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Rant: Radio Stations and Their Pathetic Playlists


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You know what really grinds my gears? Radio stations that play the same crap music over and over again.

First, let me mention that there's not much radio selection where I live out in the sticks. For my tastes, its either DC101 or ESPN980. When I walk out of work at 5pm, DC101 is on my radio, and usually playing the same old junk. I used to be a manager and DJ for my college radio station, and today's radio makes me sick.

Listen to DC101 in the afternoon around 5pm. You're almost guaranteed to hear songs from Chili Peppers, Staind, Offspring, Seether, Foo Fighters and Nickelback at least once every hour, and during the peak time of rush hour, no less! Sorry, there is much better music out there, try playing some of it.

I know this has been going on since forever, but ****, you would think that with the increasing popularity of internet music downloads, which lets people listen to and purchase music from an infinite library, radio stations would try to compete for listeners by NOT PLAYING THE SAME 30 SONGS OVER AND OVER AGAIN. :shot:

Radio used to be the starting point for new music to be broadcast to the masses. Now I'm not so sure anymore.

Anyone agree?:rant:

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unfortunately the DJs dont have a choice

stations are paid big bucks to push songs via under the table brokers, etc.

every radio station wants you to think that the djs are going through a big s tack of records, picking out the ones that you might like

just not the case. radio sucks.

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I agree. I used to listen to 99.5 all the time until I kept hearing the same songs. I think in one day I heard the same song at least 3 times over a 5 hour period. I feel like radio stations only play the most popular songs and thats it. Hardly ever hear any of the new stuff and they never play older songs. It's annoying. That's why I have my ipod

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radio is no different than the current ticket situation.

radio could be an awesome, awesome thing, but Clear Channel is just too big for anyone else to come in and challenge, much like Ticketmaster/Livenation.

they wont ever change b/c they are making serious profits so they will continue to do things the same way, and the only loser is the listener/fan.

just kind of sucks and there arent too many ways around it

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KCRW (which is tied to NPR) is the ONLY decent station for music and it really is diverse. I don't know what the call letters are for the East Coast but it offers a great array of choices. Other than that, ALL RADIO blows w/the exception of satellite/subscription radio.

The iPod has obviated the need for me to really ever listen to radio again.

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I'd be curious to hear how much Kilmer likes "101.5 The Point...Best of the '80s and more" down there in Bradenton. When we were down there a few weeks ago, I swear we heard Rick Springfield sing "Jesse's Girl" every day, along with Susan Vega's "The Apartment" and various songs over and over again. Initially it was interesting to hear some '80s songs you haven't heard in a while, but they played the same ones over and over while skipping a bunch of good songs from the '80s. Lame.

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90.3 KEXP here in Seattle streams on the web. They play a really interesting mix of music. Most of it you've probably never heard and they don't overplay ANY song. Some songs you've probably heard by band on regular stations but they also play those bands OTHER songs. Most stations now don't even have the whole album, they just have singles.

No commercials either.

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The one thing I don't understand is classic rock stations that play absolutely terrible classic rock.

We get 106.9 (the Eagle) out of Frederick, and they play some of the most gawdawful "classic" rock you could possibly find. You are guaranteed to hear Boston, Heart, Journey, and every other crappy artist from the 70's/80's you can find.

Why is it so hard to play GOOD classic rock? I've never once heard a Pink Floyd song, very little Beatles, very little Stones, even less Springsteen.

I don't know a single person in my life that has ever heard "More Than A Feeling" come on the radio and said, "**** YEAH, MAN! TURN THAT UP!!"

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The one thing I don't understand is classic rock stations that play absolutely terrible classic rock.

Well that's a whole other issue with stations that are geared toward a certain time frame or category of music (classics, oldies, etc).

Take a radio station that specializes in 80's. How much 80's music could they possibly play without grossly repeating themselves? They aren't making any more 80's music ;)

In those cases, that station (at least, with that format) is doomed to fail. This is where stations started turning to the "jack" radio format (which calls for a station to play different kinds of music, like rock, hip hop, pop, etc, all on the same station), which has been becoming a bit more popular over the years. Then again, with that format, you tend to alienate core genre audiences and find yourself geared to teenagers who wouldn't even know what good music is.

But that's a topic for another day :)

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I don't listen to music on the radio anymore. I barely listen to any music, and mostly listen to sports talk now. The music radio in DC has been steadily declining, now it's all crappy music.

On the rare occasion that I do listen to music it's most likely 90.9 WETA lol

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I'd be curious to hear how much Kilmer likes "101.5 The Point...Best of the '80s and more" down there in Bradenton. When we were down there a few weeks ago, I swear we heard Rick Springfield sing "Jesse's Girl" every day, along with Susan Vega's "The Apartment" and various songs over and over again. Initially it was interesting to hear some '80s songs you haven't heard in a while, but they played the same ones over and over while skipping a bunch of good songs from the '80s. Lame.

All of radio is GAHHHHD AWEFUL.

I listen to Country stations now because the music is all new to me. Some of it's not bad. Maybe my wife was right all along.

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I completely agree that DC101 is complete ****.

It's ridiculous that on literally EVERY occasion I've drifted from WAMU 88.5 to DC101 in the recent past, I've heard the very same, generic, late 90's "modern rock" stuff they were playing 10 years ago when I was still in high school...I'm talking about crapola like:

Fuel - "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)"...

Filter - "Take a Picture"...

Filter - "Hey Man, Nice Shot"...

that stupid "Shut Up When I'm Talking to You" Linkin Park song...

Lit - "Miserable"...

etc, etc, etc...

I realize those songs were popular at one point, but the fact that a casual sweep of DC101, now--TEN YEARS AFTER THEY WERE FIRST PLAYED--reveals the playlists have hardly changed...kinda sucks donkey balls.

It's like they're not even trying.:mad:

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Fuel - "Hemorrhage (In My Hands)"...

Filter - "Take a Picture"...

Filter - "Hey Man, Nice Shot"...

that stupid "Shut Up When I'm Talking to You" Linkin Park song...

Lit - "Miserable"...

Yes, completely forgot about Linkin Park. They always play that terrible song "Bleed it Out".

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