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The most embarrassing thing I've done while drinking is ..


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Well I was up in Ohio for a wedding. It was a nice night, the reception hall didn't allow alcohol inside (something about a liquor license) so they had 2 kegs outside in a pickup, that you could fill up and bring in... Ah good times, so I was trying to be responsible, I'd go out grab one, down it, then fill it back up and go back inside.

We were at this reception for about 4 or 5 hours... I had probably 14-16 beers... Then we went to a "tobacco festival" I don't know what it was, but there was a bunch of people in the huge bar we went to... I had several more there... I was TRASHED...

I blacked out/passed out in the car on the ride home, they couldn't wake me up for about 15 minutes when they got home... Anyways, they finally get me up and walk me down to the basement where I pass out on a couch...

Apparantly halfway through the night, I wake up and need to go to the bathroom... Well I don't know where I was, so I just dropped my pants and pissed all over the coffee table.... With 4 girls in the room... I don't remember any of this...

Anyway, here's the pic of the girls I was with...


By the way... The redhead 2nd from the right.... SUPER HOT and talked about hunting and crossbows and guns... I was in love... And that's when my obsession with redheads started...

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It was one of those roaming party type nights at the dorm when I was in the service. About 6 different parties going on around the place on different floors. Somehow,a 7th party started in my room. I'm pretty sure I had been drinking since before noon that day. Several girls in my room and myself. Somehow,a dare was made and next thing I know,I'm doing some sort of Chippendales dance and strip to Prince's Erotic City,(all 148lbs. of me). When the song is about 2/3 of the way done,I realize my room an the hallway has filled with women and some guys, :paranoid: . Next thing I know I'm dragging myself out of bed,(alone),and stumbling down to the dayroom. I walk in and a few guys laugh,3 girls say "Thanks!" and one just blushes. For the next 6 months,whenever there was a party,I was told by several fellows that it was okay for me to be there as long as I kept my clothes on. :doh: Couldn't go to work without hearing the odd "You are planning on leaving your uniform on aren't you?" :doh:

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I was at a house party in college. Drinking, smoking some blunts. Feeling great. Then some guy gave me a valium, and I downed it without thinking twice for some reason. Man, about 30 minutes later I can't even walk. I manage to make it down to the basment of this place, which at the time happened to be flooded. I passed the hell out on a soggy couch. A few people saw me that night. Actually wasn't that bad, but certainly nothing to be proud of. I still never asked that dude why he decided to give me that pill. What an *******.

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Oh, in addition to being naked in front of anyone and everyone at the hospital, when I showered that morning, I realized there was a strip of surgical tape across my um backside. Too drunk to even know if I was violated, yeah good times.

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Probably too many to name although I don't get wild like that too often anymore.

A few:

Puked in the middle of the dance floor at a club and fell in my own puke. The staff threw me out and found out I had been drinking underage anyway

Puked all over a couch while I was sitting there talking to some girls (this was in my late teens as well)

Kicked the side mirror off this lady's car. She was my friend's neighbor and I didn't even remember doing it, he found out it was me through someone else and it turned out I had to pay the lady $60....well a few months later I was at his house again, drunk as **** and saw that she hadn't replaced the mirror with the money I gave her, so my drunk logic was that she was ripping me off so I kicked the other side mirror off her car. I woke up the next morning with 17 missed calls on my cell phone, mostly from the police.

Lots more but most of them are completely criminal.

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I'm not really sure what I did, because I blacked out. All I know is I was drunk so I went back to my dorm room to lay down in my bean bag chair. The next mornin I wake up still in my bean bag chair but cradling an empty booze bottle. I just figured someone came in and put it with me. Um, no. So I go to breakfast and this girl behind the counter says "Remember me?" She was hot, so I wanted to say yes, but I had no recollection of her at all. Later, someone else told me I took a drunken swing at someone. Fortunately I was so drunk the punch was easily avoided and no harm done to them or me.

