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Deshawn Stevenson is a punk ass litte *****


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So I held off talking about this in case he made good but he's not going to so I figured now would be a good time. Blatche, Stevenson and several other Wizards used to frequent a night club/bar that my gf works at until about a month ago. That's when Stevenson's ***** ass decided to walk out on an $870 tab and none of them have shown their faces there since and they've been ducking calls from the management/ownership of the bar. Now my gf has to pay this loser's tab.

It's bad enough you ****ing suck at basketball, it's bad enough you talked all that **** and then brought NOTHING in the playoffs last year but it's good to know your a lowlife loser piece of ****, too. You're a ****ing millionaire and you walk out on a girl trying to make a modest living while going to college and leave her to pay your tab. **** you Deshawn Stevenson.

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Why on earth would you GF pay his tab? Isn't this what collection companies are for? Sounds like you should be pissed at the owner of the bar as well, he's securing his own interests at the expense of his staff. That's a dick move... and I'd look into the legality of such a rule. What is your GF expected to do, tackle an NBA player and his friends in the street and take his wallet? If the dude doesn't want to pay it's up to the police or a collection agency, not the 100 pound waitress.

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Damn dude... that's terrible.

Why the **** does she have to pay it?

It isn't uncommon policy in restaruants and bars where you have a single server serving you that if you walk out the server has to pay the bill.

For those that like to walk out on checks, remember that the next time before you do it. Most likely, the person you are messing w/ is a server trying to make ends meet.

You'd think for that much money management, considering who they were and that they were regulars, would let it slide though.

Of course, assuming this hasn't been an on going thing for her (people walking out on checks). I worked at several places where as long as it happened once in a blue moon management let it slide.

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Obviously this is the player's fault, but like others have said, there's no way your GF should pay the tab. She should tell the owner to go **** himself and find another job. I know jobs aren't easy to come by these days, but if she has experience, she'll find one soon because there is so much turnover in that industry.

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Why on earth would you GF pay his tab? Isn't this what collection companies are for? Sounds like you should be pissed at the owner of the bar as well, he's securing his own interests at the expense of his staff. That's a dick move... and I'd look into the legality of such a rule. What is your GF expected to do, tackle an NBA player and his friends in the street and take his wallet? If the dude doesn't want to pay it's up to the police or a collection agency, not the 100 pound waitress.

Totally agree, that is some bullcrap..........

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Totally agree, that is some bullcrap..........

That's the way night clubs work, man. Technically it's the server's responsibility to make sure no one dips on their tab. She's had to call security and block people from leaving before but you can hardly blame her for not keeping as careful an eye on a freaking public figure who's known around there. What's worse is Blatche knows the manager of the bar and told them he would get it taken care of, it was probably just a mistake and now he's ducking calls, too.

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I intend to call the sports reporters on my way home this evening.

If you can back up your claims, you should totally do this. Hell, you should write a letter, address it to all the media. Remember that time, I think it was Roy Williams the receiver, got called out for not tipping pizza delivery guys?

You should out this clown with much vitriol. I hate his stupid ass.

Also, it's one thing to make a server pay a customers tab when it was clear the server did not do a good job and that's the reason the patrons left. But making her pay this is stupid. The guy is clearly scum.

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Man, Czaban will have a field day with this if it catches some legs (not saying it's not true, but it all depends on how the media perceives it, you know?).


That's what I figured, too. Czabe's definitely the man for the job. My phone's about dead and I forgot my charger so I'll call when I get home, probably between 6-7 sometime. If I can't get home before 7 I'll call tomorrow during the SRs. Either way it'll be after 5 because that's when I get off work.

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