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Obama Stiffs the Brits


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Have their been any statements about it from the Obama press sec at all? That definitely seems way out of wack!

I know the White House thanked Brown for his gifts: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/Readout-on-the-Presidents-Call-to-Prime-Minister-Gordon-Brown-of-Great-Britian/

There won't be statements because the media would never touch this. It would show Obama in too bad and unintelligent of a light.

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Here's a good article from across the pond on it: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23657981-details/Obama's+blockbuster+gift+for+Brown:+25+classic+films/article.do

I forgot to mention, Michelle is quite the gift giver too....

"Sarah Brown gave Sasha and Malia Obama an outfit each from Topshop, which has just opened its first American store in New York. She also picked six children's books by British authors which are shortly to be published in America.

In return, the Obamas gave the Browns two models of the presidential helicopter, Marine One, to take home to sons Fraser and John."


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Here's a good article from across the pond on it: http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/article-23657981-details/Obama's+blockbuster+gift+for+Brown:+25+classic+films/article.do

I forgot to mention, Michelle is quite the gift giver too....

"Sarah Brown gave Sasha and Malia Obama an outfit each from Topshop, which has just opened its first American store in New York. She also picked six children's books by British authors which are shortly to be published in America.

In return, the Obamas gave the Browns two models of the presidential helicopter, Marine One, to take home to sons Fraser and John."


LMAO, this dude needs to right the ship in so many ways. It's only a matter of time before the press starts making a big deal over these types of blunders, or is that considered wishful thinking and hackery?

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The brits need to not worry about foolish photo ops and less than stellar introductions and worry about the business at hand which it sounds to me like Obama is doing. Maybe for a change something more than alot of pictures and a really expensive meal will actually take place.

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The brits need to not worry about foolish photo ops and less than stellar introductions and worry about the business at hand which it sounds to me like Obama is doing. Maybe for a change something more than alot of pictures and a really expensive meal will actually take place.

Dude we are speaking about our greatest ally. As far as expensive meals are considered, his private chef serves up Kobe beef at his Wednesday happy hours, hopefully he does a little more for a country that has always had our back.

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I'm generally not very big on symbolism but Obama really blew it on this one. I don't think it's such a huge deal that he can't redeem though.

The British press is certainly raising hell over it though.

$10 says Obama wines and dines Brown like never before next time he crosses the pond.

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The funniest thing about all this: I doubt that Obama himself or any of his top people had anything to do with this at all, though I bet they are wishing they had now.

One of my best friends was the "White House Director of Correspondence" under Bill Clinton. Not the "Press Secretary" - Press Secretary is a very important and high profile job.

The Director of Correspondence is the low profile guy who writes the thank you notes, sends out the christmas cards, and so forth. He also deals with Presidential gifts to and from the White House. He would have been in charge of this kind of stuff under Clinton.

If my friend talked to the President once a month, it would have been unusual. With all the crap swirling around the West Wing right now, I doubt that the current Director of Correspondence has even spoken to the President a single time. Sounds like he effed up on this one.

I will be interested to see what, if anything, comes of this.

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Soooooo if you want Obamas policies to fail because you might think they are destructive to the foundation of our great country, then you're a hack?

Actually yes and odds are good your grasp on history isn't very good either. The "foundation" of our great nation is something right wingers talk about all the time without having a clue as to the history behind it.

Why not just be honest? You hope he fails because it's important to you that your ideology wins out. It has nothing to do with the foundation of this or any country.

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Don't put words in my mouth.

But if you're convinced he's going to fail no matter what, then yes, he's going to fail in your eyes.

Nobody said anything about "or else". It's a free country. But don't expect everyone to take someone with an obvious bias seriously.

Personally, Obama hasn't lived up to my expectations so far. But those that hated the man before he took office didn't have any expectation except for one: his failure.

It goes both ways though. There are some out there that'll label him a success no matter what. And if he is THAT bad to where they'll have to say otherwise, they'll say it was Bush's fault that it was so bad to begin with.

As stupid as these things are (the DVD thing was the funniest), these are things that liberals would love to make fun of Bush for. Can you imagine if Bush gave out a stack of dvds?

These things pale in comparision to his policies and decision making on issues....I'm still hoping he turns it around....

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Actually yes and odds are good your grasp on history isn't very good either. The "foundation" of our great nation is something right wingers talk about all the time without having a clue as to the history behind it.

Why not just be honest? You hope he fails because it's important to you that your ideology wins out. It has nothing to do with the foundation of this or any country.

Soooooooooooooo not agreeing with certain idealogies or having a different interpretation, makes you a political hack? And who makes up these rules?

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Soooooooooooooo not agreeing with certain idealogies or having a different interpretation, makes you a political hack? And who makes up these rules?

Not at all. Pretending that the reason you disagree with them is because your opinion represents the founding ideals of this country and the other side means to destroy America makes you a political hack.

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Not at all. Pretending that the reason you disagree with them is because your opinion represents the founding ideals of this country and the other side means to destroy

America makes you a political hack.

riiiiiight, so people who disagree with Obama and his HUGE Government / Socialist fundamentals are political hacks?

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