the dominant and storied franchise that it is.

Maybe they have forgotten, but this isn't the Lions, Bengals, Browns, Seahawks, or any of the other "wannabe' teams, this is the


Fans and players deserve better than this, and there's no excuse for the product thats on the field each week! It is a lackluster,lame, and predictable offense, that WILL NOT go anywhere playing like they are right now.

The talent is there, the coaching is there, believe it or not, but it is not being applied in a way that will create a team that the rest of the league will fear.

So,to the coaches and players, pull your heads out of your arses and start acting and playing like the team that it can be, and if you cannot perform to the standards that are expected of you, then go sign up with the Lions...

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I think Larry Michaels put it into perspective yesterday on Skinsnation. The media is failing miserably and have to keep conjuring up propoganda to keep people tuned in. They never talk about the good things that the teams are doing like the three charitable events the Skins attended earlier this week. Personally, I don't care what the talking heads have to say. I do listen a little to former coaches and GM's but not former players. I think the team already knew they had a problem and we as fans only amplified it. The media took it from there to new heights. Be patient, let the players do their jobs, and everything will work itself out. Despite all the attention, we are 1-1, and we are a lot better team than most ih the NFL. HTTR

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