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MSNBC.com: Al Franken declared winner in Minnesota Senate Race


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I think that may have been true had he been awarded the state he won in a timely fashion, but the dragging and dragging and draaaaggging out has captured everybody's attention and earned him some temporary notoriety.

That and the fact that he's a pseudo celebrity. Mind you, I do rate comedians above wrestlers (comedians are used to wrestling with words and thoughts. Wrestlers only wrestle with that darn child proof cap on their bottle of steroids)


Macho Madness Lives Forever! Ohhhhh Yeahhhhhh!

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Not a chance.

The Democratic Party couldn't vote in unison to order pizza.

And whose fault is that? :whoknows:

The fact is, now there really is no excuse at all.

Of course excuses will be made, and it is going to be quite easy to blame Bush for quite a while. But I digress

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Fault? I would hope no party votes 100% for or against something because they are part of that party. Of course that happens....and its pathetic.

Thats why you are in a party.

If a big vote is coming up, and there will be some big ones (health care) you bet your ass the President is going to be squeezing every Democrat in the Senate to vote for it and get to 60.

Trying to minimize the importance of 60 votes is absurd. I only need to pull up a post you made in November of 2002

Either I got a great memory (which is probably the case) or absolutely no life

Buford's November 2002 thread

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And whose fault is that? :whoknows:

The fact is, now there really is no excuse at all.

Of course excuses will be made, and it is going to be quite easy to blame Bush for quite a while. But I digress

Why are you talking about excuses? No one is making any excuses, they are just pointing out basic reality.

There is no such thing as a "filibuster proof majority" where the Democrats are concerned. They have never had the party discipline that the GOP has.

That should be good news to you.

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Why are you talking about excuses? No one is making any excuses, they are just pointing out basic reality.

There is no such thing as a "filibuster proof majority" where the Democrats are concerned. They have never had the party discipline that the GOP has.

That should be good news to you.

We'll see what happen P.

This President though will have a full court press on all Dems to push through his agenda. If he doesn't, he is dumb. And there is a lot of things you can say about the President, dumb isn't one of them

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...to convince weak-minded people of his views. Dittoheads don't believe what they believe because they believe it; they believe what they believe because he says it. It's brainwashing, and Franken at his worst isn't anywhere near that bad.

I'm a fan of Limbaugh's and it's always an interesting read when a young kid thinks some of us older folks are brain-washed or subjected to some sort of hallucination.

However - interesting sig you have there and an interesting perspective that you have on Franken.

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But Limbaugh's divisiveness comes from his cult of personality. I don't hate his politics anymore than the politics of any other hardcore conservative, but what he does isn't hackery; it's exploitation. He uses his gravitas (which I personally find vomit-inducing, but I understand how it appeals to the people it appeals to) to convince weak-minded people of his views. Dittoheads don't believe what they believe because they believe it; they believe what they believe because he says it. It's brainwashing, and Franken at his worst isn't anywhere near that bad.

Interesting thing, opinions... Your side is never as bad as the other side, no matter what side you are on.

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Thats why you are in a party.

If a big vote is coming up, and there will be some big ones (health care) you bet your ass the President is going to be squeezing every Democrat in the Senate to vote for it and get to 60.

Trying to minimize the importance of 60 votes is absurd. I only need to pull up a post you made in November of 2002

Either I got a great memory (which is probably the case) or absolutely no life

Buford's November 2002 thread

Nice find. Before I read Declaring Independance, and before I voted libertarian. I've grown up and think for myself. Its refreshing. Btw, the GOP screwed the pooch on that, eh?

Can you find me the thread where Sarge or "Air Sarge" declared he had inside intell that we'd have the WMD by the winter of 2003 or 2004. I forget exactly when he promised it.

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In what Universe?

add in the gerrymandering, redistricting, electronic voting fraud, bullying tactics, barring of people (Heck, Republicans have illegally or wrongly blocked millions of African Americans from voting over the decades), refusal to let people vote because of "mistakes" and all the rest... I'd say that the dems are light years behind, but probably not for a lack of trying... and wait til you see what they do with the Census


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One group wanted to include more ballots

One group wanted to stop the recap and say there wasn't time to continue

Every court agreed with one side.

Both the 2000 presidential election and the 2008 Min senate election. The rub is the D's and R's switched sides on what they wanted.

So - If Franklin stole the 2008 election then you must also belive that Bush stole the 2000 election

If Franklin won the 2008 election then you must also belive that Bush Won the 2000 election

Trying to have it both ways, as Kilmer is, is just silly.

No not really the same. Coleman was was leading after the first count and continued to lead after the second count. It was only after a third count, by hand this time, that Franken took the lead. Not saying it wasn't valid but the circumstances were definately different.

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I'd say that the dems are light years behind, but probably not for a lack of trying... and wait til you see what they do with the Census


When Nixon ran for President in 1960, people rolled over in their graves... and then voted for Kennedy.

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I wonder just how bad the other guy had to be to lose to Franken

Remembering back when I was in Oklahoma, one of those "we've voted Democrat for 100 years" districts voted 92% for a dead man. (They knew he was dead, but it was one of those cases where it was too late to put another Democrat on the ticket. They could either take his name off the ballot and have the Republican run unopposed, or leave the dead guy's name on the ballot, and if the dead guy wins, then the Governor will appoint somebody.)

I've always wondered what that must feel like, for the token guy the GOP put on the ballot, to get beaten by over 10 to 1 by a dead man.

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I haven't followed the postmortem of Minnesota's election and (though I am a conservative at heart on many topics) I just don't see how we can celebrate having a filibuster proof D.C. None of us wins when we try to bulldog stuff through the system. I wouldn't want it if we presently had a Republican President. I would make light of the resume of Minny's new governor but heck, that state had a former pro wrestler before, right?

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