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MSNBC.com: Al Franken declared winner in Minnesota Senate Race


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I disagree, why can't we call a spade a spade? Sure we do have some socialist programs. But when was the last time we nationalized major corporations? What we are seeing now is a move towards unprecedented levels of government control in the marketplace and the allocation of resources and wealth in this country. It is really shocking, and maybe moreso that people like you are saying we should ignore this or find something else to harp on.

I look forward to spending your money, drinking your vodka, and sharing your women.


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The lying **** Bill O'Reilly said he would move to Ireland if Franken won!

man, I hope he keeps his word!!!!

Haven't the good people of Ireland suffered enough?


Macho Madness Lives Forever! Ohhhhh Yeahhhhhh!

Coincidentally, that's the exact suit Franken will be wearing to his swearing in ceremony.

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Al Franken is a world-class douche... He couldn't have happened to a nicer party...

You know, here are some observations:

1. I don't personally know either guy (Coleman or Franken), but how can you claim that Franken is a douche when the original count had Franken close enough to challenge the results via recount? Perhaps you could sit down with both in person and give us reasons why one is more deserving to be a US Senator than the other.

2. It is this extreme partisanship and rhetoric that is going to destroy the country, not anything else. Both of the "major parties" stink as their results show. They both want to stick it to the voter/taxpayer. They both want to stay in power and solidify that, and they both want the American people to be distracted, un-educated, slaves (either economic or social).

Until the American people unite and get these bums out and fix the system, it won't matter who is in control because the agenda and results are the same.

But hey, by all means do advance their agenda by being a bitter partisan.

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Homey don't play fetch.....and there are no NEW facts since January?


Now do some work...I am on vacation

No facts of your own, and you don't want to find any facts either. How predictable for someone happy to throw lies around and claim them to be true.

Speaking of fetch - I'm not fetching for you. I've already done the work proving your claims are untrue. I'm not going to keep doing it every time someone like you makes the same stupid assertions.

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The "FACTS" that don't seem to change from january till now?

What time stopping planet do you live on?

WSJ is a credible source....please state the "FACTS" that you dispute

OR just fade away

I see another person cannot understand what the editorial and opinion sections of a newspaper mean, or for that matter, why its important for a newspaper or magazine to have these type of silly OPINION/EDITORIAL pieces in them.

Here's a hint -- WSJ isn't lending credence to the OPINION/EDITORIAL by publishing it. Merely, it's trying to make another buck by sensationalizing a story that isn't.

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The "FACTS" that don't seem to change from january till now?

What time stopping planet do you live on?

WSJ is a credible source....please state the "FACTS" that you dispute

OR just fade away

By January, the recount process was already complete, and the trial before the bipartisan three-judge panel was beginning. I set all this out in my January thread. Since then, that panel along with the bipartisan Minnesota Supreme Court confirmed that the recount (already complete by January) was all above board and that Franken won fair and square. I set all this out in this very thread.

Where are your facts? Don't have any. Not surprised.

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By January, the recount process was already complete, and the trial before the bipartisan three-judge panel was beginning. I set all this out in my January thread. Since then, that panel along with the bipartisan Minnesota Supreme Court confirmed that the recount (already complete by January) was all above board and that Franken won fair and square. I set all this out in this very thread.

Where are your facts? Don't have any. Not surprised.

LOOK I admit I don't know what the hell i'm talking about, but googling the election process and that absentee vote count thing i can see how the manipulation of the process could have happened.

Lets not make people out to be complete morons because they believe Lawyers working with Politicians with a stated goal might have manipulated a loophole in the current law. I am HAPPY he's won, but lets not get all crazy about this "above board" statements.

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LOOK I admit I don't know what the hell i'm talking about, but googling the election process and that absentee vote count thing i can see how the manipulation of the process could have happened.

