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REAL Caps fans


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It takes a seriously insecure individual to feel the need to validate the "level of fandom" of other people.

I am actually embarassed for this guy.

It's happening throughout this thread...half the people who post in here are giving their resume of Caps fandom before they make their point...it's very bizarre.

How about this...if the Caps' current success makes you happy, then enjoy it! No one else really cares just how happy/excited each individual is about the local hockey team.

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It's happening throughout this thread...half the people who post in here are giving their resume of Caps fandom before they make their point...it's very bizarre.

I'm using this as a sounding board, more than anything else. Sort of like a question of 'when did you become a fan' more than 'are you really a fan.' Interesting to see different stories.

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It's happening throughout this thread...half the people who post in here are giving their resume of Caps fandom before they make their point...it's very bizarre.

How about this...if the Caps' current success makes you happy, then enjoy it! No one else really cares just how happy/excited each individual is about the local hockey team.

That's kinda what I was trying to get across...I don't really care when my fandom started, I just know this team brings me a lot of joy. Next year I am a season-ticket holder...does that make me more fan-worthy? :)

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Its a tough team to be a die hard fan of, but this team today is what is making it all worth it

They are also the only DC team with any (realistic) hope of a championship for the forseeable future. And the best thing is, some teams are good, but boring. This team is not only a really good team, they are about as exciting as a team can be.

As for the thread, I don't get it...I love all the "new fans" because our building is packed. Did you see how few ****sburgh fans were there? I say the more the merrier, I love it

I love it too. Having a buzz around DC like this is great.

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That's kinda what I was trying to get across...I don't really care when my fandom started, I just know this team brings me a lot of joy. Next year I am a season-ticket holder...does that make me more fan-worthy? :)

Only if you hook up your boy PB. :)

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Here's a few questions for the haters. What if your team drafted Crosby? Would you still call him names? If not, why? Can anyone be honest and admit that there is a level of jealousy that fuels this hatred? Whether it's jealousy of him not on your team or jealousy that he takes attention away from your star player.

A few more questions. What does Atlanta, Carolina, Florida, and Tampa Bay all have in common? What does Pittsburgh not have in common with them? How many of you get as bent out of shape when the Skins play the Cards? Afterall, they USED to be in the same division too.

Actually, don't bother to answer the questions, they'll amount to nothing more than Caps good, Pens bad.

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The Sport is on par with any major sport. In terms of the amount of fans, maybe its smaller but it is a vastly superior game to baseball. Baseball is a game made for radio. Everyone just standing around waiting for the pitcher to throw the ball, then waiting for the batter to hit it, and then waiting for the guy closest to the ball to throw it. SO ****ING EXCITING! The most static sport in the world.

If you can't appreciate hockey then you are kind of a moron, These guys, first of all, ARE ON SKATES. They are hitting, shooting, turning on a dime, breaking peoples ankles, ON SKATES!!!! That, by itself, elevates the sport past anything baseball has to offer.

Getting a little carried away here, I see.

I love ****-measuring threads where people challenge other people's levels of being a fan. (Note that I don't consider myself a Caps fan, so my participation here is purely exoteric).

They usually go like this:

I've been a fan since _________. I remember when ___________ had that monster game/screwup/amazing play. I've had season tickets since _________ and have seen _________ games in person while wearing my _____________ jersey and my ___________ -shaped hat.

You're bandwagon because you only started following the team after ___________. You've probably never even been to a game. Do you have an entire room filled with team memorabilia like I do? I doubt it.

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I've always considered myself a Capitals fan, but in the years before the lockout as the game was going downhill and in the first few years back I wasn't much of a hockey fan period. Now that the sport is improving and the Caps are really great and exciting, I'm back to watching. Does this make me a bandwagon fan? And if it does, do I give a crap?

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I LOVE the Capitals when they are in the playoffs.:D

But seriously, why do people get so upset with the casual fan? It doesn't bother me one bit. It's a shame that some people are so consumed by the "bandwagon" fans instead of enjoying the success of their team.

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Here's a few questions for the haters. What if your team drafted Crosby? Would you still call him names? If not, why? Can anyone be honest and admit that there is a level of jealousy that fuels this hatred? Whether it's jealousy of him not on your team or jealousy that he takes attention away from your star player.

Jealousy is certainly not it. And to be honest, I love to watch the kid play, he has some incredible vision and stick handling ability. By far should be considered one of the best in the world, and seeing him play live is a treat, in particular if you watch him when he doesn't have the puck. He sees the game real well, like Adam Oates time 100 well (not quite in Gretzky, Lemiux territory though)

His problem always has been his personality and whining, in particular his rookie year. The guy seems so packaged, so business like, so robotic, like he isn't having fun at all

Contrast that with Ovechkin, who is not only great, but is having a BLAST doing it, and off ice is probably the most polite sports superstar this town has ever seen.

