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Obama Stiffs the Brits


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So give him a chance even if you completely disagree with his politics or else?

Don't put words in my mouth.

But if you're convinced he's going to fail no matter what, then yes, he's going to fail in your eyes.

Nobody said anything about "or else". It's a free country. But don't expect everyone to take someone with an obvious bias seriously.

Personally, Obama hasn't lived up to my expectations so far. But those that hated the man before he took office didn't have any expectation except for one: his failure.

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Don't put words in my mouth.

But if you're convinced he's going to fail no matter what, then yes, he's going to fail in your eyes.

Nobody said anything about "or else". It's a free country. But don't expect everyone to take someone with an obvious bias seriously.

Personally, Obama hasn't lived up to my expectations so far. But those that hated the man before he took office didn't have any expectation except for one: his failure.

Soooooo if you want Obamas policies to fail because you might think they are destructive to the foundation of our great country, then you're a hack?

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The thing that doesn't make sense to me w/Obama's move is actually giving the bust of Churchill back to the Brits. It was a gift and if you don't want it in your office just put it away but don't give it back to the bearer.

Yeah, actually that was in bad taste. There are certain nations that do have a more special standing giving our histories, alliances, and inter-reliance. Britain has been one of America's better friends since at least WWII.

I wonder if Obama does have a personal grudge against the brits... the way I always suspected the Bushes had a personal soft spot for the Saudis.

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Soooooo if you want Obamas policies to fail because you might think they are destructive to the foundation of our great country, then you're a hack?


No. You're determined to twist this in a way other than what I meant and make it more serious than it really is.

If you've ALREADY make up your mind, I won't take you seriously. If you make up your mind because of Obama's actions, then I'll take you seriously.

Make sense? Not that it really matters what I take seriously, mind you. Everyone is entitled to an opinion.

But why would I bash someone for stating they don't like Obama because of his actions when I have said that myself?

No, I'm talking about the people who made up their mind about Obama two years ago without even seeing what he would do or simply hating him because of party affiliation.

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I was called a "white supremacist" for blogging about his gifts to the British Prime Minister and calling them unpresidential and arrogant :doh:

I have encountered many Obama supporters (in the real world, not on this message board) who's only reply to any contention with Obama is that you must be racist. These people are the very essence of stupidity.

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I have encountered many Obama supporters (in the real world, not on this message board) who's only reply to any contention with Obama is that you must be racist. These people are the very essence of stupidity.

These people are as well as those who stand by party lines. Democrats + Republicans = :dunce:

Am I the only person who giggles a bit when I read the title? Immature and ghey sounding, I know....

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The thing that doesn't make sense to me w/Obama's move is actually giving the bust of Churchill back to the Brits. It was a gift and if you don't want it in your office just put it away but don't give it back to the bearer.

Are you sure the bust was a gift?

Several stories have described it as "loaned." If that is the case, then returning may not really be an insult.

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It was "on loan" since 9/11 as a way of showing our Special Relationship with Britain.

Yes. But what does that mean for purposes of this discussion?

Was it a loan to the nation or to former President Bush? Was it not expected that it would be returned? If Obama had just put it into a box and sent it to the National Archives, would that have been more of an insult?

I'm genuinely curious.

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Yes. But what does that mean for purposes of this discussion?

Was it a loan to the nation or to former President Bush? Was it not expected that it would be returned? If Obama had just put it into a box and sent it to the National Archives, would that have been more of an insult?

I'm genuinely curious.

I was trying to answer your question.....not 100% sure on who it was to (nation or Bush) and how long our loan on it was.

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If you've ALREADY make up your mind, I won't take you seriously. If you make up your mind because of Obama's actions, then I'll take you seriously.

No, I'm talking about the people who made up their mind about Obama two years ago without even seeing what he would do or simply hating him because of party affiliation.

I really don't understand and I am not trying to be a dick. I see people get called hacks all of the time on this board and I do not understand what makes a person a hack.

Based on what you are saying, if you make up your mind prior to him doing his job instead of waiting to see the results then you're a hack?

