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REAL Caps fans


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Watch the game, enjoy the game but remember, THESE AREN'T THE ****ING COWBOYS!!!!!


Let me start off by saying that I have been a Hockey fan since the "Miracle on Ice" in Lake Placid & started watching Caps games soon after that. I spent many nights at the Cap center for numerous reasons, Caps games being among the top. I remember some of the players, although I didn't follow it as thoroughly as I did football, so many names to date escape me. However, I have always been a fan. I also always felt a connection to them because they were born the same year I was.

That being said, over the years, I have developed a hatred for certain teams in the NHL, just like I did in football. I hate the Cowboys in football. Now in hockey, I have always...ALWAYS hated the Penguins. I have ALWAYS hated Lemieux. To me, the Penguins ARE the Cowboys of the NHL. I know what they've been thru & I know what HE's been thru (cancer, bankrupt franchise, etc.). That changes nothing for me. They were a dirty team & always seemed to get a free pass from the refs (hmmm, this is starting to sound familiar). Granted, they were a little less dirty then Philly & NYR, but nontheless...

I really could care less how YOU feel about how I feel about the Penguins or any other franchise for that matter. I too remember when you could go to a Caps game for $5 for a nosebleed seat & then get to the arena & be able to practically sit behind the glass because of how many empty seats there were. What's aggravating me right now is that you don't seem to appreciate all the new fans we DO have. Why are you so angry that people are coming out of the woodwork to see them? Would you rather see nothing but Pens fans in those seats? People who can appreciate the Pens like you think we should? I think your vexation in misplaced.

Like I said, I've been a Caps fan all my life. The Pens used to be one of our division rivals & now that these new fans are seeing how much some of us "old heads" hate the Pens, they are catching on & coming aboard with it.

Relax & enjoy the ride...or don't, I don't really care. But I think complaining that people are jumping on the bandwagon around here...well, that's just silly. I WANT to see all these new fans enjoying our new found success. Maybe some of these people don't remember Bondra, Juneau, Gonchar, Hunter, Simon, Konowalchuk, Adam Oates, etc. So what? They can't enjoy the team now?

Sorry, but if the Cowboys & Penguins were both dismantled brick by brick, I would feel equally vindicated as a Redskins/Caps fan. I hate them both.

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He will be electrifying to watch for his entire tenure here I guarantee it. Either way, have fun hating on hockey, the rest of us will go back to cheering for the home team.. what monsters we are.

Just hating on the bandwagoners who've acted like they've been down for the entire time.

And since I don't really follow the sport and don't really care for the Caps one way or another, whether they're the hometown team or not makes no difference to me.

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Look everyone, it does NOT matter if you're a new fan or not, it does not matter if you think the PENS are slime or not.

All that matters is if you are going to rout them on, do it win or lose... do we all rout the Skins on whether we win or lose? YES! WHY SHOULD IT BE ANY DIFFERENT THAN THAT? Seriously... some of you get off your high horses and get on the same page!... routing on the Capitals to the ECF, then the FINALS!!! :groupwave: :cheers:

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Just hating on the bandwagoners who've acted like they've been down for the entire time.

And since I don't really follow the sport and don't really care for the Caps one way or another, whether they're the hometown team or not makes no difference to me.

Please show me a post where someone has tried to claim they have been a fan for a long time. I see 2 types of hockey fans on this forum, fans who clearly know a bunch about the game and don't need to prove anything, and fans who want to learn more about the game while they cheer on their home team.

Every single hockey thread is full of great questions from newbies and great answers by veterans. Ever since the tailgate became capitals central, I have spent a lot more time posting here. Its a great atmosphere right now, and people like you and rdsknbill need to just STFU and let us celebrate.

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Please show me a post where someone has tried to claim they have been a fan for a long time. I see 2 types of hockey fans on this forum, fans who clearly know a bunch about the game and don't need to prove anything, and fans who want to learn more about the game while they cheer on their home team.

