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Jason Campbell Is Our Starting QB, So Let's Be Optimistic About It...

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Well, consider the fact that at least one GM already chose Kyle Orton over JC and from the sounds of things, no one has been knocking down our door when we opened the possibility of wanting a new QB.

The interesting part about the poll is that right now JC is third in VA and MD and not even close to first.



And you know this how? The GM made the choice because of what Chicago gave up. We would not match that offer. Same thing on draft day. I wont presume that the FO did not want another option at QB. JC has been inconsistant. But for people like yourself that cling to this myth that JC just plain sucks, when in reality hes about average, is just plain stupid. And you cant fix stupid.

If you can honestly and rationally think that Orton is better than Campbell... well, I dont know what to say then. Thats just silly... like rainbows and unicorns silly.

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And you know this how? The GM made the choice because of what Chicago gave up. We would not match that offer. Same thing on draft day. I wont presume that the FO did not want another option at QB. JC has been inconsistant. But for people like yourself that cling to this myth that JC just plain sucks, when in reality hes about average, is just plain stupid. And you cant fix stupid.

If you can honestly and rationally think that Orton is better than Campbell... well, I dont know what to say then. Thats just silly... like rainbows and unicorns silly.

But is it THIS silly?


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Califan, Hail. Great post.

Thanks for the optimism. :)

Unlike some of the more shrill JC haters, I put the decline in his performance, and that of CP, down mostly to the OL problems in the second half of 2008. Also, people began to figure out Zorn's playcalling. That is not to say that JC played flawlessly - not at all.

I just think that if our OL gets back to the level they achieved in 2008 H1, we have a much better chance of seeing JC deliver the way he did early last season.

I have to say I was a bit baffled by our seeming lack of attention to OL in the draft, but my sense now is that the FO and coaches believe we can get the job done with the vets and youngsters we have. This could turn out to be a pleasant surprise to Skins fans. We'll see.

Anyway, thanks for the positive post.


Nice post. I have the same feeling as well. Alot of the "haters" cling to myth as fact and cant seem to look at the season with clarity. Everything is about the final numbers and not what really happened during the year.

This will be the third time I am going to bring this up (hopefully a "hater" can explain it away) but...

In H1, when the offense was clicking, JC was posting a 7.6 YPA average (This is the mumber they use when claiming Cutler is god-like). After that it went to 6.3 or something like that. Now... to think JC has mechanis issues that are not fixable, then those complete opposite side of the YPA culd not exist. What? Did JC forget how to play around week 7 or 8?

I think, all JC needs to do is get more TD's and the unsatisfied masses will STFU... or at least find something new and shiny to complain about.

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Here's the dilema for Campbell;

Almost all of the great QB's had pretty bad seasons starting out and threw a lot of INT's.

Why is that... cause they took shots... they were learning to play NFL speed.. they took shots.. learned from those mistakes got better. After 2 or 3 sesaons.. instead of a 18TD and 20 INT QB.. you have a 31TD and 18INT QB.

Campells problem is he doesn't take shots... he's limiting his own learning by being to cautious with the football. Or I should say already HAS limited his own learning.

Now he's in his contract year... he needs to light it up...

if he trys to unleash and take the shots.. he's gonna mess up a lot more often... he hasn't learned the tricks of taking those shots yet.

So if he decides to try to light up the scoreboard this year... we may see 20-22TD's out of him.. but we might see 18-20INT's as well.

but if you have a defense that can get you turnovers and shut down the other team.. that could be enough... those were basically Rothelisburgers numbers last year.

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Campbell has my full support as a fan and I will stay optimistic (you sorta have to these days), but this is the make or break year for him in my eyes.

He has my vote to remain our starting quarterback if we win the NFC East title and/or wins 10 games which is totally within reach barring major/numerous injuries.

If we end the season with another mediocre (7-9, 8-8, 9-7) season, the front office has my full support when they release him.

If we don't have a winning record or are struggling on the offensive side of the ball by the mid-point of the season, bench Campbell and start Collins or Brennan (preferably Brennan). Release Campbell at the end of the season or trade him for whatever you can get for him (not much).

Everyone should be hoping that the first one happens and we go to the playoffs, but if it doesn't, we have an open quarterback competition next season between Brennan and Daniels (Collins will be 40 by the time all this happens) and the winner becomes our new starter.

But then again notice all of the ifs, all we can do is wait it out and hope for the best.

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i'm optimistic... That our defense will be good enough to keep us in games and give us a shot. I'm optimistic that campbell will help the d by not throwing a lot of ints.

i hope he does well. I'll cheer him on as a redskin every time he takes the field. But that's about as far as i can go.


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I'm hopeful he'll get better.

I'm also hopeful I'll win the lottery.

Why would I focus on the beginning part of the year? If he was getting better as he learned the system, then one would expect him to have had a better 2nd half of the season not the 1st half.

Instead, his first half success looks like it was much more due to teams not "having tape" on Zorn's system and not knowing how to defend him. Once teams figured it out and figured out how to attack JC, it was all downhill.

I'd be more optimistic if he got better as the year went on; that would suggest an optimistic trajectory.

Instead, he looked worse as the year wore on and he started looking like he looked in his 2nd year. No improvement at all.

Look, its clear the team has no faith him. Tried to trade him, tried to trade for two replacements, sniffed around Leftwich, refused to extend JC.

If the team has no faith that he will turn it around, why should I?

I'm hopeful the guy turns into the greatest QB ever. But I'm not about to get my expectations up because I'm virtually certain he will be pedestrian again this year. If he had any promise, the team would not have done what they did and other teams would have been jumping all over JC, and they were weren't.

