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ES Official Quitting Smoking Thread


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Congrats Titaw on trying to quit.

I quit in '05 after about 18 years of smoking. I had tried everything, but what worked for me was finding out I was going to be a Father and using the Commit lozenge.

If you find the patch to be rough going, try the lozenge. They have new flavors since I used them and seem to release the nicotine slowly.

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More like really weird and fun dreams. It can also make some people depressed. I know some people that went on it and it made them crazy.

Once again- quitting smoking makes people depressed and crazy. I thought Chantix was supposed to help all that. I'm going to try the product but so far it doesn't sound like it does anything to help.

For the record though, my best friend used it and has not smoked in over a year. He was up to over 2 packs a day before he quit with Chantix.

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Once again- quitting smoking makes people depressed and crazy. I thought Chantix was supposed to help all that. I'm going to try the product but so far it doesn't sound like it does anything to help.

For the record though, my best friend used it and has not smoked in over a year. He was up to over 2 packs a day before he quit with Chantix.

I used it to quit. I did have some side effects but they really are what most people experience from quitting anyway. I only took 2 out of the 3 months they give you because it was working so well. Haven't touched a cig since.

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good luck with it!

I've been able to stop 3 different times this semester for about 5 or 6 days but then the weekend comes and it's almost impossible for me to be around smoke at the bar or a party without smoking myself

but I have figured I'll just go along with the quitting once I graduate in May since I probably won't be around a lot of partying anymore

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Once again- quitting smoking makes people depressed and crazy. I thought Chantix was supposed to help all that. I'm going to try the product but so far it doesn't sound like it does anything to help.

For the record though, my best friend used it and has not smoked in over a year. He was up to over 2 packs a day before he quit with Chantix.

It blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain so that you don't get any relief from smoking. It works if you take it and are serious about it, but it's not for everyone.

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I think I may talk to my doc about Chantix. I am willing to try ANYTHING to quit. I may have turned the corner though. I remember quitting for a month about 5 years ago and I still liked the smell of cigs. Now I can't stand it and if you are a smoker and come anywhere within 10 feet of me I can tell. Smokers really do stink.

Today was a great day. Everyone here no matter what you have posted in the thread have helped me. Headed home with a smile on my face. ES really is a great place, I truly mean it. I'l make sure I make it to the Draft Day Tailgate as well as the Skins/Eagles game this year. It will be the wife and I's gift for staying quit (wife is an Eagles fan).

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Waht are they if you don't mind spilling the beans for all of us here.

I didn't get to find first hand because one of them is a perdiliction for causing MS, which I already have. I was about three days into it when I got a frantic call from my neuro telling me not to take another one.

It's blocking a receptor in your nervous system to not receive nicotene. But since nicotene isn't normally present in a human it obviously is a receptor for other chemicals too. We don't know enough to know what. I've learned over the last two years of being poked and prodded how little they do know about the workings of our brains and to potentially **** with it like that should be a decision made carefully. Little changes in your melon produce big effects in who you are. That's heavy.

I'm of the opinion that if you can quit without it you should. If you can't the potential problems, known and unknown, are probably better than the effects of smoking. But it's not just a harmless magic pill.

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You say that money is your motivation. Here's some more stuff, in case you win the lottery:

Smoking has been linked to lung cancer, throat cancer, mouth cancer, blood clots, cerebral thrombosis, high blood pressure, kidney failure, abdominal aortic aneurysm, acute myeloid leukemia, cataracts, cervical cancer, cancer of the kidney, pancreatic cancer, periodontitis, pneumonia, stomach cancer, cancer of the esophagus, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, erectile dysfunction, infertility, macular degeneration, cateracts, stained teeth and gums, swollen gums, bad breath, cavities, ulcers, paler skin, more wrinkles, fatigue, headaches, loss of taste and smell, etc.

Even if you somehow manage to dodge all of this, your later years will feel much older than if you hadn't smoked. Once you quit, your body changes and makes improvements that continue for years after quitting. You will heal more quickly (smokers take twice as long for a bone fracture to heal), and you will be less likely to have all of the above diseases.

Good luck!

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Cue the "If it's hard for you to quit you're a weak *****" crowd.

Real men quit cold turkey :laugh:. Over 20 years now since I quit. smokes had reached a $1 a pack, and I only smoked when I drank, and I was quitting drinking, so I sent both down the road on the same day and never looked back. Titaw, every time you get a craving think about how that MF'er Collins is going to call you a weak hearted ***** if you give in. :chair:

How's that for support :silly:

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Well good luck to you!

