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Should black people have voted for Helms and Thurmond since they were Republicans?

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The Cheney/Limbaugh/Powell thread has gotten bogged down in a stupid history lesson on the civil rights movement. So, let's isolate that issue here.

Proposed: Since Republicans were the anti-slavery and pro-civil rights party in the 19th Century, black people owe them a lifetime a loyalty.

This means voting for staunch opponents of Civil Rights just because they have an R next to their name.


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Fail x2

Actually I remember reading or hearing somewhere that black people did vote staunchly Republican up until the Civil Rights movement, when they switched to Democrat because that was the party that supported their rights the most. This support of Democrats was pretty much cemented by the Republican's Southern Strategy of appealing heavily to racists in the south. And now that the Democrats put a black man in the White House, it will be a very long time until Republicans see any sort of support from blacks.

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he failed miserably at the last one too.

nobody owes nobody NOTHING!!

i dont owe anyone anything, neither does anyone else. pay your own make your own way!!

Friends don't owe! They do because the wanna do.
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How about an even more novel concept of spreading their vote amongst both parties?

Thats a novel concept in general not just for blacks. How about we all vote for who we feel will do the best and not for who has the right letter next to their name. I find it interesting that whites are pretty split whether they vote D or R but almost all blacks vote D. Are blacks that united in their beliefs and problems? Do they all really think the same way? Or is this an us against the world mentality? I think if the democrats stopped giving handouts to poor people in general, they would have no support base since no one would be dependent on them for freebies.

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You a rude guy. I'm trying very hard, you're being rude. That's bad manners. :)

Rocky Soundboard

hahaha...well played.

LKB, we all know your style dude. you are a baiter and someone who just wants people to get in a flame war so he can get some sick satisfaction from it.

you were exposed from post 1 and continue to be so on page 2.

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hahaha...well played.

LKB, we all know your style dude. you are a baiter and someone who just wants people to get in a flame war so he can get some sick satisfaction from it.

you were exposed from post 1 and continue to be so on page 2.

A baiter?

Well, I can handle many insults, but each man has a line that cannot be crossed.

Pistols at dawn by the river work for you?

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