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ABC's Gibson: ACORN Scandal a Mystery to Me


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Is the ACORN scandal worthy of national broadcast news coverage? ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson said he didn't even know what the scandal was about.

The story has escalated in the past week as hidden-camera videos2.gif have been released showing workers at separate offices of ACORN — a nation community outreach group that receives millions in federal funding — appearing to advise a couple dressed as a pimp and prostitute how to skirt the law and set up a brothel.

But Gibson told a radio show Tuesday morning that he wasn't familiar with the story — and it might be "just one you leave to the cables."

ABC reporter Jake Tapper has filed some reports on the scandal, and Gibson was asked on WLS Radio's



Why isn't the "mainstream" media covering ACORN Scandel? Millions of dollars of tax payers money being poured into this corrupt organization and the pro-obama media don't consider this news.

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Why isn't the "mainstream" media covering ACORN Scandel? Millions of dollars of tax payers money being poured into this corrupt organization and the pro-obama media don't consider this news.

This is a rhetorical question I presume. But EVERYONE knows why. Anything that might besmirch the meta narrative of the DNC and by extension the mainstream media is obfuscated and marginalized for the continuation of the espoused opinion, mind sets, predispositions and mantra of those on the left. The mainstream media is complete propaganda. Many do not even try to hide their supposedly "objective" viewpoints.

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They aren't covering it because

A/ 2 low level idiots do not equal a scandal, especially since they were both immediately fired.

B/ the Fed has cut all ties with ACORN, thus ending any potential problem with this organization.

In other words, the blood has been spilled, the investigative report yielded the hoped-for result. How much more would you like?


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This is a rhetorical question I presume. But EVERYONE knows why. Anything that might besmirch the meta narrative of the DNC and by extension the mainstream media is obfuscated and marginalized for the continuation of the espoused opinion, mind sets, predispositions and mantra of those on the left. The mainstream media is complete propaganda. Many do not even try to hide their supposedly "objective" viewpoints.

That's some espoused opinion, mind set, predisposition and mantra you have there yourself.

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They aren't covering it because

A/ 2 low level idiots do not equal a scandal, especially since they were both immediately fired.

B/ the Fed has cut all ties with ACORN, thus ending any potential problem with this organization.

In other words, the blood has been spilled, the investigative report yielded the hoped-for result. How much more would you like?


Well, its up to 6 or 8 low level idiots now. But regardless, they haven't even reported the funding that has been pulled by the government. You can debate whether or not that's worthy of news, but as i said in another thread, I'm more dumbfound that Gibson says he had no clue what was happening even though it had been out there for at least a week.

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Well, its up to 6 or 8 low level idiots now. But regardless, they haven't even reported the funding that has been pulled by the government. You can debate whether or not that's worthy of news, but as i said in another thread, I'm more dumbfound that Gibson says he had no clue what was happening even though it had been out there for at least a week.

Fair enough,, I did a google search for "acorn funding" and you're right, none of the "big 3" networks had a story on it within the first 2 pages of hits. In fact, other then Newsday, the only major news organization with a piece on it in those first 20 hits is Fox.

I guess I'm just tired of the bloodlust. It seems to me the videos caused the investigation that is leading to these firings and presumably directly to the decision of the senate to cut ties with them.

It would appear that the desired (and proper) result is happening, but unless it's reported by everyone, there's going to be screaming.

It is being reported, by Fox. The reports are causing action. If we know MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc are not going to play it because they're liberally tainted then why scream for it?

I don't know, seems like beating your head against the wall.

But you're right. It is conspicuously absent among all other news organizations.. at least in those first 2 pages of results.


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These flakes have received 50 million in Gov't funding over the last 15 years.

And lets be intellectually honest here

Republicans, for most of the past 15 years, controlled the Congress or White House, and for 6 years both of them.

So if anything, Republicans had a big hand in ACORN, becoming ACORN.

Its a dumb issue, a red herring, and something the right would be best to just drop

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And lets be intellectually honest here

Republicans, for most of the past 15 years, controlled the Congress or White House, and for 6 years both of them.

So if anything, Republicans had a big hand in ACORN, becoming ACORN.

Its a dumb issue, a red herring, and something the right would be best to just drop

Yep, they sure did. ;)


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The Daily Show and Jon Stewart, of all people, slammed ACORN for this advice-to-hookers scandal, and also slapped the media for getting scooped by two kids with a with a video camera and a $3,000 budget (Stewart "Where was the media? They did it for 3 thousand dollars. That's Blitzer's monthly beard Wet-Vac budget.")

Funny stuff. Worth the viewing time.

Segment is called "The Audacity of Hos".

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I do agree that if this was a conservative or Republican based group- the 3 major networks would be all over it. It would be friggin HUGE. But since Fox is almost the only one to cover it- most left of center reaction-"oh no big deal, taken care of, move along."

anyone who can't see the continual double standard needs glasses.

