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One (1) Pet Peeve

Dan T.

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Okay, on wednesday night a cleanly dressed gentleman came over with a stack full of street sense newspapers and very politely asked if we would like to buy some for the homeless. Now this man may or may not have been homeless I couldn't tell by his appearance... He probably got 10 bucks outta of all the people I was with cuz he was so well mannered.

I'm used to the standard getting in your face help the homeless routine that sends me running from the hills... that's kinda a pet peeve. momma always said you could get more flies with honey than vinegar.

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Okay, on wednesday night a cleanly dressed gentleman came over with a stack full of street sense newspapers and very politely asked if we would like to buy some for the homeless. Now this man may or may not have been homeless I couldn't tell by his appearance... He probably got 10 bucks outta of all the people I was with cuz he was so well mannered.

I'm used to the standard getting in your face help the homeless routine that sends me running from the hills... that's kinda a pet peeve. momma always said you could get more flies with honey than vinegar.

Actually, you get more flies with bull**** than with either lol...

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My Pet Peeve is people who chew loudly. Sometimes I'll just get up and eat somewhere else, if it's really bad.

Oh, when I'm at a restaurant and I order a drink that's not on the menu, the server notifies me that they don't have it, and suggests something that's nowhere near what I originally asked for. "What would you like to drink this evening sir?", "Do you have Vanilla Pepsi?", "I'm sorry we don't have vanilla pepsi, but we have strawberry lemonade!?", really? You have strawberry lemonade? I'll keep that in mind for the next time I come to this establishment, or when I tell someone whether or not to eat here, "The food is subpar, but they do have strawberry lemonade if that interests you." But for now I want you to suggest something that's at least similar to what I asked for. You have a ton of other options I'm sure, Coke/Pepsi (diet or regular), hell I'll take Cherry Coke or Pepsi, Dr. Pepper even, at least you could make a case for those.

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My Pet Peeve is people who chew loudly. Sometimes I'll just get up and eat somewhere else, if it's really bad.

OMG I can't stand that either. It really sucks when someone is stuffing their piehole with chips or something else crunchy.

At my old office this dude ate carrots every afternoon and I swear it sounded like Bugs Bunny was in the office pigging out...I had to wear headphones.

Chew with your mouth shut dammit!

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^In addition to my last pet peeve: People who take forever to order from a fast food place lol...

What's REALLY irritating is when that same person has been standing in line for 5 minutes before it's their turn to order, and they STILL have no clue what to order. It's a freakin' McDonalds!!! Everyone alive knows what they serve by now!! And even if it was your very first time inside one, you've been standing in line for 5 minutes! Read the freakin' menu while you're waiting!!! But, nooooooooooo....you wait until you're actually at the cash register, and THEN you decide it might be a good idea to check out the menu *grrr!!*..."What's that? Is that a double cheeseburger? Do you serve coffee?"...I'm gonna hit you with a tray, mf!! :mad:

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OMG I can't stand that either. It really sucks when someone is stuffing their piehole with chips or something else crunchy.

At my old office this dude ate carrots every afternoon and I swear it sounded like Bugs Bunny was in the office pigging out...I had to wear headphones.

Chew with your mouth shut dammit!

i have a friend who every time he takes a drink of something smacks his lips together and goes "aaahhhh" after every gd sip. talk about annoying!

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I'm getting change back from my purchase. The Starbucks clerk balances the coins on top of the bills, then gingerly hands me the whole mess at once. Most times one or more coins fall and bounce off the counter. I have to put my coffee down, carefully slide the coins off the bills, pick up the fallen coins, then put the bills away.

DO NOT BALANCE THE COINS ON TOP OF THE BILLS AND HAND THE WHOLE MESS TO ME AT ONCE LIKE THAT. Give me the coins first. In 2/10 of a second, those coins are in my pocket. Then give me the bills.

They have a tip jar.

It's just coins (less than a dollar).

Share the wealth.

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You spend all of your time setting her up, loosening her up with good convo and BOOM!! one of your "boys" comes over and just swoops right in. I have seriously gotten heated from that type of stuff.

What kind of friends do you have? Mine would never do that to each other. I was referring to her friends, usually the less attractive ones who aren't getting any attention, so they decide she isn't going to either. I really hated this in college.

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As an offshoot, do you do anything that you know is a pet peeve for someone else, and it pisses them off? For instance, my wife hates watching the audition episodes of American Idol when I'm around because I start critiquing everyone and she can't hear the show. I don't even mean to do it, I just hear something bad (or good) and start commenting away without even thinking.

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They have a tip jar.

It's just coins (less than a dollar).

Share the wealth.

I buy coffee. Not a Latte, not a Cappaccino. Not a Frappalino. Not a Ramalama Dingdongarino with extra foam. A cup of coffee. So they take 4 seconds to pour my coffee, for which I pay 2 goddam dollars, and they take my money. And they want to be tipped for that? Still, sometimes I throw in the change. But not if they hand it to me like I described.

If someone waits on me when I eat, or cuts my hair nice, or carries my luggage, or does anything beyond the call, I'll tip, and tip generously at that.

But another pet peeve of mine is the proliferation of tip jars. I consider myself a generous tipper, but everybody has a fricking tip jar now. Next thing you know, the DMV will have them at their windows.

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how about the people at subway that are always ordering like 5 and 6 subs in front of you. a trip that should take 5 minutes turns into like 20 or 30.

It's even worse when they do that and then pay for them all separately (because each co-worker gave them a $10 bill or something). Just spot the people and work it out later!!

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