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Preseason Telecasts - Thank God They're Over

Dan T.

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Not only that but Theismann is the master of being able to spin anything the Redskins do positively. He should be a politician. That said, I'm a fan of Joey Sunshine.

Truest thing I've ever read lol

Senator Theisman........... he's got the hair, talks constantly, spins everything, great smile, the necessary 3rd wife, and once had a thing with Kathie Lee whats not to love lol

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As PCS alluded earlier, we streamers had 2 cameramen. The one you saw and some guys who decided to play video games when Colt came on and left the feed on.

I was just getting past the whole "I'm really watching a guy's webcam pointed at his TV" and then he goes and starts playing soccer on Xbox...and yeah, right before we started moving the ball. Argh.

On a side note, anyone know when the NFL Network re-air will be?

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I was just getting past the whole "I'm really watching a guy's webcam pointed at his TV" and then he goes and starts playing soccer on Xbox...and yeah, right before we started moving the ball. Argh.

On a side note, anyone know when the NFL Network re-air will be?

Okay, someone explain what happened on the Internet stream. Did they really cut to a video game during the webcast???

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Is the media behind the downfall of Preseason? IMO, this has been the worse preseason attendance for a lot of teams. The TV ratings have to be horrible. I think they are driving this train to rid the NFL of at least two of the preseason games. It's a shame because preseason used to be an economical way to meet your favorite players and watch a game without needing a small loan. Maybe the NFL should back a summer developmental league and let the undrafted rookies battle it out before the real season starts. Then the NFL could just jump right into week one feet first!

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The thing that drives me most crazy are the sideline interviews in the second half while the game is live. They turn my big screen TV into a 13 inch portable by showing the live action on a tiny inset, the interview on an even tinier inset, and some stupid smoky black background filling the rest of the screen. SHOW ME THE ****ING GAME, you idiots.


I'm not sure whose idea this was but it wasn't a football fan.

And as for sideline reporters in general I hate them unless they are getting updated injury information. Other than that they are useless and a complete annoyance. If I have to hear Suzy Kolber tell me about how a linebacker is playing for his little brother who has Down Syndrome one more time I'm going to scream. Leave that for middle of the week reporting. During the game I want to see replays or analysis of the actual play. Almost as annoying as the celebrity interview in the booth. :redpunch:

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It's not just the Redskins though. If you watched the preseason games for other teams, the announcers, camerawork and production is just as bad. I don't know who handles these things and why they do such a poor job, but I guess the local folks just don't have the experience or training to properly broadcast a NFL game.

Agreed.....I watched an NFL reply of an Eagles game and they were using their home broadcast.....and WOWOWOWOW does Hermen Edwards sound bad as a commentator. 100 times worse than JoeyT trust me.

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Are you talking about Reed Darty or Bryant Westbrook or Brian Orapko. Kerry Collins, Chase Daniels, I can't think of anymore, but I'm sure I'm missing a couple of them.

yeah, how hard is it to say orakpo

i kept here orkapo



the man is the talk of the offseason, and noone can get his name right.

the broad cast with sunny sam and frank is just as bad. sam and frank have gone insane, and none of them know the players. 'that mason guy, i think he's a running back, whats his name?' 'orakapo is the best mlb to come out of the draft in a while'

its pathetic.

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I'm gonna blame Danny for the fact that the only way to get HD was through Comcast, an official partner of the Washington Redskins. Comcast paid Danny big $ and they promo'd the hell out of their HD exclusivity.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that we're the only franchise in the league who didn't provide free HD through the air on a local network.

Anyone know if the folks in Buffalo, AZ, Det, Cin got free HD in preseason?

C'mon Danny defenders, where you at?

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I have no problem with Joe Theismann as a commentator. I think he provides some good insight, and he's right 99% of the time on penalty calls. Plus, he shows a sense of humor every once in awhile, which I appreciate.

I also enjoy Joey T. but can definitely understand someone being annoyed by how verbose he is... doesn't bother me but I can't deny that it's not there...

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I also enjoy Joey T. but can definitely understand someone being annoyed by how verbose he is... doesn't bother me but I can't deny that it's not there...

Well I wouldn't want to sit next to him on a long bus ride, but as a color commentator he's not bad.

It's nice when a person finds the right niche in life. Like motormouth Joey T. actually getting paid to talk.

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