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One (1) Pet Peeve

Dan T.

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I have run across this at least five (5) times in the last three (3) weeks. Why do people write out the number AND then write the numeral in parentheses? Do they think I won't understand the amount unless I see it two (2) times? I wonder if comes from some kind of legal technicality or contract language. Come on people, it's two thousand nine (2009) - can we get rid of this practice? But it bugs the **** (number 2) out of me.

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Indecisive people

One of my best friends can never ever make a decision

Here is a convo we had the other week

Me: You interested in a steak night in late January

Him: No, I don't think I can

Me: Ok thats cool

Him: Well actually, yea I think I can do it. But it depends on my money situation

Me: So I should put you down as a yes?

Him: Well, actually, maybe I'll go. So I'll let you know

A simple question like that always turns into "no, yes, maybe"

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"fortay" IS a correct pronunciation.

common, not correct. As in, it's so common, the dictionary has been forced to mention it as a common pronunciation.

As Carlin said, "many people are also really ****ing dumb. Should we just adopt all of their standards?"


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common, not correct. As in, it's so common, the dictionary has been forced to mention it as a common pronunciation.

As Carlin said, "many people are also really ****ing dumb. Should we just adopt all of their standards?"


your other post about it is more spot on. When using English, you are correct. But if you use the italian word (spelled the same but different meaning) Fortay is correct.

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I'm getting change back from my purchase. The Starbucks clerk balances the coins on top of the bills, then gingerly hands me the whole mess at once. Most times one or more coins fall and bounce off the counter. I have to put my coffee down, carefully slide the coins off the bills, pick up the fallen coins, then put the bills away.

DO NOT BALANCE THE COINS ON TOP OF THE BILLS AND HAND THE WHOLE MESS TO ME AT ONCE LIKE THAT. Give me the coins first. In 2/10 of a second, those coins are in my pocket. Then give me the bills.

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I get mad when I'm driving and I let someone in front of me, either to get over from another lane or pulling out from a side street, and they don't waive to say thank you.

It also gets on my nerves when people ask obvious yes/no questions about what you're doing or wearing. Ex. So, you're having coffee this morning?

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People who get to the end of the escalator and don't get the **** out of the way!!! Seriously people, that thing keeps moving. If you don't continue walking, I'm just gonna run in to you.

mine is people that walk up the escalator. the thing moves so you don't have to walk. if you want to walk take the stairs. i want to be lazy and ride the escalator!

also, why when an escalator is "broken", can we not use it?

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mine is people that walk up the escalator. the thing moves so you don't have to walk. if you want to walk take the stairs. i want to be lazy and ride the escalator!

also, why when an escalator is "broken", can we not use it?

An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

-Mitch Hedberg

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mine is people that walk up the escalator. the thing moves so you don't have to walk. if you want to walk take the stairs. i want to be lazy and ride the escalator!

also, why when an escalator is "broken", can we not use it?

If you want to stand on the escalator, stay to the right. Leave the left side for people who want to walk. That's how it works in DC anyway. If you stand instead of walk on the left side, you've become someone else's pet peeve.

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ooooh, good one. In my grumpiness and old age I have started the practice of directly calling people on this when they do it.


oh hell ya!! me too!!

I hate it when I am driving down the freeway in my own lane just minding my own business when someone just jumps right out in front of me because they dont like the lane theyre in. there is NOONE behind me but you just HAD to jump in front of me. and it wouldnt be so bad if you werent doing 10MPH less then me!!

I get right behind those people in my truck and lay on my horn until they are shamed by me. Yeah, I am going to die a violent death..

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At a prior job they had a "wall of shame" type thing, with a picture of each employee and some basic info like hometown, favorite movie, and pet peeve.

The VP in charge of my office was a moron and I hated her. She had as her pet peeves "injustice, poverty, hunger."

Those aren't pet peeves, those are major international social issues. How she ever got to be the boss of an entire office just astounds me.

As to the OPs deal with numbers it's SOP as an attorney to write that when you are drafting a contract. I believe so no one can go back later and claim it was a typo or a mistake (that they wrote seven instead of seventeen, or 7 instead of 17). If written and numerical are consistent, you can assume there was no mistake.

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An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs. You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign, just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

-Mitch Hedberg

I thought of this exact bit. He was awesome

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I thought of this exact bit. He was awesome

I was at this casino minding my own business, and this guy came up to me and said, "You're gonna have to move, you're blocking a fire exit." As though if there was a fire, I wasn't gonna run. If you're flammible and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit.

Mitch Hedberg


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