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Obama Stiffs the Brits


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The funniest thing about all this: I doubt that Obama himself or any of his top people had anything to do with this at all, though I bet they are wishing they had now.

One of my best friends was the "White House Director of Correspondence" under Bill Clinton. Not the "Press Secretary" - Press Secretary is a very important and high profile job.

The Director of Correspondence is the low profile guy who writes the thank you notes, sends out the christmas cards, and so forth. He also deals with Presidential gifts to and from the White House. He would have been in charge of this kind of stuff under Clinton.

If my friend talked to the President once a month, it would have been unusual. With all the crap swirling around the West Wing right now, I doubt that the current Director of Correspondence has even spoken to the President a single time. Sounds like he effed up on this one.

I will be interested to see what, if anything, comes of this.

So then who's in charge?

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riiiiiight, so people who disagree with Obama and his HUGE Government / Socialist fundamentals are political hacks?

Reading not one of your strengths? I have no problem with you disagreeing with anything. Go back and read the post you quoted and try again.

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Reading not one of your strengths? I have no problem with you disagreeing with anything. Go back and read the post you quoted and try again.

No i read exactly what you are saying, I am just trying to figure out why there are a lot of people (mostly left and center) slinging around the word hackery. Based on what you are saying, most Democrats and Republicans are hacks.

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The brits need to not worry about foolish photo ops and less than stellar introductions and worry about the business at hand ......
Brits Foolish?

Difficult’ Americans hamper G20 efforts to secure a global deal

A rift between Europe and America over the crux of the G20 summit was last night threatening Gordon Brown’s hopes for a deal to rescue the world economy.

The size of the challenge facing the British Government in bringing together world powers was emphasised in a candid admission by Britain’s most senior civil servant that it was proving “unbelievably difficult” to liaise with the Obama Administration to prepare for the meeting.


If Obama can't handle the foolish stuff.....what makes you think he can handle the serious stuff?

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Here's a good article from across the pond on it: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23657981-details/Obama's+blockbuster+gift+for+Brown:+25+classic+films/article.do

I forgot to mention, Michelle is quite the gift giver too....

"Sarah Brown gave Sasha and Malia Obama an outfit each from Topshop, which has just opened its first American store in New York. She also picked six children's books by British authors which are shortly to be published in America.

In return, the Obamas gave the Browns two models of the presidential helicopter, Marine One, to take home to sons Fraser and John."

Wow....just wow. The utter incompetence is just "mind bottling"....and people said Bush made stupid mistakes :doh:

Is our economy that bad that we cant give equal gifts in exchange?? :doh:

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it is mind boggling that people are so thin-skinned that they are actually upset over this.

A big fat WHO GIVES A **** is in order.

These people have more iportant things to do than worry over MINOR social faux pas.

Oh hey, guess what! I heard Michelle left a swirl in the toilet in the blue room bathroom.


I guarantee you this.

EVERYONE on planet Earth has more important things to do get all wadded up about this stupid ****.

And if you don't, change the ****ing channel for crying out loud.


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it is mind boggling that people are so thin-skinned that they are actually upset over this.

A big fat WHO GIVES A **** is in order.

These people have more iportant things to do than worry over MINOR social faux pas.

Oh hey, guess what! I heard Michelle left a swirl in the toilet in the blue room bathroom.


I guarantee you this.

EVERYONE on planet Earth has more important things to do get all wadded up about this stupid ****.

And if you don't, change the ****ing channel for crying out loud.


Sad isn't it?

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As stupid as these things are (the DVD thing was the funniest), these are things that liberals would love to make fun of Bush for. Can you imagine if Bush gave out a stack of dvds?

Bush?...Hell, what if it was Palin?? lol...It would be on the nightly news for 9 months straight. We're STILL talking about Quayle misspelling "potato" lol :)...

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The funniest thing about all this: I doubt that Obama himself or any of his top people had anything to do with this at all, though I bet they are wishing they had now.

One of my best friends was the "White House Director of Correspondence" under Bill Clinton. Not the "Press Secretary" - Press Secretary is a very important and high profile job.

The Director of Correspondence is the low profile guy who writes the thank you notes, sends out the christmas cards, and so forth. He also deals with Presidential gifts to and from the White House. He would have been in charge of this kind of stuff under Clinton.

If my friend talked to the President once a month, it would have been unusual. With all the crap swirling around the West Wing right now, I doubt that the current Director of Correspondence has even spoken to the President a single time. Sounds like he effed up on this one.

I will be interested to see what, if anything, comes of this.

