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Beating yourself up


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I hate making mistakes. I really do and when it happens boy do I give me grief. I stew over it and review the scenario a thousand times and just refuse to forgive myself for a fairly long time. Now, I continue, I don't crawl into a cave and hide into the darkness, but in the back of my mind it gnaws at me and my mood is grumpier. Worse, I take responsibility for my blunders. Sometimes, I admire the people who after a screw-up find a way to make it everybody else's fault. What a nice world they must live in.

I made my first on-air mistake in four years last Friday. I got someone's name wrong. It wasn't just a pronouciation stumble either. Somehow, I replaced their entire name with a different one. Worse, a line later I said the correct name, but somehow didn't catch it. I didn't catch it in the reading, the editing, the studio work, the mixing, or the producing. My editor that week missed it too.

Well, I found out about the glitch Friday afternoon and worried myself over it for a long time. I spoke with the producer of the show and he agreed that he hates it when it happens to him too, but that it is just a part of life that somehow our brains occassionally get hiccoughs. Still, I hate messing up, but besides trying to fix it today, I'm just onto the next one. I find myself being more cautious this week double checking everything I write (which isn't a bad thing although. I'm working on a story about the oldest continually operating airport in the world... it's in College Park. Wilbur Wright actually taught there and they're celebrating their centenial this Saturday with a big air show.

Anyway, the guy who I misattributed was really cool about it. He really liked the piece and thought I conveyed the sense of his museum well (Geppi's Entertainment Museum [he's a cool guy and if you're into comics or nostalgia it's a really neat place]), but my batting average is no longer 1.0. I hate that.

So, how do you guys handle your errors. Do they wash over you? Do you beat yourselves up? Do you just roll up your sleeves, fix it and concentrate harder? etc.

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I am my own worse critic. I am such a perfectionist when it comes to jobs or responsibilities that I have. When things go wrong and its my fault, it just burns me up inside. When they are not my fault, I just roll with it and try to get it fixed.

But the next day all is forgotten and I have moved on. I know I have said this many times over the years, that I live my life without regret. So even the mistakes that I make that piss me off, I can learn from and try to correct in the future.

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Dude, the thing to do is to turn your mistake in to a positive. Dwelling on it fixes nothing, evaluating it and considering it a lesson learned is the best way to go.

If you can't help being grumpy, well, it's pretty much obvious that your ego has been damaged. Try to realize that there are plenty of things that could happen to you that would warrant a grumpy attitude more than misnaming somebody. It really isn't a big deal at all. Simply use your mistake to become better at what you do.

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I always take the approach that mistakes happen, to err is human, and so long as i didn't do something really stupid or careless, I patch things up and move on. I usually feel better by apologizing and accepting responsibility, even if it's only to myself.

It's not as easy to do if one is a perfectionist or is overly self-critical. Remember that you're likely to be your own harshest critic, so take a deep breath and go easy on yourself once in a while. Life isn't always that serious.

I'd type some more, but then i'd have to charge you for my time. :cool:

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I hate making mistakes and obsess about them a bit too much.

But I also was raised that if you are not making mistakes,you are not pushing yourself enough.

Repeating a mistake is a big no-no,kinda of a one strike rule.:)

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I usually laugh about them, but when it comes to things like this I have a memory like an elephant so I don't forget them. I make mistakes from the pulpit and I won't notice until I get home and go, "wait, did I use that name?!" I spend my week preparing for the message but then I work from an abbreviated outline speaking mostly from memory with the outline to jog my memory and keep me on track as such I don't beat myself up too much when I miss-speak, typically since my congregation knows that I'm fairly light hearted about a lot of things I will own my mistake and see if anyone actually even noticed. Most never do, although there is always the one guy, and thankfully in my church "the one guy" is nice enough to not rub my nose in it.

My biggest blunder was that I preached an entire sermon with Abraham married to Rebekah (his daughter-in-law) rather than to his wife Sarah, my wife made sure that I realized that one on the ride home. I made another one a couple weeks ago where I flipped a name and no one else but "the one guy" caught it or they were to polite to admit it.

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I agree about dwelling, but I don't think it's necessarilty too destructive too feel ownership and pride in one's work and frustration at ones failings. If you really don't care, the quality sinks pretty quickly.

Biggest thing about this thing right now is I haven't gotten to the studio yet so I haven't been able to fix it which means its still looming, unresolved.

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I agree about dwelling, but I don't think it's necessarilty too destructive too feel ownership and pride in one's work and frustration at ones failings. If you really don't care, the quality sinks pretty quickly.