A few more questions. What does Atlanta, Carolina, Florida, and Tampa Bay all have in common? What does Pittsburgh not have in common with them? How many of you get as bent out of shape when the Skins play the Cards? Afterall, they USED to be in the same division too.


Rivalries are made in the playoffs, not regular season. For a few years during the middle part of this decade the fan base detested Tampa. Its part of the reason why Caps fans still hate Torterella, from his days in Tampa and beating the Caps.

If the Caps-Pens never played in the playoffs in the 1990s, nobody would care

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Man, everyone sure got all bent out of shape over this.

This thread was just unbelievably stupid in every way shape or form. And I mean just plain DUMB!

I think we're all agreed. Now let's all take a deep breath and put things in perspective. We're on the verge of witnessing something great and this city sorely needs it. Let's enjoy the ride.

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Here's a few questions for the haters. What if your team drafted Crosby? Would you still call him names? If not, why? Can anyone be honest and admit that there is a level of jealousy that fuels this hatred? Whether it's jealousy of him not on your team or jealousy that he takes attention away from your star player.

A few more questions. What does Atlanta, Carolina, Florida, and Tampa Bay all have in common? What does Pittsburgh not have in common with them? How many of you get as bent out of shape when the Skins play the Cards? Afterall, they USED to be in the same division too.

Actually, don't bother to answer the questions, they'll amount to nothing more than Caps good, Pens bad.

i really have no idea where you or bill are going with this. what you're describing is a rivalry. of course if sidney was a cap, caps fans would love him. but he's not, he's a rival player, so caps fans don't like him.

it seems that bill thinks the pens aren't a rival, which really is different from the title of his post. you seem to think that even if pittsburgh is a rival, caps fans shouldn't hate on their star player.

if emmitt smith was drafted by the 'skins, 'skins fans would love him. same with ed too tall jones. same thing applies to hockey. it's part of being a fan. like seinfeld said, you're rooting for laundry.

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What if your team drafted Crosby? Would you still call him names? If not, why? Can anyone be honest and admit that there is a level of jealousy that fuels this hatred? Whether it's jealousy of him not on your team or jealousy that he takes attention away from your star player.

Caps could've drafted him, but there was some sort of swith-a-roo that happened to make it not so.

I've thought about that, since it was feasable for the Caps to actually have him. I think there is some realism involved, or should be. Crosby is a talented player, and that will add to the hatred. But his antics really don't help him much. Would I cheer for him if he were a Cap? I'd be a liar if I said no. But I'd like to think I'd be a little more objective, and feel a tinge of shame for the amount of whinery he pulls out.

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if emmitt smith was drafted by the 'skins, 'skins fans would love him. same with ed too tall jones. same thing applies to hockey. it's part of being a fan. like seinfeld said, you're rooting for laundry.

And if Tony Romo sits to pee botched a field goal snap in burgundy and gold to lose a playoff game, we'd think it was no big deal. Good post, Maj!

**** the Penguins. I can hate whoever I want!

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I'm going to jump in and say that I also don't understand this thread. I've been a caps fan since the late 70's/early 80's and watching the Pens knock us out of the playoffs several times made me hate them. And I don't know what Pitts fans you talk to, but the ones I know HATE Ovechkin and believe Crosby is in a different league. Anyway, to imply that you are such a great Caps fan and yet not understand why anyone would have a dislike for the Pens seems contradictory to me.

I don't like the idea of fans trying to make the rules for what a 'real' fan is. But at the risk of doing so, if you watched the Caps lose to them several times (after having them down 3-1 nonetheless) and not have some dislike or at least understand other's dislike for them, I have to wonder how much you cared in the first place.

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Here's a few questions for the haters. What if your team drafted Crosby? Would you still call him names? If not, why? Can anyone be honest and admit that there is a level of jealousy that fuels this hatred? Whether it's jealousy of him not on your team or jealousy that he takes attention away from your star player.

A few more questions. What does Atlanta, Carolina, Florida, and Tampa Bay all have in common? What does Pittsburgh not have in common with them? How many of you get as bent out of shape when the Skins play the Cards? Afterall, they USED to be in the same division too.

Actually, don't bother to answer the questions, they'll amount to nothing more than Caps good, Pens bad.

Let me ask you something? WHY do you care?

Are you and bill really this blind or just trying to poke people with a stick?

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