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Obama Stiffs the Brits


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Tell you what. You get all concerened over these "gifts", most of us realize what a non-story it is.

Seriously, if our "biggest ally" is going to get all pissy over this, then they need to get a clue and understand exactly WHAT is important in this world.

Could be they need to be reminded, eh?

Besides, why anyone would want to go to Best Buy and purchase a signed picture of this figurehead with no power is beyond me.


First, I didn't say they would "get pissy"... I said it was "not special"... It wasn't, no matter what else he added to the gift... this piece of crap is what people will remember. For such a "smart guy", he really allows himself to look ridiculous (and us by extension).

Second, you know absolutely nothing about the United Kingdom to make the statement concerning the Queen that you made.

Third, (and related to my second point) you know very little about how the world works if you can claim that a woman who has maintained the title and "figurehead" status for nearly a half-century has "no power". In one sense, your ideas contradict each other. You are saying she has no power, yet she has maintained this assumed status of having "no power" for a very long time. It's like saying the Pope has "no power" because he can't go to war with just the Swiss Army.

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First, I didn't say they would "get pissy"... I said it was "not special"... It wasn't, no matter what else he added to the gift... this piece of crap is what people will remember. For such a "smart guy", he really allows himself to look ridiculous (and us by extension).

You still seem to be ignoring the fact that he gave the Queen gave the Queen a very rare songbook signed by Richard Rogers. Something special and pretty unique. The Ipod is all that caught the headlines of course.

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Mostly miss...

I've been re-reading Machiavelli lately. I am reminded that it is good to be loved by the people but that love is fickle and can leave quickly. Obama needs to dust off his copy of the Prince. He is in danger of losing his audience quickly.

As Obama's popularity fades as it will people will clamor for his head just like they did with Bush. The mess our nation is in and faces in the future will take more than several years to fix it will take a long time and a committed movement of public service.

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Jumbo, world wide web isn't a word.

I'm trying to figure out how this is an actual communication event. :silly:

Another one of Jumbo's "Public Service Announcements" that happens at least once a week in political threads... Blah,Blah,Blah... you all are full of it... like usual. :)

Ah, smooter. :)

If you were any more predictable we'd have to re-define "free will" as an inherent human trait. But you did just net me $5 from zoony & TK. :D

On the short list of "buring ear syndrome" candidates I projected that would most likely personalize my non-personalized comments in dismissive response, you were literally on the top, and I called it in the bet. :wavetowel

I'm so good at this stuff, just ask the other mods. :1stplace:

Even in this bit of tomfoolery, however, you do distort and mis-report reality, not uncharteristically, IMO. :moon:

I.E. it's not "every week" :silly: and it wasn't an "you are all full of it" message. My qualifiers were far more focused in specificity and breadth of application when referencing matters here, and generalized in other aspects to the intertubz. :cool:

Though it shouldn't be taken this deeply, anyone so interested is advised to read the wording of my post very carefully, because it will take more precise, competent and detached discernment than comes naturally to many reactionary types, to actually comprehend what was so precisely written--which is often the deliberate and pre-meditated case with many of my posts, even the only-semi-serious ones. :shhh:

And the entertainment derived is appreciated by a small and somewhat closed audience, but their appreciaton is deeply heartfelt. :silly:

A working dude has got to have his fun, especially on 4-01. :cool2:

Love and peace. :laugh:

Remember when he was just a cute little goat too? Well, maybe not so little.

I am still cute as hell, and still have the horns, too. :D

Now, just wait until this evening. :evil:

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First, I didn't say they would "get pissy"... I said it was "not special"... It wasn't, no matter what else he added to the gift... this piece of crap is what people will remember. For such a "smart guy", he really allows himself to look ridiculous (and us by extension).

Second, you know absolutely nothing about the United Kingdom to make the statement concerning the Queen that you made.

Third, (and related to my second point) you know very little about how the world works if you can claim that a woman who has maintained the title and "figurehead" status for nearly a half-century has "no power". In one sense, your ideas contradict each other. You are saying she has no power, yet she has maintained this assumed status of having "no power" for a very long time. It's like saying the Pope has "no power" because he can't go to war with just the Swiss Army.

Well, since we're discussing what I don't know, I'll tell you what I DO know.

The world has grown much too complex and dangerous to be worried over trinkets passed back and forth as gratuities when heads of state get together to discuss things.

And anyone who thinks that crap is so important as to strain or otherwise damage any relations between nations needs to get their head out of the 19th century and join the real world.

If this pisses off the anglophiles or royal worshipers, who cares. It is THEY who have a problem. Frankly, it would be sensible to tell anyone from the British or US governments who says anything about these awful insults to shut the **** up and sit the **** down, because there are real issues that need real work. Wasting time and effort over this bull**** is just more wheel spinning to satisfy ridiculous complaints.

<addendum>- I do agree, however, that in the interest of proper decorum, a bit more thought should be put into these gifts.. the DVDs were a bit tacky. But it's nothing to cause an international incident over.


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