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One (1) Pet Peeve

Dan T.

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As an offshoot, do you do anything that you know is a pet peeve for someone else, and it pisses them off? For instance, my wife hates watching the audition episodes of American Idol when I'm around because I start critiquing everyone and she can't hear the show. I don't even mean to do it, I just hear something bad (or good) and start commenting away without even thinking.

If I am holding the remote control I can watch up to 3 different shows at once and will flip between all of them. I dont know that I am doing it really but I get bored really easily so I can swap between family guy, ESPNEWS, and VH1 without thinking about it. People hate watching TV with me unless it is a show that I care about.

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The Subway people suck. Seriously every time I used to go in there I would get stuck behind some jackass with a little piece of paper.

I'd see them go up to order and they order their sandwhich and the Subway person looks at me like it's my turn then BAM! "oh, no wait, I have 4 more sanwiches to order" So they tell the person what else they want and as their going through the part of the line for all the extra crap they start getting the orders mixed up - "ok, I'd like lettuce, tomato, and onion on that one"...."oh, oh no wait, the tuna that should have pepper, lettuce, and onion" ::looks at paper:: "oh, wait, I'm sorry that wasn't supposed to be a turkey on wheat, that was supposed to be a ham on honey nut" :mad: :mad: Seriously people!! IT'S NOT ****ING ROCKET SCIENCE!!!!!

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I have run across this at least five (5) times in the last three (3) weeks. Why do people write out the number AND then write the numeral in parentheses? Do they think I won't understand the amount unless I see it two (2) times? I wonder if comes from some kind of legal technicality or contract language. Come on people, it's two thousand nine (2009) - can we get rid of this practice? But it bugs the **** (number 2) out of me.

Some of it is dictated by company policy. I have worked for several companies that have had writing guides that dictated how certain things should be formatted in technical writing, including numbers. The item you describe may be a function of the rule which states that you should spell out a number that begins a sentence and not use an arabic numeral. I agree that adding the number in parentheses afterwards is redundant, but again may be part of formatting rules.

Here are the rules for numbers in one such guide:

- Spell out any number that begins a sentence. (e.g., Twenty-two patients will be given the study drug once every 7 days.) Alternatively, try to rewrite the sentence so that it does not begin with a numb er. (e.g., The study drug will be given to 22 patients once every 7 days.)

- When spelling out any number larger than 100 and is not used. Example: One hundred ninety-five individuals...not One hundred and ninety-five...

- Always use Arabic numbers (i.e., 1, 2, 3...) with decimals, percentage, and units of measure that express physical quantities, such as time, distance, weight, and temperature:

3 days

5 years

4 mL

1 mile

2 kg


- There are two styles for handling numbering when referring to people and items:

1. The more conservative approach is to spell out numbers below 10: four patients, two groups (but still use Group 1 and Group 2 if specific groups are referred to by number), two to four doses.

2. The increasingly accepted approach in scientific text and submissions to regulatory agencies is to use Arabic numerals for all numbers: 4 patients, 2 groups, 2 to 4 doses

- If a decimal point is used with a number, add a 0 if no other number is there. For example: 0.1 not .0; 3.0, not 3.

- Do not add a 0 if ther is no decimal point (3.0 is a more precise number than 3).

- In text, spell out fractions less than one. For example: Up to one-third of subjects...

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people that drive down the ****ing eisenhower mile long exit to take the ramp back up to get in front of the crowd.. (THAT is ****ing causing the line to last 15x longer to begin with).

People on their cell phone changing 3 lanes at once because they spaced out and forgot.

Not driving to the next exit and coming around.

Guys that don't stand up in the Metro when there is some old lady's standing there.

Get off your ass that could be your wife, mom, grandma in another situation.

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ooooh, good one. In my grumpiness and old age I have started the practice of directly calling people on this when they do it.


