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Classic example of Cerrato's ineptness


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There are posters who have actually posted that, " Things are getting better; We are using the draft like real teams do."

Hog wash.

We don't need to go any futher then last year to prove that Snyder's "fantasy football " program is the same as usual. Here's the facts:

1. Sndyer/Cerrato offered two # 1 draft picks for a WR that is 30 years old (Chad Johnson). If it wasn't for the Bengals being so stupid, we wouldn't have a first round pick right now!! Snyder's changed??? Looks like the same guy to me!

2. In the second round of the draft, we selected a Wide Receiver with degenerative knees..AND WE KNEW HE HAD DEGENERATIVE KNEES!!! Kelly had "BUST" stamped on his forehead flashing in red letters!!

Subsequently, the DE we desperatly needed was selected 3 picks after Cerrato selected Kelly. Jason Jones was a player who was definitely on the rise. He had the size and measurables to be a good DE in the NFL.

Now compare Jason Jones (a player at a position of NEED for us) to a player of non-need (remember, Thomas was selected allready) and...KELLY HAD BAD KNEES!

Knowing all that...(AND THE SKINS FRONT OFFICE KNEW THESE THINGS)..who would you select???????

And Snyder says we don't need a real GM??? Snyder said, " If it ain't broke, don't fix it."??????????????????????????????????

Jason Jones is so impressive that the Titans have him tabbed to take Haynesworth place. And..in the game that he took Haynesworth place last season, he had 3 sacks against the Steelers! That's the type of talent this kid has. If we had drafted him, would we have had to trade a 2nd round pick to the Dolphins for Jason Taylor?? Most likely not.

Snyder doesn't really care about this team. Because if he really did, he would get a GM and scouting team that can really talent evaluate. Of course a real GM wouldn't tolerate Snyder's interfering and that is why we don't have one. Snyder is happy with himself being involved and losing then he is at not being involved and winning.

Snyder doesn't really care about the redskins fans or winning. He's the Donald Sterling of the NFL. He's just concerned about his personal fantasy football fantasy pleasure.

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Snyder doesn't really care about this team. Because if he really did, he would get a GM and scouting team that can really talent evaluate. Of course a real GM wouldn't tolerate Snyder's interfering and that is why we don't have one. Snyder is happy with himself being involved and losing then he is at not being involved and winning.

Snyder doesn't really care about the redskins fans or winning. He's the Donald Sterling of the NFL. He's just concerned about his personal fantasy football fantasy pleasure.

He's a redskins fan too. He gives it his all to make this team a contender. He just broke the bank for 3 players. Now is it the best way to make the team a contender? Based on history, no.

However, he may not have the patience like many on here to build through the draft and waiting for our players to develop. Everybody excpected Kelly,Thomas, and Davis to have pro bowl years and that is completely unfair. It takes time to change into the NFL, some can make the change quicker than others though.

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Snyder doesn't really care about the redskins fans or winning. He's the Donald Sterling of the NFL. He's just concerned about his personal fantasy football fantasy pleasure.

That is a VERY false statement. Danny has made some stupid moves, but his dedication to winning is absolutely unquestionable. He's slowly learning how to make the right moves, taking two step forward and one back, but slowly making it. But he wants to win SO badly. He doesn't need to bring in these players with high price tags every year and eke out every last dime he can out of that cap. Did you see him after we beat Philly at their place? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o85N2piJPyM

I love how he wants to win. That's the best part about him besides his money.;)

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You can't bash the owner for the selections. You have to bash only Vinny.

You can, however, bash the owner for having Vinny make the choices in the first place.

You made some good points, but I will say that it is easy to say now that Jackson is good. TN, like every other team, took a chance on a player in the draft and it appears to have worked out. What about the other teams besides the skins that didn't draft Jackson?

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yeah, another fan so wrapped up in his opinion that it makes having a logical discussion almost impossible. I have a feeling we're in for a Bash Snyder and Vinny party. All Haters Invited!
Gee, how could you tell? ;)

I've got the offseason blues...

I got to deal with bratty ESers

They bug me every day

And then this morning my Skins "GM"

He gave our last draft pick away

The owner acts like he belongs

He belongs in ancient Imperial Rome

I'm the saddest fan in FedEx Field seat number two

I've got the offseason blues...

*(apologies to Lisa Simpson)

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1. Sndyer/Cerrato offered two # 1 draft picks for a WR that is 30 years old (Chad Johnson). If it wasn't for the Bengals being so stupid, we wouldn't have a first round pick right now!! Snyder's changed??? Looks like the same guy to me!

2. In the second round of the draft, we selected a Wide Receiver with degenerative knees..AND WE KNEW HE HAD DEGENERATIVE KNEES!!! Kelly had "BUST" stamped on his forehead flashing in red letters!!

The first one may or may not be true. We've never had a confirmation that this is infact the offer that was made. I'm inclined to think it was and agree that is completely idiotic.

To this date there is ZERO evidence that Malcolm Kelly has degenerative knee condition. It is speculation at best mostly just on this board. The only actual evidence pertaining to this is Kelly's doctor saying that he does not. His doctor could find himself in serious trouble if he were caught in a lie. So please before making claims have some sort, any sort of evidence to back it up.

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He's a redskins fan too.

I think that's part of the problem. While I appreciate that he loves the team as a fan, I'm pretty confident in saying that I don't want a fan running the team. Fan's are impetuous. Fans don't have patience.

We need someone detached from the emotions of being a fan. We need a professional football person running the show. Not a fan.

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yeah, another fan so wrapped up in his opinion that it makes having a logical discussion almost impossible. I have a feeling we're in for a Bash Snyder and Vinny party. All Haters Invited!
Ah. Now we're cookin'. Wouldn't be the offseason without one of these beat up Dan Snyder and Vinny Cerrato threads. :rolleyes:
Wow, what an imaginative thread. Same old Redskins spending, Vinny made bad draft picks, all Snyder cares about is money. Since you obviously wasted time by creating the the thread I figured I'd contribute by wasting mine too.


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How in the world is Jason Jones going to take Haynesworth's place?? I mean he had a decent rookie year but suddenly he is going to move to DT and take over for the loss of the most dominant DT in the NFL?

I just saw Sapp talking about Albert. Sapp likes him, but says he isn't great yet.

Albert has less than 25 career sacks. Sapp had over 95.

God if he ever turned out to be 75% of the player Sapp was, we would have hit a homerun.

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I guess Vinny got too much praise in that interview with Doc. The fans had to fix the balance.

Good point. We'll have none of that. ;)

First one I've seen. lol:doh:

I wasn't around a lot for awhile there,but it does seem we're a bit tardy for one of these.

Couple of good counterpoints already here. I agree about Jones. If anything it's a bit early for that judgment.

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