This makes the most sense...I just don't see Obama stopping off at the local mall on the way to the white house to buy some DVDs :). I bet Obama didn't even know what he was gonna give Brown until 5 minutes before they met lol...

(Obama straightens his tie in front of a mirror as Brown is about to arrive): "Ok, who has the gift we're presenting to Brown?"

Aide: "I have it here, sir."

Obama: "Good. What are we giving him?"

Aide: "A DVD collection, sir."


Obama: "A DVD collection?"

Aide (nervous): "Um...yes, sir."

(more silence...)

Obama: "Okaaay..."

(looks over at Michelle, who's shaking her head and trying not to laugh)

Aide: "Well, um, we thought that a DVD collection of some of the best of American film would be a...um, well, would be a really cool idea."

Obama: "What's in the collection?"

Aide (excited): "Oh! Great movies, sir...Schindler's List, Psycho, Raging..."

Obama: "Psycho?"


Aide (nervous again): "Um...yes, sir. It's a classic."

Obama: "We're giving the Prime Minister of England..."Psycho"?"

Aide (coughing): "Well...that is, you see...we felt it would be a good..."

Michelle (interrupting): "Prime Minister Brown is here, Barack."

Obama (sighing): "Give me the DVDs..."

Aide: "Yes, sir...here you go, sir."

Aide (walking away): "I knew we should have gone with that oil painting of dogs playing poker!!!

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it is mind boggling that people are so thin-skinned that they are actually upset over this.

A big fat WHO GIVES A **** is in order.

These people have more iportant things to do than worry over MINOR social faux pas.

Oh hey, guess what! I heard Michelle left a swirl in the toilet in the blue room bathroom.


I guarantee you this.

EVERYONE on planet Earth has more important things to do get all wadded up about this stupid ****.

And if you don't, change the ****ing channel for crying out loud.


I agree that it is somewhat stupid to get mad about, but I was under the impression throughout the election that Obama would improve foreign relations and wouldnt make all the stupid mistakes Bush made....so far, he is on par with Bush.

It isnt a BIG deal, but why piss off one of our best allys? 25 sucky region encoded DVDs? really? 2 model MarineOne helicopters? really? That's the best they could do?

It kinda reminds me of the three wise men. The one wise man came with gold and the others bring frankincense and myrrh...I'm sure they got pissed and wanted to pool all the gifts together because they didnt compare to the gold when they found out :silly:

-"So what did ya get him?" the first man asks.

-"Gold." Answers the second.

-"Gold?! (Exasperated) I thought we agreed on a $5 limit here." The first says.

-"Yeah, I just got him a crappy little bottle of myrrh." Says the third.

-"Hello (the first says, holding out his wrapped gift) frankincense. You always do this!"

-"Okay, okay, look," The third interrupts." We'll put everything together, and put all our names on it."

-"No!" the gold-giver protests. "No that is so..."

-"No no no. You can't back out of this."

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it is mind boggling that people are so thin-skinned that they are actually upset over this.

A big fat WHO GIVES A **** is in order.

These people have more iportant things to do than worry over MINOR social faux pas.

Oh hey, guess what! I heard Michelle left a swirl in the toilet in the blue room bathroom.


I guarantee you this.

EVERYONE on planet Earth has more important things to do get all wadded up about this stupid ****.

And if you don't, change the ****ing channel for crying out loud.


Seriously. This is on the level of reporting Paris Hilton's latest dump as "news."

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it is mind boggling that people are so thin-skinned that they are actually upset over this.

A big fat WHO GIVES A **** is in order.

These people have more iportant things to do than worry over MINOR social faux pas.

Oh hey, guess what! I heard Michelle left a swirl in the toilet in the blue room bathroom.


I guarantee you this.

EVERYONE on planet Earth has more important things to do get all wadded up about this stupid ****.

And if you don't, change the ****ing channel for crying out loud.


the social faux pas is no problem, the problem is if it is a siginal of policy. Yes, we have to read into things and make guesses to get there, but if it is going to be an official policy to distance ourselves from the Brits, that is a problem. If it just a bunch of random stuff that unfortunitly happend in two months, it will all be forgoten.

Sort of like when Snyder had dinner with AH's agent, "so what, why should this make news, Snyder is just going to have dinner with a business associate." It wasn't that fact that he had dinner with him, it was the fact that it ws posible that he was discussing the Skins and Haynesworth. The only reaseon that dinner DID turn out to be important was because we did get Haynesworth, if it turned out we were not targeting him, it would not have been a big deal.

Same thing goes for this situation.

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