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Overused Movie Plot Devices

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A few big ones:

4. Guns have infinite ammunition. Nobody ever needs to reload, or only reloads every 500000 shots.

This. How obnoxious. I especially like the handguns that have mags that magically hold 50 rounds....really?

Where do you get one of these guns? :silly: Would be nice to have, I reckon.

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- The hero and the villain both struggling to get to the dropped gun, which happens to be just out of both their reaches, and they fight each other as they do.

- The hero avoiding being shot by machine gun fire simply by running fast and ducking his head lol...

Then while they are fighting for gun the villian gets the gun and fires, the hero is hit!!! Oh wait no, his weak weeping girlfriend or peace loving never would use a gun friend shoots the the villian with another gun. Then stands there still holding the gun for ten minutes while the hero tells them "Its okay, its over". Then the girlfriend ( if not some peace loving dude) drops gun and falls into the arms of the hero.

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Conspiracy theories of any kind (shadow gov't or paramilitary group usually involved). Americans never seem to tire of the conspiracy angle.

My other one is demonizing Germans as a whole (I won't detail further because I don't want to politicize this but it's so overdone yet Hollywood never tires also of the 'evil German' stereotype).

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Here are a couple more standbyes that could use a rest:

1) Mafia Movies (at least The Departed shifted it to the Irish mafia but my God how many times can Hollywood work this tired genre over?)

2) The hooker w/the heart of gold theme (pretty woman and movies like that with the noble downtrodden hooker. Hookers aren't supposed to have teeth afterall)

3) 'Making fun of whitey' genre (this is too long to list but they need to retire it at this point in my opinion). The jokes are stale and I'm the punchline. What am I missing here? Not funny when you do it 10K times.

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Columbian drug lords kid nap daughter, makes father kill diplomat as part of the ransom to get the daughter back. Father snaps dude neck, jumps out plane, kills a couple of bad guys, breaks into a gun store, gets arrested, gets free, steals a plane, kills army and drug lord, and gets daughter back...........all while using one liners like "he's dead tired" and "I let him go"!!!!

You forgot to mention that all of this happens in 12 HOURS!!! Awesome flick though.

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People who smoke weed have wild hallucinations like they're out of their minds on acid.

Anyone who's about to fall or be thrown off a building or out a window is somehow miraculously able to grip a stone ledge to stop the fall, and can hold themselves there for at least 30 seconds.

Person shot multiple times keeps on running toward shooter, makes it there, and can continue fighting. I'm pretty sure if you get shot in the torso, especially more than once, you're dropping like a rock.

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This is one that really drives me nuts....the clawfoot tub.

Movie after movie uses the clawfoot tub for a murder, a sex scene or a bubble bath. Rarely in the movies do you see anyone in a modern bathtub.

Along those same lines:

The struggling character in a movie who's barely making above minimum wage yet has a large, roomy apartment in New York City with a great view of the skyline, especially at night.

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- The hero rescuing someone by driving a car through the wall of the crowded warehouse where all the bad guys are hiding, and then proceeding to shoot everyone in sight as he gets out of the car.

- The villain still shooting at the hero as the villain is falling to his death from a tall building or from a plane.

- Bad guys being shot with a hand gun in front of a big window, and the force of the hand gun shot somehow being enough to make him go sailing backwards through the glass.

- Hero is surrounded by 12 bad guys intent on beating him up, and they only attack him individually or in pairs, allowing the hero to take them all on and win.

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- Hero is surrounded by 12 bad guys intent on beating him up, and they only attack him individually or in pairs, allowing the hero to take them all on and win.

If it wasn't for that one Steven Segall's career would've lasted ten minutes.

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The "gay guy" charachter who is obligatory to all comedies, especially chic flicks and just acts femmy and makes comments about fashion, decorating, etc.

The fact that every movie charachter is one of only about six professions: doctor, lawyer, architect, advertisting exec or investment banker. This is ESPECIALLY true for movies in NYC.

It annoys me that everybody in movies seems to drive a cool car. It is either a nice new car or a cool classic car. What happened to some guy who just has a '99 Camry or Altima like most people?

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