I'm assuming you're wife is quitting as well? That should make it a bit easier too...my roomate and I both smoke like chimneys and there's no way I'd be able to quit without her quitting.

That being sad, at least you want to quit. That's more than half the battle and it sounds like you're doin real well, congrats!!!

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Why wouldn't you just share the "secret" if you had such a thing? Unless you're making money off of it somehow.

I don't want to go spouting off like I'm some expert, that's why. The secret is to remove the brainwashing caused by smoking. I can see enough of it in this thread already.

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Good luck to you bro. You can do it.

Don't read this though:

I quit 5 years ago after my son was born. But I indulge when I drink, especially ES get togethers (ex. Sunday's Frederick Bargate). Tonight, a pack of cigs from that day/night of debauchery fell out of my pocket. I had the intention of throwing away the pack anyways, but now I am in a WORLD OF **** with Mrs. TLC. :(

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Good luck and congrats!! I randomly quit cold-turkey over a month or so ago, and I've been doing suprisingly well. I've slipped up maybe twice, both times while drinking. But I honestly have next to no strong urges to smoke, only time I do is when I'm a bit tipsy. I hope I can keep it up, and I hope you can too!

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I quit cold turkey in 1993. I had smoked for 29 years at that point. I was up to and over a pack a day. I wasn't feeling good and some things were going on w/me health wise at that moment so I decided it was time to give them up. I'm so glad that I did. It was hard but worth it in the end.

Good luck and hang in there....before long you'll be saying..."Man, I can't believe I used to smoke those nasty things!". Welcome to the smoke free side of the restaurant where food actually has taste!..lol

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My question to all ex-smokers is this. When do the cravings go away?

For me, it took about a month for the general craving to go away. After that, I too could smell a smoker from a mile away and I didn't like it.

That being said, I do get the craving when I drink or extremely stressed/freaking out. I can have a few and not need any the next day, week etc but I wouldn't advise you to do the same because everybody's different.

Good luck!

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My question to all ex-smokers is this. When do the cravings go away?

You need to look at smoking from the addiction side. Nicotine, like many other drugs (and alcohol), does a very good job of relieving stress. The bad news is it also relieves our bodies of their natural ability to relieve stress, and in the process handicaps the addict by lowering their immunity to stress. So developing (learning) stress relief techniques (breathing exercises, listening to music, exercising, yoga...) will help in the long run with quitting, as many return to smoking, when a stressful situation in life occurs (divorce, lost job, death in the family...). Also like most other recreational drugs, alcohol (and addictions), nicotine causes the brain to release endorphins. The addict needs to exercise regularly to replace the endorphins to stave off depression. These activities will make the "cravings" go away sooner. There is also the practice of "replacing a bad habit with a good one". Exercise, a hobby, breathing techniques...

Good luck, and don't be a weak ***** :silly:

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So this Saturday was hell for me, but in a good way. I had my Fantasy Baseball Draft that was held at a buddy's house. Well the majority of the league smokes (7 smokers / 5 non-smokers). I knew I was going to subject myself with it and I thought that it would be the best test of my will power, but to my surprise it wasn't. As I watched everyones smoking like chimneys I realized that there was nothing enjoyable about smoking a cigarette. I also realized that I didn't need cigarettes nor want cigarettes, the only reason I smoked for so long was because it was routine.

It was hell because the smoke KILLED me!!! My eyes burned, I was coughing constantly, and it was truly difficult to breathe. Now I realize what I put everyone through when I smoked. BTW, some smokers are the most disrespetful people on the planet with a complete disregard for the non-smoker sitting right next to them.

I said this Saturday night and I stand by it, I will NEVER smoke another cigarette again. I really feels good for me to say that.

Smoke free for 12 days and counting!!!!!!!

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More like really weird and fun dreams. It can also make some people depressed. I know some people that went on it and it made them crazy.

My father, who is 65 quit 6 months ago after smoking for 45 years. He used Chantix and got SEVERLY depressed. We were terrified for him. Once he realized it was the Chantix, he stopped taking it, and all is well now.

I need to quit as well - maybe I'll do it next week........

More power to you man, and I wish you luck in kicking the habit. There's 100 reasons why I want to, and about 3 reason's that make it hard for me to.

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