For instance, I was convinced Obama was pretty much a Socialist during the months leading up to the election because of his policies he represents. I should have waited a month for him to prove his Socialist tendancies before drawing this conclusion? ; ) (Dude you should have never told me a rent a cop) ; )

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I was trying to answer your question.....not 100% sure on who it was to (nation or Bush) and how long our loan on it was.

Oh, I'm not attacking you.

Maybe Obama did insult the Brits. Or maybe this is just a tempest in a teapot being pushed by people with agendas.

I don't know the facts.

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Oh, I'm not attacking you.

Maybe Obama did insult the Brits. Or maybe this is just a tempest in a teapot being pushed by people with agendas.

I don't know the facts.

I think that action was distasteful, but I don't know the full story. What I did find appalling was his "gift" to the British PM.

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I know this sounds dumb, but I think I missed what the "gift" was that you are mentioning.

He gave the British PM (who's blind in one eye) 25 DVDs during his visit here. They were even region-encoded so they can't be played over there.

The British PM gave Obama some pretty neat historical items as his gift.

Full article - http://www.thetrumpet.com/index.php?q=6008.4398.0.0

"In the great game of international diplomacy, symbolism plays a vital part. Thus it was that upon gaining access to the Oval Office, President Barack Obama promptly returned the bust of Sir Winston Churchill, given on loan by the British government during the Bush administration, to Britain. Rather ironically, Mr. Brown’s gifts to the president included seven volumes of Sir Martin Gilbert’s Churchill biography.

Concerned that at least some symbolic representations of the historic relationship between the U.S. and Britain be on display during President Obama’s term in office, Prime Minister Brown also presented the president with a pen holder made from the timber of the former slave-liberating ship hms Gannet, and a framed commission of its sister ship, hms Resolute—the timbers from which the president’s desk in the Oval Office is made.

In return, President Obama’s gift to the prime minister seemed completely devoid of any historical recognition of the British and American special relationship. The Evening Standard reported, “Gordon Brown has been given a collection of 25 classic American films on dvd as his official gift from Barack Obama. … The prime minister’s reaction to getting dvds is not known. Mr. Brown is not noted for his love of cinema …” (March 5).

It will be interesting to see just where Mr. Brown’s gifts to the president, all historic reminders of America’s prior special relationship with Great Britain, end up in the White House, if indeed they find themselves on display at all. In the meantime, as Dana Milbank mused, perhaps “Somewhere in the British Embassy, a bronze bust of Churchill was turning in its storage crate.”"

Bust of Churchill.

Nope....read above.

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He gave the British PM (who's blind in one eye) 25 DVDs during his visit here. They were even region-encoded so they can't be played over there.

The British PM gave Obama some pretty neat historical items as his gift.

Full article - http://www.thetrumpet.com/index.php?q=6008.4398.0.0

"In the great game of international diplomacy, symbolism plays a vital part. Thus it was that upon gaining access to the Oval Office, President Barack Obama promptly returned the bust of Sir Winston Churchill, given on loan by the British government during the Bush administration, to Britain. Rather ironically, Mr. Brown’s gifts to the president included seven volumes of Sir Martin Gilbert’s Churchill biography.

Concerned that at least some symbolic representations of the historic relationship between the U.S. and Britain be on display during President Obama’s term in office, Prime Minister Brown also presented the president with a pen holder made from the timber of the former slave-liberating ship hms Gannet, and a framed commission of its sister ship, hms Resolute—the timbers from which the president’s desk in the Oval Office is made.

In return, President Obama’s gift to the prime minister seemed completely devoid of any historical recognition of the British and American special relationship. The Evening Standard reported, “Gordon Brown has been given a collection of 25 classic American films on dvd as his official gift from Barack Obama. … The prime minister’s reaction to getting dvds is not known. Mr. Brown is not noted for his love of cinema …” (March 5).

It will be interesting to see just where Mr. Brown’s gifts to the president, all historic reminders of America’s prior special relationship with Great Britain, end up in the White House, if indeed they find themselves on display at all. In the meantime, as Dana Milbank mused, perhaps “Somewhere in the British Embassy, a bronze bust of Churchill was turning in its storage crate.”"

Nope....read above.

ahhhh, now I get it! LOL

What were the DVD's of? It does sound like a cheapskate gift if its some new releases from Blockbuster.

He should have bought him a netlix membership instead.:D

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