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Overused Movie Plot Devices

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Let's create a list of overused plot devices featured in movies that you would love to see banished from films forever. And let's do this because I'm bored. :thumbsup:

1) Police officer 2 weeks from retirement gets killed on the job.

2) Guy realizes he really DOES love the girl, and runs to airport to stop the "love of his life" from flying off to Paris.

3) Young teenage mother decides, at the end of the movie, to give up baby for adoption to perfect couple who want teenage mom to remain in baby's life. Everyone's happy.

4) Nuclear physicist-slash-organic chemistry specialist is 24 year old female bombshell who just happens to fall in love with the rough-and-tumble hero.

5) Talkative villain explains his entire plot to hero instead of just shooting him in the head immediately.

Continue the list...:cool:

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6) The thing they've been searching for is in a really obvious place, but they must trek halfway across the globe to find out it was close to where they started.

7) Sports team scores on final try, never with 3 seconds left having to play defense to win the game.

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Geeky girls almost always look like super hot models.

It's not uncommon for a regular cop to have the skill set of a Navy SEAL

Black people are either super educated rich people or street hoods - there is no inbetween

Asian men are either super nerdy geeks or martial artists, in no way shape or form should could they ever have a hot white girlfriend

Conversely, Asian women have no problem dating White dudes exclusively.

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The good guy has victory firmly in his grasp, only to realize his daughter/family/girl is being held at gunpoint by the near-dead villain.

Some sort of misunderstanding leads the protagonist and his girlfriend to break up. Protagonist doesn't explain the situtation.

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Saw this one in Clear and Present Danger all those years ago and made me go :doh:

Hero or heroes,(main "good guys" if you will),are in a jam and need either equipment,a pilot, or both. They go to seedy bar and find some ex so and so that is down on his luck (and possibly drunk), to help them out.

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Saw this one in Clear and Present Danger all those years ago and made me go :doh:

Hero or heroes,(main "good guys" if you will),are in a jam and need either equipment,a pilot, or both. They go to seedy bar and find some ex so and so that is down on his luck (and possibly drunk), to help them out.

Nothing like a drunk ex-pilot to save the day lol :thumbsup:..."Independence Day" even used that nugget.

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Nothing like a drunk ex-pilot to save the day lol :thumbsup:..."Independence Day" even used that nugget.

That they did. :) At least the makers of Independence Day admitted they were taking a little from just about everyone in that movie. :) Have to wonder what was going through the heads of the guys who made Clear and Present Danger that using that tired old device was far better than what was written. Of course,that question could be asked of about all those we're bringing up here.

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