Every single hockey thread is full of great questions from newbies and great answers by veterans. Ever since the tailgate became capitals central, I have spent a lot more time posting here. Its a great atmosphere right now, and people like you and rdsknbill need to just STFU and let us celebrate.

:hysterical::hysterical: Okay dude, you win.

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You wanna know why few people noticed the caps?

0 times our teams name has been etched in Lord Stanleys Cup!

Oh and as for treating Pittsburgh as a rival...they are...I'm no bandwagon fan and I hate the Penguins. I hate them because I hate all things Pittsburgh. They aren't the Cowboys, but they're the Cowboys of the NHL to me, just like I hate the Flyers because they're the Eagles of the NHL. A little hate a rivalry is a good thing.

Great minds...:cheers:

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Look everyone, it does NOT matter if you're a new fan or not, it does not matter if you think the PENS are slime or not.

All that matters is if you are going to rout them on, do it win or lose... do we all rout the Skins on whether we win or lose? YES! WHY SHOULD IT BE ANY DIFFERENT THAN THAT? Seriously... some of you get off your high horses and get on the same page!... routing on the Capitals to the ECF, then the FINALS!!! :groupwave: :cheers:

Amen, brother! :cheers:

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I liked your post, but I think this point is up for debate.

Bandwagoner fans are exactly that. Hypothetically, lets say the Capitals come out and suck next year...and suck every year for the next four years or so.

How many of those fans are going to stick around? Some might have found a genuine love for the sport, but by and large and bandwagoning fan is a bandwagoning fan...and they only come out and act like they care when the team wins.

Good in the short term, yes, you're right....but I highly doubt the Capitals are going to win over a lot of fans here when the lean years come.

The only thing I can say to that is there are probably more bandwagon fans of the Dallas Cowboys than any other team in any sport besides perhaps the Yankees or Lakers. Go anywhere in the US and you'll find a Cowboys fan, and there is a good chance they hopped on the wagon in the 70's or 90's and never got off. Many of them support the team strongly even though they have been for all intents and purposes pathetic for over a decade now.

The point is, if you win enough those fans will get on the bandwagon and never get off. Sure if they suck next year and for years to come they won't keep a lot of the bandwagon fans, now the chances of that happening with the great team they've put together are very very very slim but hypothetically, sure they could lose some fans, in the long run if they win a cup and make the playoffs for a few years those fans will stick like all those annoying Cowboys, Yankees, and Lakers fans...only they'll stick in the actual market for this team rather than having a bunch of caps fans in San Francisco or something crazy like that.

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DUH! I have been a Caps fan before you were a gleam in your father's eye. Thank you reminding me of the playoff games that I ATTENDED.

And do me a favor. DON'T EVER lump me in there when describing Don Cherry.

Oh and were you there when they clinched the division last year? I was there with my son on his 17th b-day. I am raising new fans Putz

:notworthy :notworthy:notworthy:notworthy

You are to be worshipped. The ground you walk on must be Hallowed! :rolleyes:

You were there when we sucked...big whoop. So was I. And I, personally, am LOVING all the new fans & the atmosphere that it has brought here. It's actually shutting up some of these ****tsburgh fans who have invaded our area for a bit. And since your avatar claims you are in York, Pa, I assume you wouldn't really know just how black & gold it has gotten around here on a regular.

So pipe down, Pops. Take your blood pressure medicine & take a nap. By the time you wake up, we'll be in the 3rd round beating the **** out of Carolina. :D


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So pipe down, Pops. Take your blood pressure medicine & take a nap. By the time you wake up, we'll be in the 3rd round beating the **** out of Boston. :D


Fixed it for you ;)

Bruins are gonna go down 2-1, win game 4 and 5, lose 6 and take 7.

At least that's what I see happening for god knows what reason...probably cause they're one hell of a deep team.

Wow my text went all ninja on me for a second there.