Jason wasn't the only one who's play sucked during the last 8 games of the year.....

Well here are Clinton Portis' numbers during the first 8 games (6-2) and the second 8 games (6-3) you can see a great dropoff in the numbers as our o-line began to wear down.

Clinton Portis 1st 8 games (6-2)

187 carries

944 yards

5.05 yds per carry

Clinton Portis 2nd 8 games (2-6)

155 carries

543 yards

3.50 yds per carry

As you can see, there was a big drop off in his in the second half of last year. Can we finally admit that football is a team effort and you need all elements to be good on both sides of the ball.

I'm hopeful he'll get better.

Look, its clear the team has no faith him. Tried to trade him, tried to trade for two replacements, sniffed around Leftwich, refused to extend JC.

If the team has no faith that he will turn it around, why should I?

We clearly needed to upgrade our o-line by adding depth not just Dockery, but our team/FO didnt do it so obviously you shouldn't base anything you believe on what they believe. Our o-line problems were obvious yet and still we didn't add anyone of value outside of Dockery.

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Campbell can play.. he's capable. He has some work to do, but I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that he hasn't been able to work on his problem areas, specifically for me: decision making.

And I think better decision making simply comes with more understanding of the offense. it is not an excuse to say that he's new in the offense, every coach will tell you a QB masters the WCO in about five years. Pretty much every QB says that in their 3rd year as a starter the game slows down for them, and this will be JCs 3rd year starting.

I want to see him execute better, make good decisions and become a leader. I want to know it's his team, and I think the offense wants him to take the reins. I think he's capable of these things, and so long as he improves this year, I'm not expecting him to become elite all of a sudden.

We've seen it in him. He has shown the ability. Now let's see it in him consistently.


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SO wait, they never threw for 20 TDs in a season their entire career? Wow, you must know some secrets stats that I don't know about.

Joe Montana threw for more than 20 a couple of times and Troy Aikman topped the 20 td mark once in 1992 when he threw 23.

But comparing them to those two QBs or any other great QB is silly because they all played for 10+ seasons while Campbell has about two full seasons under his belt.

But it did take them both until their 4th year to top 20 though, and both played with Hall of Fame receivers on historically great teams.

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Jason wasn't the only one who's play sucked during the last 8 games of the year.....

Well here are Clinton Portis' numbers during the first 8 games (6-2) and the second 8 games (6-3) you can see a great dropoff in the numbers as our o-line began to wear down.

Clinton Portis 1st 8 games (6-2)

187 carries

944 yards

5.05 yds per carry

Clinton Portis 2nd 8 games (2-6)

155 carries

543 yards

3.50 yds per carry

As you can see, there was a big drop off in his in the second half of last year. Can we finally admit that football is a team effort and you need all elements to be good on both sides of the ball.

We clearly needed to upgrade our o-line by adding depth not just Dockery, but our team/FO didnt do it so obviously you shouldn't base anything you believe on what they believe. Our o-line problems were obvious yet and still we didn't add anyone of value outside of Dockery.

You as an opposing defense know all you have to do is stack the box and pressure the QB to win your saliva glands go into overtime on Tuesday before the game watching tape. CP paid the price of the D's looking at an easy target in the backfield and was just a bonus.

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JC is a warrior, he has been taking shots behind that o-line (some his fault, most o-lines), he kept on getting back up, you gotta respect him, I wish him luck this year, he flashes so much potential, hopefully this is the year he puts it together, I like the fact he has started to scramble more, he even learned how to slide lol...

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BTW, you want to talk about Troy Aikman, check out his stats from his first 3 seasons.


Downright AWFUL.

Then he comes back in 92 and he's suddenly pretty good. How many seasons has JC played? The end of 06, the first 12 games of 07, and the full season last year. How about we give him one more season before we jump the gun here, k?

What's interesting to me is how many interceptions he threw. His INT % was not very good in a lot of seasons.

Not only that, going into the '92 season when the Cowboys won 13 games and the Superbowl, Aikman had a 14-24 career record as a starter. I agree, the best is still to come from Campbell, it's only sensible to be patient.

But check out '93 when he had a Campbell-esque statistical year going 15 and 6 (TD/INT) and his team won the Superbowl. Here's hoping we'll see a similar career arc from Campbell.

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"In a given year" means "In any one year during their careers". So what you asked was for a great QB who has not thrown for over 20 TDs in any one year of their careers. Basically, you used the wrong wording. What you should have said was "show me a QB who has never thrown for more than 20 TDs during any year of their careers".

Now, to equate what you're asking for to Jason Campbell, it would be more accurate to say "show me a great QB who has thrown for no more than 35 TDs in their first 36 starts"...mainly because JC, like many QBs great and not-so-great, has only had one season so far where he's played and started all 16 games.

I don't know about anyone else, but looking at Aikman's game log, he threw for 30 touchdowns in his first 36 starts. That's pretty comparable, and those Dallas teams had better all-around offenses than we've had.

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I posted this in another thread, but thought I'd make a new thread as well...

Campbell is going to be our starter. That's it. No Cutler. No Sanchez. It's JC. So instead of arguing over how terrible he will "no doubt" be this year, why not look back at how good everyone was saying he was midway through last season?...We might as well look at the positives of seeing JC behind center for a second year under Zorn, right?

How about Stop bringing this up over and over. Nobody is going to change anybodys mind with any stat or film or opinion, so just drop it, move on!

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