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Overused Movie Plot Devices

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Let's create a list of overused plot devices featured in movies that you would love to see banished from films forever. And let's do this because I'm bored. :thumbsup:

1) Police officer 2 weeks from retirement gets killed on the job.

2) Guy realizes he really DOES love the girl, and runs to airport to stop the "love of his life" from flying off to Paris.

3) Young teenage mother decides, at the end of the movie, to give up baby for adoption to perfect couple who want teenage mom to remain in baby's life. Everyone's happy.

4) Nuclear physicist-slash-organic chemistry specialist is 24 year old female bombshell who just happens to fall in love with the rough-and-tumble hero.

5) Talkative villain explains his entire plot to hero instead of just shooting him in the head immediately.

Continue the list...:cool:

Most true one in that list.

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1. Invincible bad guy vs the hero

- The indestructible villain stands there letting the hero blast him away so he can laugh in his face. He's invulnerable, his limbs will grow back. Sure stand there doing nothing while the hero straps a bomb to your chest. :jerk:

- With the strength to rip a man in half or punch through someones face the bad guy of course shows his superiority by picking up the hero and throwing him. The hero is hurt, but manages to get up every time from his toughness. :kungfu:

- The death blow is always the devastating choke him to death! Of course the bad guy doesn't rip the hero's head off like he did to 50 people earlier in the movie. Nah, choke him to death, which takes 5 minutes giving the hero time to save himself.

2. Extraordinary kids

- The 80pound runt can whoop up an entire room of armed bad guys. He knows karate!

- The hacker kid. They can hack into any computer system making them do anything they please. They can plug their laptop into a toaster and turn it into a rocket ship to escape.

- The junior scientist. The 9 year old with the rock collection knows everything about science imaginable; chemistry, biology, physics, he knows it all. He's smarter then anyone else and can one-up any mad scientist with ease.

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Sports movie: Stupid tactics to win a game. (The Mighty Ducks flying V!

Replacements - First the fake fg with Falco running it in but the penalty... Then the trick play to the sumo guy...

Which brings me to my next one... Distortion of space/time... Halftime, Gene Hackman says they need "Heart, miles and miles of heart", Falco gets to the stadium in time to play the rest of the game...

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Any movie with the line:

"Give me the disc!"

Typical plot line involves corporate henchmen chasing either a hacker or a friend of a hacker that was handed the "disc" (which contains info that will ruin the corporation / evil plans of the head antagonist) running away the whole movie. Why didn't you geeks just make a few copies and this wouldn't even be an issue!


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one person slowly clapping (who claps like that?) builds to thunderous roar of applause

chick flicks - woman dumps fiancee she's been dating for years to be with good looking stranger she met 2 weeks ago and "fell in love with", which is romantic for some reason

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Lifetime movies only cover a few plot outlines.

Dude cheats on wife and he's a scumbag. His stuff gets set on fire or something. Or Chick cheats on dude and she's the heroine breaking free


Daughter becomes runaway/prostitute (usually a *bad boyfriend's* fault)


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Computers that can do the impossible, like create a recognizable face from an extremely blurry, pixelated image. Usually it goes like this:

- A single still shot from a grainy b&w video shows some blurry, pixelated image of the killer.

- Hero takes still shot to some fat geeky computer whiz that ONLY the hero knows about. The guy will be in some large basement of some broken-down building and will have $2 million dollars worth of computer equipment down there with him.

- Hero says something like "Can you tell me who this is?"

- Fat geeky computer whiz says something like "That's a blurry, pixelated imaged from a grainy b&w video. But I could put it through a spectal facial analyzer and have it spacially transfigure similar pixel colors based on facial characteristics...there are no guarantees, though."

- 10 minutes before the movie ends, the fat geeky computer whiz comes back to the hero with a damn-near crystal clear image of the killer.

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I hate movies that use stupid science in them.

Like in the movie Evolution, they notice that Arsenic is deadly to us and since we're Carbon life forms, they move the same way the squares on the periodic table are from Carbon to Arsenic, except they move from Nitrogen or something to figure out what kills the aliens, SHAMPOO!

I hate space movies where you can see stars.

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When it comes to the "bad guy" explaining everything,I think Eli Wallach said it best in The Good,The Bad,and The Ugly right after dispatching one said bad guy. "If you're going to shoot,shoot. Don't talk."

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2. Extraordinary kids

And it's corollary, bad-ass women who are model-thin but can whoop the rear ends of a SEAL team, Mike Tyson and bring our hero to his knees and yet still allow some dark misogynistic impulse to find expression and release when the hero inevitably sends her through a wall or makes her explode. (granted, they spent like 2 hours making you hate unrealistic bad-ass women but still.)

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Horror movies where a group of teenagers go so some strange place to have a good time. Villain(s) find group of young kids and proceeds to murder all of them with the exception of a bad acting, smoking hot girl and equally bad acting, stud of a dude.

Chicks who have sex and show their boobies on the big screen always die and people somehow loose their balance very easily when running away from said villain.

Bad acting lead male and female usually survive (sometimes not) and live happily every after.

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Guy's girlfriend/fiance/wife/family gets murdered by evil gang. Guy is usually beat to within an inch of his life as well. Guy spends months becoming a badass and learning how to shoot a gun and hunts down killers one by one.

Months? More like years, if not decades.:)

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