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during college, we were out for a banquet, after we went to a bar, i had those fancy stain defenders on.

we were out on the patio, thought it would be a good idea to take them off, turn them inside out and drink my drink like a beer bong. my drink was a bourbon and coke. also, little did i know that my boxers werent buttoned, there are still pics out there of me 'hanging out' while taking a bourbon bong out of my pants

i got kicked out of that bar, no stains on the pants either, they worked great!

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Yes. I did it in front of a girl I was madly in love with while I was trying to get my nerve up to ask her out. :(

I vomited in front of a girl I was trying to hook up with. I felt like a loser, but I learned never to drink mass amounts of Sutterhome Zinfandel

I hooked up with her the week after though so I didn't feel too bad about it in retrospect

I also burped beer on a girl after a keg stand that I liked... that was more embarrassing...

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my first week as a freshman in college, i went to a house party where the host was a senior. i got really drunk, hooked up with his girlfriend, and later passed out and puked all over his bedroom floor. my friends ditched me, so the next morning, he had to drive me back to campus. i profusely apologized the whole way, but man what an AWKWARD car ride.

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There are just too many to explain for fear of incrimination...but they usually involve midgets, wheelchairs, bushes, and international flights.

come on ES and confess my love for keeastman...
Well, it happens to the best of us. I have a drunken penchant for soliciting online advice concerning handguns :doh:

BTW, you are SOOO lucky you made it out of TJ without being robbed or murdered, good Lordie!

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This actually happened to a buddy of mine (who swears it never happened but OH IT DID). This was back in the late 70's. Five of us were heading to Cap Centre in my '78 Chevy Van to see ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) in concert. We probably saw a concert or two a month back then. Before leaving, my buddy buys a fifth of Jack, pours about half of it into another bottle, fills the rest up with Coke and sticks it in the freezer for about 30 minutes.

We're having a great time cruising and boozing to the concert. Music is cranked up. The three guys in the back are drinking beer and getting high and my buddy Ski is riding shotgun and sipping his bottle of Jack. Once we hit the overflow parking lot, aka The Gravel Pit, we kick back for a little more partying. Ski has already downed half the bottle, along with a couple beers and God knows how many bong hits. He's starting to yell like Ted Nugent..."are you ready to rock and roll? If you're not ready to rock and roll you can get the f--- out of here". He hops out of the van with his bottle of Jack and yells "John Belushi". He chugs the last 1/3 of the bottle, a la Belushi in "Animal House", and throws it at an old beat up yellow car next to us only the bottle doesn't break like it does in Animal House, it simply bounces off the car as he laughs his ass off. He then decides the yellow beater needs a new paint job. Nobody is around so he starts taking a leak all over the side of the car. We try to tell him to knock it off but he just goes back to the "if you're not ready to rock and roll...." quote again.

We figure he's had enough and tell him it's time to head inside. He decides he needs another beer and takes it with him as we walk up towards the entrance. He chugs the rest of the beer as we approach the entrance and sees a PG County cop car parked near the entrance. Not thinking there was anyone inside it, he yells "Starsky and Hutch" and runs up to the cop car, jumps and spins in mid air and lands with his butt on the trunk of the car. Immediatley, two cops jump out and we're all absolutely sure he's a dead man. We keep slowly walking, like we don't know him but we're all buzzed too so we're watching. He talks to both cops for two or three minutes, then shakes both their hands and comes back over to join us. We can't believe it! When he gets over to where we are standing at the entrance we ask him what he said. He couldn't even remember! He just said, "I don't know, words were just coming out of my mouth but I have no idea what I said". As we approach the door, a rather large, bad-ass looking black woman was taking our tickets. Ski made the mistake of putting his hand on her shoulder and yelling "Are you ready to rock and roll?". She took one beefy arm and flung him aside. He went flying ass over tea kettle and we're just laughing our arses off. He gets back up and apologizes as she scowls at him. He hands her a ticket and she gets pissed again. Turns out he handed her his ticket for Bob Dylan, which is two weeks later. He starts freaking out and can't find his ticket. I laugh and tell him it's in his left pants pocket where he put it just before jumping on the cop car.

