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ABC's Gibson: ACORN Scandal a Mystery to Me


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The bias is so freaking obvious it's disgusting. How can it not bother you? Right, left or down the middle the media should report the news no matter who it benefits or damages.

this is the same issue I have.

You mean like "The Family" conservative controversy? A story only covered by Michael Madow of MSNBC. Completely ignored by the rest of the media? Why has no one in the mainstream media even focused on how powerful this organization seems to be, and how weird/****ed up it appears to be. Why did that not blow up......

You mean like the conservative PR firm Bonner & Associates who have been caught stealing non-profit and company letter head from over a dozen companies and sending fake letters to Representatives and Senators? That never became huge.....

LOL this is so funny. "Weird/****ed up it appears to be." When referencing RACHEL Maddow, who in all probability wishes she was a Michael.

I lol'd on the Maddow reference. When I read Duckas at first I thought he was joking cuz she's so manly and homely.

and what exactly is so weird about "the family"? Obama attended their National Prayer Breakfast in Feb of 2009. Maddow reported on supposed living arrangements of some Reps. ok? so? One of them happens to be a Democrat from Michigan. Repubs and Dems both are on their prayer breakfast organizing commitee. I'm still not seeing how you are comparing this group to ACORN. "The family" has even sponsored federal trips for Democratic Senators/Reps. Sandra Day OConnor went on a trip with David Coe. Over a dozen current and former Democratic Senators/Reps have been/currently on their committe. Clarence Thomas and Wiliam Rehnquist have been associated with them.

Not saying all are angels, but still see no comparison to ACORN. Maddow was stretching with her report. And I'm still not sure what she was trying to say was so wrong with their living arrangements, you can fill us in.

as far as Bonner &Associates- I did some digging and did not find they are supported by Republicans in the manner, or even close to the manner that ACORN supports Democrats. They claim the letters were a mistake- no evidence to the contrary. Not saying I support them,but again- no comparison to the ACORN controversy.

edit: to add- who has been silent on the affiars? It was all over the news for weeks when it was going on?? not sure where you get that they weren't reporting it. (and yes, FOX reported it too)

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They aren't covering it because

A/ 2 low level idiots do not equal a scandal, especially since they were both immediately fired.

B/ the Fed has cut all ties with ACORN, thus ending any potential problem with this organization.

In other words, the blood has been spilled, the investigative report yielded the hoped-for result. How much more would you like?


1) Jake Tabor, an ABC reporter had this scandel on his blog and twitter this to many of his colleagues. Maybe Gibson didn't get the twit. He may ought to watch Fox.

2) How much more would I like? Well, I heard some good news. The Census Bureau dropped ACORN from assisting in census gathering next year.

I'm good.


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