Biggest thing about this thing right now is I haven't gotten to the studio yet so I haven't been able to fix it which means its still looming, unresolved.

Speaking of mistakes...;)
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A few years ago I was two weeks in with a new manager when I accidentally sent the wrong pages to the printer. Somehow I sent the pages from the previous week's issue and the entire run was printed wrong. And even though I spent the entire weekend at the office fixing the problem, it ended up being an $85,000 mistake. It was easily the worst mistake of my professional career.

I guess since I had been at the job for 5 years and had never screwed up like that before, my new boss didn't can me. He was actually very cool about it. But to this day when I think about it, it makes my teeth grind. Some mistakes are just too big to undo. You just have to spend the rest of your days making sure something like that doesn't happen again.

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Everyday I beat myself up. I always think I'm too stupid or too easily taken advantage of. I beat myself up over my dad, too. If I had done more would he still be alive today? Sometimes I feel like his death is my fault. He helped me with my addiction but I couldn't help him.

I don't know. I have low self esteem and it comes and goes. My confidence is nothing though.

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Everyday I beat myself up. I always think I'm too stupid or too easily taken advantage of. I beat myself up over my dad, too. If I had done more would he still be alive today? Sometimes I feel like his death is my fault. He helped me with my addiction but I couldn't help him.

I don't know. I have low self esteem and it comes and goes. My confidence is nothing though.

That is another thread on a different level Matt.

you cant blame yourself for things that are not your fault and you can't always fix your own mistakes. All you can do is learn and grow from them so you don't make the same mistake again. I have confidence in you and I know Joe does, same with Chris and Christy. You just need to make sure you are doing what you need to do for you.

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Dude, the thing to do is to turn your mistake in to a positive. Dwelling on it fixes nothing, evaluating it and considering it a lesson learned is the best way to go.

Of course that's true. But in cases of epic-level screw-ups it's really impossible to not dwell on it. You don't just have a switch in your brain that you can flip for stuff like this.

It's like saying 'get over her and move on.'

Well duh. :) If only it were that simple.

However, what you CAN do is realize that the embarrassment/shame/regret you feel will eventually die down, and the best way to help the process along is to treat it as a learning experience.

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or use it as motivation like Henry said to make sure that you don't repeat the same mistakes or at least minimize the chance of them.

And Who Del, I know you understand the difference between rational and irrational blame. Don't kill yourself for things that you don't have control over. Easier said than done, I know.

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Everyday I beat myself up. I always think I'm too stupid or too easily taken advantage of. I beat myself up over my dad, too. If I had done more would he still be alive today? Sometimes I feel like his death is my fault. He helped me with my addiction but I couldn't help him.

I don't know. I have low self esteem and it comes and goes. My confidence is nothing though.

To this day, I ocassionally beat myself up over 2 mistakes. One may have cost a life,another nearly cost permanent physical damage,(and still might have to a certain degree),so I understand where you're coming from. It's a domino effect. You already have a certain amount of self confidence issues,then things like that happen,and it lowers the self confidence even more. What others have told you is accurate and correct. There comes a time to stand your ground. Realize that you can't dwell on "What ifs". Deal with what you can change and that is who and what you are. Realize nobody sets limitations on you but you. Learn from the mistakes instead of beating yourself up with them. Get of your own back.

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What, no link to the story? :laugh:

seriously, I don't sweat mistakes unless there are dire consequences. You write a piece and misspell a word, oh boy. I build something in the wrong place or with the wrong materials and inspections fail, I don't get paid, I have tear **** apart, spend money to build it again, delay my work schedule....

**** happens and it's going to happen to you today. I've got a great excuse for screwing up now, it's called "I'm getting old" lol

and you're not far behind Burgold :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao: :nana:

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I definitely will beat myself up. I'm doing it right now, in fact. Today I will release my latest cartoon, and there's something about it that I don't like that I just can't pin down.. I've been eating myself alive over it all morning. I should have published yesterday, but I'm still just agonizing over something, and I don't even know what it is.


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I definitely will beat myself up. I'm doing it right now, in fact. Today I will release my latest cartoon, and there's something about it that I don't like that I just can't pin down.. I've been eating myself alive over it all morning. I should have published yesterday, but I'm still just agonizing over something, and I don't even know what it is.


I've done the same thing with my pics. Then family and/or friends will simply give me a verbal slap on the head by saying "Oh just publish the thing and get over it." Most of the time,it ends up being something small that only I and maybe a few others would actually pick up.

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