We finally make our way to our seats just before the opening act, Trickster I believe it was, comes on. Ski is really feeling the effects by now. He swears the guitar player for Trickster is really Jimmy Page because he's playing a double-neck guitar. The problem was, it wasn't a double-neck, it was his double vision. As Trickster finishes up and leaves the stage, the lights come on and....IT'S TIME...... There's a cute blond with LOOOONG hair sitting in front of us and Ski pukes all over the back of her seat, including her hair, and all over his shoes as I hold his head down so he won't get it all over himself. The girl turns around and stands up and suddenly realizes it's in her hair. She starts screaming and cursing at Ski and the two guys with her get up and clench their fists, ready for blood. The other four of us stand up, flex our beer muscles and stare the guys down while Ski just sways in his seat. The girl and the guys left, never to return. I take Ski up to the "Infirmary" which is, fortunately, right at the top of the stairs across the concourse. I explain what happened to an attendent and he goes to a cot and lays down and immediately passes out. I tell the attendant we'll be back for him later.

I grab a beer, go back to my seat and try to ignore the smell. Jeff Lynne and ELO put on a pretty good show. After it's over, we leave and get to the Infirmary just in time to see Ski walking towards us with a goofy smile on his face. He didn't realize he had just missed the entire concert until we told him. All he could do was shake his head and ask why we let him get so messed up. :doh:

Being a late 70's Cap Centre concert with the usual "cloud" over the crowd, we all had the munchies so we decided to stop at Jack-In-The-Box for some tacos and cheeseburgers to help wash down the rest of the beer. We kept asking Ski if he wanted anything to eat or another beer and all he could say was "Take me home, man!". Naturally we all started screaming, "If you're not ready to rock and roll you can get the f--- out of here!". For some reason, he didn't think that was funny. :D

The next day, he had no recollection of anything that happened between chugging down the rest of the bottle of Jack (he vaguely remembered that) and us dropping him off at home. That's probably a good thing for him.

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There are just too many to explain for fear of incrimination...but they usually involve midgets, wheelchairs, bushes, and international flights.

Well, it happens to the best of us. I have a drunken penchant for soliciting online advice concerning handguns :doh:

BTW, you are SOOO lucky you made it out of TJ without being robbed or murdered, good Lordie!

oh this was 93 and i was a king to those people!!

I had American dollars!! :hysterical:

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There are just too many to explain for fear of incrimination...but they usually involve midgets, wheelchairs, bushes, and international flights.

Well, it happens to the best of us. I have a drunken penchant for soliciting online advice concerning handguns :doh:

BTW, you are SOOO lucky you made it out of TJ without being robbed or murdered, good Lordie!

Oh come on...tell em the Vegas wheelchair story. :silly:

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Hooked up with a fat mutant in a blackout once.

I think most people who drink have had at least one or two hook ups they wish they could take back. Anyway, my friends called my the hog hunter for about 4 months after that.

But thats probably not even the most embarrassing thing i've done.

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Non college, I threw up at a D.C. Nightclub thanks to $1 Screwdriver night. I was pissed too, I got it all in the trashcan, but they still threw me out. I'm glad they're out of business now.

College years...probably the time I got into a speed drinking contest...with a fraternity. I don't know why, but for some reason, I was able to open my throat and (this is difficult to describe) basically pour beer into my stomach. That's not exactly accurate, I did have to actually swallow the beer, but you kind of understand. I could polish off a bottle of Red Dog in something like 5 seconds if done properly.

So my roommate thinks this is a great trick, and next think I know, we're at this fraternity party and I'm challenging each brother one at a time. I think I beat 7 of them before I finally lost, and I did not feel well for awhile after that. I also no longer participate in speed drinking, nor do I even think about touching watery beer.

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I think most people who drink have had at least one or two hook ups they wish they could take back.
That's the one thing I have never, ever done. I can be drunk and passed out in the bushes, or breaking my foot doing air-double dutch in 4 inch stiletto's, but never did I hookup with people.
Oh come on...tell em the Vegas wheelchair story. :silly:
What a freaking disgrace that was, lol. I somehow manage to get completely out of control at least one night every annual ladies' Vegas trip of ours and do something insanely stupid, it's like a tradition now.
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