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Jim Zorn = Stop Gap till the Next Big Splash Hire


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Did he mess with Gibbs? No! Gibbs did some very stupid things. Gave up draft picks. Signed the wrong FA. But he gets a pass because he is Gibbs? And Vinny get the blame, when he wasn't in charge.

Your boy Vinny would be jobless if it wasn't for Snyder, Marty fired the guy ten years ago and it should have stayed that way. Snyder just doesn't get the fact the he is there simply to cut checks and knows nothing about running an NFL team and is too stubborn to accept his failure and hire a GM to do his job.

Don't see what your beef is with Gibbs, the guy did us a favor coming back here and did the best he could given our front office's dis functional way of going about business. Gibbs was never a GM in his first stint and wasn't in his last go around.

The Zorn hiring was a disaster from the get go, we had Fassel all lined up as the new HC until the fans revolted and we ended up promoting Zorn from OC to HC cause we were out of options.

Face it, the only way a real HC with some pedigree is coming in here is if Snyder steps off and admits his failure.

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Did he mess with Gibbs? No! Gibbs did some very stupid things. Gave up draft picks. Signed the wrong FA. But he gets a pass because he is Gibbs? And Vinny get the blame, when he wasn't in charge.
Gibbs II took us to the playoffs every other year. Remember what Danny and Vinny's results were without him?

You're complaining about WHO now? :slap:

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My vote is for Cowher. He actually exemplifies what Redskins football is about. Tough running game, great offensive line play, and a shut down defense.

...and a complete inability to understand that it takes a good QB on top of all that to win in this league. Stillers fans had to suffer through assclowns like Bubby Brister, Neil O'Donnell, Jim Smith, Kordell Stewart, Mike Tomczak and Tommy Maddox before Cowher wised up and drafter Roethlisberger.

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The more I think about business I seriously doubt that any big name coaches would be willing to coach here. The last time we were hiring the biggest name coach we brought in was Fassell, a terrible coach with a Superbowl appearance but someone who's a complete push over. All of the times that real good NFL Head Coaches worked for Snyder they quit on him. The guys who have stayed around were the douchebag wannabes who couldn't get a job any where else. I think that's what Snyder likes best. He doesn't want to play the best guys, he wants to control things. No respectable head coach is going to be treated like this. I doubt any famous coaches take over for Zorn next season

If Parcells can go to work under Jerry, anything is possible...

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If Parcells can go to work under Jerry, anything is possible...

Money will help a prospective coach overlook a lot of otherwise unpleasant working conditions (like dealing with Snyder). If enough money is out there, Snyder can get anyone.

But, dudes, aren't we being a little too quick here? I mean, they played one game this year, in NY, against the elite team of the league. And they came within 6. Hell, I am not sure that any other team this year is going to go in NY and put up 17. I am not sure why everyone is in sky is falling mode. You have to give them a few more games before we kiss the baby.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. Child please.

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Like I've said to numerous friends over the last year and a half, I believe Jim Zorn is nothing more than a stop gap for Danny Synder until he can land the next big name coach. With Cowher, Holmgren, Gruden and Shanahan out there, I bet Danny is working a plan.

Just the fact that a man who has amassed millions of dollars over a short professional career, settles for a coach that has never called and NFL play before last season, is unexplainable. He certainly can't be that stupid of a hiring manager. I don't think so! Frankly, the man just ran out of time with this hire last season. He was *****-footing around with Mora, Fassel and others during the interview process and he settled. Zorn is so in over his head, it's shameful and sad. He is not a leader, can't motivate and seems lost with his play calling at times. He'll lose this team, if he hasn't already!

Danny will get rid of him after this season (JC too!), hire a big name proven coach and QB, and we'll let them give it a whirl for a few years. This is the cycle that he uses, we just need to take it all in as entertainment (either good or bad) and just live with it. Hell, we're the fans! How can we care more than management and the team?

In many ways, I think we do!

Snyder hasn't fired a coach since Schottenheimer.

He hasn't forced a QB on a coach since George.

he's not nearly as bad an owner as people say.

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Eh, I think Shanahan lost it in the past few years, but that may be tied to the fact he was GM as well. If we're hiring a coach/GM, then we should go for Cowher, otherwise, we should hire someone from the Pats/Colts/Steelers, say a young assistant GM, or we can look at big name GM hires and throw money at him.

Hmmm.... One of many sentiments in this thread that points back to this:


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First off...it's ridiculous to think that Zorn was actually hired as a stop-gap by Snyder. I know some people think that Snyder is the devil himself, but I highly doubt that even he would hire someone just to be a placeholder. If that were his intention, he would have just promoted Williams for however long it took to get the guy he wanted. That would have made much more sense and required far less turnover.

Secondly...when we eventually look back on Zorn's years, depending on how this season turns out and who follows him, he very well may be looked at as a stop-gap. But, as Spurrier once said, hindsight is 50/50!

Finally...if we get a retread, I want Gruden. Young. Fiery. Aggressive. Hard-working.

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The hiring of Zorn was baffling, which ever way you look at it and reeked of desperation. From qb coach at Seattle, then given the job of OC (in spite of the fact he had no previous experience as OC) by Snyder, then promoted to HC almost on a whim when no-one else wanted the job. Can you think of any other team that would appoint it's HC in such a farcical and uttelry unprofessional way (hmmm, maybe the Raiders!) Utterly bizarre. The organization seems to be nothing more than a big toy for Danny to play and tinker with.

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The hiring of Zorn was baffling, which ever way you look at it and reeked of desperation. From qb coach at Seattle, then given the job of OC (in spite of the fact he had no previous experience as OC) by Snyder, then promoted to HC almost on a whim when no-one else wanted the job. Can you think of any other team that would appoint it's HC in such a farcical and uttelry unprofessional way (hmmm, maybe the Raiders!) Utterly bizarre. The organization seems to be nothing more than a big toy for Danny to play and tinker with.

Wouldn't OC be a logical promotion from QB coach. Or do you object to Redskins taking chances and only want guys who've been successful with other teams?

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Isn't it funny that all these years later we are still arguing about Snyder needing to hire people to run the team because the management is the joke of the league? I think that's been the argument since 2000 and in 2001 he hired Marty only to fire him less than a year later because Snyder wasn't having any fun.

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