Same here, i cant stand inconsiderate mofo's these days, and i let them know it and tell them if i ever see them coming in or out a door again, i will slam in it their faces instead. It gets their attention then thats for sure. But i have stopped holding the door for people unless they are old or something and walking slowly with a limp or a cane ;) Or in a wheelchair, but sometimes they dont even say thank you :(

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ooooh, good one. In my grumpiness and old age I have started the practice of directly calling people on this when they do it.


Are you standing outside the door waiting for that person to go through, or just holding the door for the next person to catch it? If it's the second one, that's a little weird.

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One thing that seems to be happening more frequently in recent days...

People who bring 30 items into the 12 items or less express checkout at the grocery/department stores. I wouldn't even mind if you went over by 2 or 3 items but when you've got a whole friggin' cart full of stuff and I'm standing there with a gallon of milk then I get pissed.

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One thing that seems to be happening more frequently in recent days...

People who bring 30 items into the 12 items or less express checkout at the grocery/department stores. I wouldn't even mind if you went over by 2 or 3 items but when you've got a whole friggin' cart full of stuff and I'm standing there with a gallon of milk then I get pissed.

I must go along w/this. I can't stand this...nor the cashier that allows it to happen. What's wrong w/saying.."excuse me sir/madam..it appears you have more than 12 items..this is the 12 items or less register..would you please go to another register?"

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The person in front of me at any self checkout. They either break the machine, can't operate the machine (but insist on using it over a regular checkout), or have 97 cans of cat food for their fluffykins at home.

I agree about getting stuck behind the one idiot at Subway or Chipotle who is ordering for 15 people.

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he must be my boss's brother, then. It's nonstop, "Awesome job!" (High Five) and "That's awesome!" (High Five)

sometimes I want to repeatedly shoot myself in the face when he does it. other times I just want to clown him.

we used to have a game amongst ourselves that we didnt tell him about where every time he said "awesome" we had to all cheers and drink. it turned out to be too much and we got sick of the game after a week.

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Anyone that eats with their mouth open. That makes me snap.

If some barn animal does that anywhere around me, I get up immediately and leave.

Also, anyone who eats something like ice cream.....and then has to keep clicking their spoon against the bowl, trying to get the last two drops for a sixty second time period.

I honestly believe that I am going to be put in jail for beating the hell out of someone that does that.

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The sound and feel of very fast virbrations, like when operating a chainsaw or a jackhammer, or sometimes just the sound of the vacuum, piss me off immensely for some reason. The chainsaw and jackhammer are fine, because at least I'm destroying something to vent anger, but when my vacuum gets clogged, combined with the anger from a vacuum sound, I just want to throw it across the room.

Don't ask why, I don't know.

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Mofo's that get on the elevator before I have a chance to get off of it.

ok..second one..people who don't say thank you when you hold the door open for them.

lol Man, you don't know how much that bugs me. I mean, how STUPID can a person be to try to board an elevator before the occupants have gotten OFF? I get where now I anticipate it and just walk straight ahead. If they get ran into, oh well. Nothing bugs me worse than dummies like this.

The second one doesn't get to me that much.

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I used to be indecisive....but now I'm not so sure. lol.

Mine would have to be the people that pump their gas, leave their car at the pump, and go stand in line for 5-10 minutes instead of moving their ass out of the way. :mad:

They should have a gas card. This would cut down on this problem, tremendously. Personally, I don't know how people don't have one of these.

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Another one for me: transactions that take forever at the bank. Why is it that EVERYONE seems to have a bank transaction that requires 15 minutes and several bank employees to take care of, but when I get up there I'm done in 35 seconds? lol...What the hell are you guys doing up there?!?! :mad:

I hear ya. And what about the guys that step up to the counter and want to strike up a conversation with the teller? "So, Marsha, how are the kids.....they all outta the house yet?"....and the worst part is, the teller is giving the guy short answers and he keeps at it...."you know, I can remember when I first started banking here..."

IDIOTS..can't these people realize that there are people behind them? Just get your deposit and go on down the road.

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