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I used to be just a hockey fan in general... When I first got into hockey, it was on the Sega... Bondra was an absolute BEAST with his speed, so, being a Redskins fan, I played as the Caps... Then when I moved to Pittsburgh, I watched the Pens a lot because that was all that was on in the winter (Pittsburgh doesn't have an NBA team). THEN I moved to NC and picked up the Canes b/c they were local, went to game 7 of the 2006 Eastern Conference Finals where they beat Buffalo... So I started picking up hockey more hardcore than I was... So honestly I had 3 favorite teams, Caps, Pens, and Canes... Until this year...

When the only hockey talk you get, comes from a Washington message board... You tend to start pulling for that team more... I pulled for the Caps when they played in the Stanley Cup Finals (I remember I was in Pittsburgh for that), so I don't care if I'm bandwagon or not... I can't NOT like the team because they're good now... Because I'm still going to be surrounded by people highlighting their games...

Plus walking around DC the weekend of the DDP, I caught Caps fever... Especially in Union Station, Greene Turtle, and Rocket Bar (where I watched the game 6 at)

Would I be hoping that Carolina made it to the Finals if Washington wasn't in it this year? Hell yeah... Would I be pulling for Pittsburgh if Carolina or Washington weren't in the playoffs? Hell no... You guys have tainted my view of the Penguins..

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Fixed it for you ;)

Bruins are gonna go down 2-1, win game 4 and 5, lose 6 and take 7.

At least that's what I see happening for god knows what reason...probably cause they're one hell of a deep team.

Wow my text went all ninja on me for a second there.

Honestly, I could care less which team we face in the next round, so long as WE face them. :D

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I'm a habs fan and I see no problem with bandwagon fans. Its good for the NHL and who knows, maybe some of those bandwagon fans will "fall in love" with the sport and stick around. Its great watching arenas that use to be deserted, being full and loud.

Having a rivalry outside your division has happened before (colorado vs detroit bloodbath in the playoffs). Two of the best young players in the NHL in Crosby & Ovechkin are facing off. The media is trying to create another "Gretzky vs Lemieux" to hype up every game and increase interest. Its working, so i don't mind it. I don't think these two teams hate each other yet, but if things keep going like this, in a few years they will.

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Pittsburgh has ended the Caps season too many times to get my mercy.

I will also always hate Darius Kasparitis.

Love Lemiuex though.

I forgot about that assclown. Kasper-virus I used to call him. :puke: Hate him

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I really got into hockey about 10 years ago, and have always really been into it. However I will say that it was easy to forget about the Caps for the past few years because the Wizards picked up the slack, even though I've always been more of an NHL guy than NBA guy. I still went to and watched Caps games, but I'll admit i was lacking the passion I once had. I guess thats natural. Glad the team is finally doing well again, Its nice to be able to really enjoy one of my true loves again.

It does suck when I hear people calling me a bandwagon fan. That really pisses me off- I am no such thing.

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I've been a Caps fan for just about as long as I've been a Redskins fan.

I readily admit that I'm not as psychotic about the Caps (and the game of Hockey) as I am with the Skins and thus I'm not as emersed in every detail. But I've followed them since the early 80's and remember the times when the Islanders were knocking out pretty damn good Cap teams in the early 80's. I remember feeling the satisfaction of revenge when the Caps finally swept the Islanders in 86 (only to be upset by the Rangers in the next round and some no name at the time named John Vanbeesbrook sp?). The next year staying up, despite it being a school night, until who knows when in the morning listening to Ron Webber's radio call (didn't have cable so no HTS) of the 4 OT Game 7 and the utter heartbreak when we lost.

Now did I follow this team when they stunk 3 and 4 years ago?

A little.

I was aware of the "big named players" that they were drafting (Ovechkin/Semin) and was aware that they were in rebuilding mode. But other than watching a game here or there I didn't watch them religiously nor follow the ins and outs of the team.

Does that make me a "bandwagon" fan?

