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What's up with men and beards


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After 8 years of shaving everyday in the Army, I refuse to shave everyday. The wife hates it, but I figure I shaved enough in 8 years to make up for the next 30 at least! I keep it to the shortest attachment included in the trimmer, trimmed twice a week.

:( That's my boyfriend's take. A bunch of his former marine friends all have beards....like crazy beards. I'm glad he got rid of his beard, and right now it's a really short goatee, but I always tell him I want "marine dennis" facial hair.

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That looks like one of my vacuum cleaner attachment brushes.

I think he kinda grew it as a joke just to see how long he could grow it.... half of his friends loved it, half of them gave him **** for it. Thankfully he shaved it off before he flew out with me to VA to stay with my mom :)

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:( That's my boyfriend's take. A bunch of his former marine friends all have beards....like crazy beards. I'm glad he got rid of his beard, and right now it's a really short goatee, but I always tell him I want "marine dennis" facial hair.
This is how I try to explain it to the wife:

Me: Do you know how you complain abouit having to shave the pits and legs?

Her: Yeah, you try shaving your pits and legs and see how it feels.

Me: I ain't European. Now, imagine how much more irritated you face would be if you dragged a blade across it every single day.

Her: I still don't like you with a beard.

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Haha wow thats crazy....im the EXACT same way. What background do you have?

I am pretty similar. My hair is brown, my sideburns are reddish and my goatee is kinda brown with blonde in the middle. People used to ask me if I bleached it.

And as for why I have facial hair, I just think it looks good on me and I look like I am 18 without it. I grew out the ridiculous goatees for a while in college and shortly afterwards, but I never let it get too out of control now.

But I think I will have some sort of facial hair for a long time.

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Yeah, goatees are pretty played out. If it were the late-1990s, it'd be cool.

A full beard is dope though. If he grows his beard back, you should cook for him each and every night.

LOL...I don't think I've heard 'played out' or 'dope' since the 90s! But I'm old, so I don't get out much anymore.

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For those who hate to shave everyday, just get an electric razor. It's a super fast shave. It doesn't shave as close as a blade, but it does a good job. It takes like 1 minute to shave your face with an electric razor.
Or, I can not shave. :D I have an electric. It is simply a bathroom decoration.
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For those who hate to shave everyday, just get an electric razor. It's a super fast shave. It doesn't shave as close as a blade, but it does a good job. It takes like 1 minute to shave your face with an electric razor.

heck no. Electrics tear up my face. The shave hurts, is uneven and looks like you didn't shave at all. I'll never go back to an electric.

I sometimes rock the shadow but never a full on beard. I've made that mistake before. But I have to shave pretty much everyday if I don't want to rock a shadow so that's why I do it.

Also count me in the club of brown on top, redish hair on my chin and dark dark brown everywhere else haha.

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heck no. Electrics tear up my face. The shave hurts, is uneven and looks like you didn't shave at all. I'll never go back to an electric.

I sometimes rock the shadow but never a full on beard. I've made that mistake before. But I have to shave pretty much everyday if I don't want to rock a shadow so that's why I do it.

Also count me in the club of brown on top, redish hair on my chin and dark dark brown everywhere else haha.

You must have owned a cheap electric shaver. It takes a few times to get used to it, but if you have a nice quality electric shaver, it does the job well.

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You must have owned a cheap electric shaver. It takes a few times to get used to it, but if you have a nice quality electric shaver, it does the job well.

Nope I had a very nice very expensive Norelco. I also used a couple other Brauns and other models.

Electrics don't work for everyone especially people that would normally need to shave about everyday. Electrics worked great in HS but by the time college came around ... only a manual razor would get a good shave that didn't destroy my face.

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Spoken like a man who doesn't need to shave everyday.

I have to shave everyday because I grow facial hair fast. If I skip a day, which I rarely do, electric razors do kind of hurt when used on longer facial hair. It doesn't hurt at all on stubble.

But to each their own. I find facial hair pretty gross and there has been studies that show microscopic germs and bacteria that accumulates in men's facial hair. I feel sorry for girls who have to kiss their man through a thick beard. To them, it's probably the same feeling us guys get when a woman doesn't shave her legs or arm pits. It's a turn off.

It's pretty funny when you see fat guys grow facial hair in attempts to hide their double chin.

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I'm also lazy. That and I like the way it looks on me, as does my wife. I look about 10 years younger when I have no beard, though that may be different now that my waist line has expanded (the glory of marriage and good food!). Also, it makes a nice difference in winter, but it never seems to bug me in the summer. Kind of interesting how that works out. I don't let it grow uncontrollably, though, I do keep it trimmed.

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