Lets not make people out to be complete morons because they believe Lawyers working with Politicians with a stated goal might have manipulated a loophole in the current law. I am HAPPY he's won, but lets not get all crazy about this "above board" statements.

What loophole? The Minnesota statute has four very clear factors that are required to make absentee ballots valid. All the election officials had to do was check whether or not the ballots were rightly or wrongly rejected or accepted on election night. This all took place live, via web cam, and in front of representatives for both candidates. They examined each challenged ballot individually, and made a determination. Coleman had two chances to appeal these decisions, and both the bipartisan three-judge trial panel and the bipartisan Minnesota Supreme Court found that everything was, in fact, above board.

As I've said before, I think this recount is the model for how all recounts should proceed. However, that might not be possible since this recount didn't involve any determination of the messy "intent of the voter" standard, since they were only dealing with whether the absentee ballots were properly cast according to state law, which is fairly easy to determine.

So I am quite comfortable and confident in saying that Franken clearly won, and won fairly, given how this recount has played out over these eight months. If there were any shenanigans, we would have heard about it from Coleman and his party. There was nothing.

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You do realize that I followed that post up shortly with another that stated, at the time of the 2000 elections, Florida had no mechanism for a statewide recount. The only mechanism in place, that anyone could request, was a county by county recount.

Then what is your point for bringing up the 2000 recount and blaming it on Katherine Harris... Your own words (coupled with the Washington Post article that I linked) prove then that there was no way that Al Gore could've won the election, regardless of any action taken by Katherine Harris or the Supreme Court...

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Then what is your point for bringing up the 2000 recount and blaming it on Katherine Harris... Your own words (coupled with the Washington Post article that I linked) prove then that there was no way that Al Gore could've won the election, regardless of any action taken by Katherine Harris or the Supreme Court...

I've said a bunch of times, one of the best tragedies about the 2000 election is that a democrat designed that stupid butterfly ballot. Could you imagine if a Republican did?

If for no other reason than that though, the the intent of Floridians was denied. There were a lot of other major and minor things, but if the ballot was user friendly, it would have been President Gore. I remember reading a study where they gave out that ballot to several classes at Harvard to test it after the fact and even knowing in advance the problems associated with it 40% later claimed they voted for the wrong guy.


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I was thinking about that while I was writing it, but you never know how they'd really vote.

I was capitalizing on your use of the 1960s... It was unfair of me to take advantage of the situation. :) I know both parties have had their inglorious moments in Civil Rights' history. I think it's absurd that there is such a double-standard in how the Democrats/Republicans are viewed historically on the subject...

Back on topic: Did I mention that Al Franken is a perfect Democrat?!?!?!? He'll probably be very quiet in his first year, but I imagine he'll eventually be the next Barney Frank (do we really need a "next?")....

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Undoubtedly... the whole thing was messed up... IMO, people who don't understand how to read instructions and cast a vote shouldn't be determining who the next President is. I don't care which party it is, if they can't do demonstrate a minimum level of competency, they shouldn't be voting... or breeding... Forgive me, I just watched "Idiocracy" last night. I was overcome by the bleakness of this truly dark comedy.

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Back on topic: Did I mention that Al Franken is a perfect Democrat?!?!?!? He'll probably be very quiet in his first year, but I imagine he'll eventually be the next Barney Frank (do we really need a "next?")....

Hmm... are you saying a perfect democrat should be seen and not heard? :silly:

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Then what is your point for bringing up the 2000 recount and blaming it on Katherine Harris... Your own words (coupled with the Washington Post article that I linked) prove then that there was no way that Al Gore could've won the election, regardless of any action taken by Katherine Harris or the Supreme Court...

A cheap shot at Harris and a joke.


screw franken and his 'we are in the lead so lets not count any more ballots' crap. didnt know that absentee ballots could just be dismissed and not counted...

sure im biased, my cousin is/was an aide for coleman.

12 pages deep and people still aren't reading your posts, Karmacop. Must be frustrating. :doh:

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