Perhaps to some. But then again I think the "Caps fans" who view that as being a bandwagon fan are also the inferiority complex folks who seem to have to hate the Redskins because this is a Redskins town and they don't like it. So I really don't give a damn what those people think.

I know Caps history and felt the highs and lows of it.

All this is to say..........yes I hate the Penguins.

They've knocked the Caps out 6 times in the last 18 seasons. That's reason enough. Then you add the "who's the best player" stuff between the two, it's a natural rivalry.

So screw the Penguins.

Die Pittsburgh Die!!!!!

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I really can't stand people ****ing about others enjoying "their" sport. The fact of the matter is simple, until last year the Caps never had a home ice. Now that they are a GREAT team and will be GREAT for a LONG time, people are coming in droves. Winning cures all.

Look at it this way, just a few short years ago if a Penguin would have scored a hat trick in the phone booth there would have been as much hats on the ice that Ovie got. Now, Crosby gets ONE, just ONE. Take the Skins for example, if the ever turn the organization around and become a VIABLE Super Bowl contender, FedEx will be the LOUDEST stadium in the league. You would barely see any opposing fans.

I don't look at the fans as bandwagon, they're just smarter than the REAL fans that waste their money on a bad product.

As far as the Venom is concerned, I HATE the Pens and I understand the animosity. I hate that Crybaby Crosby. Yeah you're good, but this isn't basketball. Stop complaining to the ref when you get touched or the fans throw too many hats on the ice. Nut up, you play hockey. Take the hit and STFU!!

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I'm not much of a hockey fan, but have always liked the Caps just because they were the home team. Wouldn't call myself much of a fan, but whenever I had the oportunity I rooted for them. I can respect the lifers even though they might look down at me as a temp or day worker.

As for the heckling, that's been a part of sports since sports attracted a crowd. It's a major way that fans feel a part of the game. There's nothing wrong with a little light hearted heckling. And frankly, the guys you jeer the most are almost always the ones that you respect the most because the ineffectual guys aren't going to hurt your team. No one spends a day at Fed Ex ripping the third string safety on the bench or the guys on the inactive list. No, the bums are the other teams' superstars. Most players know it is a badge of honor to be hated. Did you see how much fun Irvin had being booed within an inch of his life at the Art Monk HOF Induction?

Now, I do think there needs to be a line in heckling that we don't cross and much of it is drunken nonsense, but criticizing opponents or the ump is part of the fans Bill of Rights.

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I watched hockey constantly when I was a kid in the 90's. It was because of NHL 96 for SNES. I watched NHL on FOX every Saturday and Friday Night Hockey on ESPN. I remember when we made the Stanley Cup Final. We got absolutely handled by the Redwings and it sucked but new fans are always welcome. When a team wins in a city which is a joke when i comes to sports there is nothing wrong with getting behind the team, just make sure if they miss the playoffs on some random year you don't leave.

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I really can't stand people ****ing about others enjoying "their" sport. The fact of the matter is simple, until last year the Caps never had a home ice. Now that they are a GREAT team and will be GREAT for a LONG time, people are coming in droves. Winning cures all.

Look at it this way, just a few short years ago if a Penguin would have scored a hat trick in the phone booth there would have been as much hats on the ice that Ovie got. Now, Crosby gets ONE, just ONE. Take the Skins for example, if the ever turn the organization around and become a VIABLE Super Bowl contender, FedEx will be the LOUDEST stadium in the league. You would barely see any opposing fans.

I don't look at the fans as bandwagon, they're just smarter than the REAL fans that waste their money on a bad product.

As far as the Venom is concerned, I HATE the Pens and I understand the animosity. I hate that Crybaby Crosby. Yeah you're good, but this isn't basketball. Stop complaining to the ref when you get touched or the fans throw too many hats on the ice. Nut up, you play hockey. Take the hit and STFU!!


The Cap Centre was one of the loudest arenas in the league in the 80's. Even I know that and I wasn't born until 1990.

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