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OMG Obama helps prostitutes cheat on taxes!?!?!?!

"Turbotax Timmy" Geithner didn't need help cheating on his taxes, neither did Tom Daschle or Charles B. Rangel, the chairman of the supreme tax-writing body in the United States, the House Ways and Means Committee.

Yet I will not besmirch prostitutes by calling any of those three leading Democrats prostitutes, that would just be too insulting...

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"Turbotax Timmy" Geithner didn't need help cheating on his taxes, neither did Tom Daschle or Charles B. Rangel, the chairman of the supreme tax-writing body in the United States, the House Ways and Means Committee.

Yet I will not besmirch prostitutes by calling any of those three leading Democrats prostitutes, that would just be too insulting...


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How is this a shock?

Several years ago I posted a story about how liberals in media used to get together in the morning via phone or in person with outlets like the New york times and AP to make sure their talking points for the evening news, were in sync.

ABC lost the thimble of credibility it had left when they aired the ObamaCare infomercial and refused to allow a GOP response.

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Fair enough,, I did a google search for "acorn funding" and you're right, none of the "big 3" networks had a story on it within the first 2 pages of hits. In fact, other then Newsday, the only major news organization with a piece on it in those first 20 hits is Fox.

I guess I'm just tired of the bloodlust. It seems to me the videos caused the investigation that is leading to these firings and presumably directly to the decision of the senate to cut ties with them.

It would appear that the desired (and proper) result is happening, but unless it's reported by everyone, there's going to be screaming.

It is being reported, by Fox. The reports are causing action. If we know MSNBC, ABC, CBS, etc are not going to play it because they're liberally tainted then why scream for it?

I don't know, seems like beating your head against the wall.

But you're right. It is conspicuously absent among all other news organizations.. at least in those first 2 pages of results.


Problem is Bang that before, during and after the election ACORN was repeatedly accused of shady dealings and Obama separated himself although he was a huge supporter/organizer. He used them to help get elected, there's an obvious connection. However, the media refuses to report anything even remotely negative in regards to Obama.

The bias is so freaking obvious it's disgusting. How can it not bother you? Right, left or down the middle the media should report the news no matter who it benefits or damages.

I just have this image of Obama being the Wizard of Oz, working feverishly behind the curtain to keep the media in check and in his favor. The dude is on TV every freaking day! He's going to be on damn near every network this Sunday pushing his Obamacare. What's it going to take for him to realize that people aren't buying what he's selling?

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I don't care about the bias because

A/ I can't change it

B/ the news is open to me anyway. I'm not a slave to the 3 networks, I have an unlimited supply of news and comment from any side I want it from.

Plus, as is evident in this very case, it doesn't matter if there's a bias because the story found the light of day, it was reported, and action was taken as a result.

More than anything, that is what defeats the bias.


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I don't care about the bias because

A/ I can't change it

B/ the news is open to me anyway. I'm not a slave to the 3 networks, I have an unlimited supply of news and comment from any side I want it from.

Plus, as is evident in this very case, it doesn't matter if there's a bias because the story found the light of day, it was reported, and action was taken as a result.

More than anything, that is what defeats the bias.


Agreed, but the average American probably doesn't care about finding the news or the truth for that matter. They tune in to network X and believe whatever is said, or isn't said, is gospel.

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I do agree that if this was a conservative or Republican based group- the 3 major networks would be all over it. It would be friggin HUGE. But since Fox is almost the only one to cover it- most left of center reaction-"oh no big deal, taken care of, move along."

anyone who can't see the continual double standard needs glasses.

You mean like "The Family" conservative controversy? A story only covered by Michael Madow of MSNBC. Completely ignored by the rest of the media? Why has no one in the mainstream media even focused on how powerful this organization seems to be, and how weird/****ed up it appears to be. Why did that not blow up......

You mean like the conservative PR firm Bonner & Associates who have been caught stealing non-profit and company letter head from over a dozen companies and sending fake letters to Representatives and Senators? That never became huge.....

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You mean like "The Family" conservative controversy? A story only covered by Michael Madow of MSNBC. Completely ignored by the rest of the media? Why has no one in the mainstream media even focused on how powerful this organization seems to be, and how weird/****ed up it appears to be.

LOL this is so funny. "Weird/****ed up it appears to be." When referencing RACHEL Maddow, who in all probability wishes she was a Michael.

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LOL this is so funny. "Weird/****ed up it appears to be." When referencing RACHEL Maddow, who in all probability wishes she was a Michael.

:D My mistake.

But care to actually bring something to the discussion. If the main stream media would be all over a Republican organization in a controversy, then why have they been so silent on The Family, especially with all the sex scandals of politicians directly involved with them there over the past year?

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