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I'm about to kill my cat- Anyone a Veterinarian on here??


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Need help....

I have a male cat, 4 yrs old. He was the only one left of a litter my moms barn cat had, and she couldn't find him a home. So I agreed to take him a couple years ago. I am more of a dog person, but he lives outside most of the year and only comes in to eat. During winter, he hardly will go outside. I do keep a cat box for him and he uses it. He has been nuetered since he was about 1 yr.

Well, the other day I was in my bedroom, along with my 2 dogs(the cat and dogs get along great). The cat comes in, walks around aimlessly, then all of a sudden, sprays right onto the box spring of my bed. Thankfully I noticed his ass shivering weirdly and grabbed him right as he started spraying. His ass went outside. I literally tossed him into the 5 feet of snow in my yard, I was so pissed.

I haven't let him in for almost a week. Monday night, I felt sorry and let him in to eat. After about 30 min in the house, I'm in the kitchen when the cats strolls in. I have a big dog crate/kennel in my kitchen that I keep my police dog in during inclimate weather such as recent times. Well, next thing I know that ****ing cat is spraying right into the crate! WTF?? His ass went outside again, and again threw him as far as I could. I put his bowl of food outside and have absolutely no plans for that thing to come back into my house.

This is what I don't understand, why in the world, after several years is he doing this? I've never seen him do this in the 3 yrs I've had him. I wonder if it could be a medical issue??

Now I'm already expecting the "shoot the cat" type of comments, but I am seriously asking if anyone might know why this is happening/anything to resolve it??(other than shooting him)

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Maybe he's pissed that you keep throwing him into 80 inches of snow. Have you taken him to the vet?

haha, only threw him cause he sprayed in the house. Which I know is different than him peeing, as I've seen him pee in the cat box. I'm trying to aviod the vet, just cause of the cost. But I just might.

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only guess is that he's reached some point (age wise) where he thinks that he's the king of the block and is marking his territory.

I moved last april, into a new neighborhood. The cat across the street is a large male (18lbs.) orange tabby. Nice as can be. But the muvafugger backs his @$$ up to every car that I have and sprays uring on the wheels.

If I leave my garage door open for 5 minutes, the little ****head runs over and into my garage and sprays my motorcycle and my 442. I told the old couple across the street, that own him, and they just shrugged their shoulders and said "that's "Punkin" (that cat's name) like what do you want me to do about it. We all live on the water and I want to tie a cinder block to his neck and toss him in, or at least relocate him to somewhere like Ocala forest (150 miles away), But I'm worried about karma and have two cats of my own. Now if one of you are bored and naturally hate cats, I'll give you my addess (Paging Mickalino) :silly:

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I didnt even know what cat spray was until I just googled it.

Cats are motivated to spray principally by a desire to: (1) denote their turf, (2) exhibit their studliness (if the cat is male), and (3) be a pain in the nuts. Motive number 3 comes into play whenever the cat feels its precious self is being neglected

It sounds like the first time he did it was #1 then the other times was #3 when you threw him into the snow and left him outside.


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only guess is that he's reached some point (age wise) where he thinks that he's the king of the block and is marking his territory.

I moved last april, into a new neighborhood. The cat across the street is a large male (18lbs.) orange tabby. Nice as can be. But the muvafugger backs his @$$ up to every car that I have and sprays uring on the wheels.

If I leave my garage door open for 5 minutes, the little ****head runs over and into my garage and sprays my motorcycle and my 442. I told the old couple across the street, that own him, and they just shrugged their shoulders and said "that's "Punkin" (that cat's name) like what do you want me to do about it. We all live on the water and I want to tie a cinder block to his neck and toss him in, or at least relocate him to somewhere like Ocala forest (150 miles away), But I'm worried about karma and have two cats of my own. Now if one of you are bored and naturally hate cats, I'll give you my addess (Paging Mickalino) :silly:

Dude. You have a 442? I'm so Jealous.

(you've probably mentioned this before and it slipped my mind.)

OK. Sorry to get off track, cars do that to me. Back to the subject...

Has the cat been fixed? Usually they don't spray afterward. But I'm thinking there may be a female in heat near by or another cat antagonizing him that put him in this mode.

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Thankfully, I have a cat that is more like a dog, and it uses the toilet. Im serious. Its the second cat I have owned that will sit on the toilet and pee. Its startles the hell out of me in the middle of the night when I walk into the bathroom and he's there on the toilet peeing.... ears all back looking mean. We have had the cat since two weeks old, and was raised by our dogs. he isn'tscared of dogs, knows where to use the bathroom, goes outside when he feels like it and mostly goes outside. My girlfriend named him "Snickerdoodle" (ugh) but because he acts more like a dog and will actually fetch, I call him "SnickerPoodle". sorry for the problems you are having. Good luck.

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Thankfully, I have a cat that is more like a dog, and it uses the toilet. Im serious. Its the second cat I have owned that will sit on the toilet and pee. Its startles the hell out of me in the middle of the night when I walk into the bathroom and he's there on the toilet peeing.... ears all back looking mean. We have had the cat since two weeks old, and was raised by our dogs. he isn'tscared of dogs, knows where to use the bathroom, goes outside when he feels like it and mostly goes outside. My girlfriend named him "Snickerdoodle" (ugh) but because he acts more like a dog and will actually fetch, I call him "SnickerPoodle". sorry for the problems you are having. Good luck.

I caught my cat trying to use the toilet years ago and he freaked out and ran. Thankfully he doesn't keep trying. I don't want to deal with him missing.

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I caught my cat trying to use the toilet years ago and he freaked out and ran. Thankfully he doesn't keep trying. I don't want to deal with him missing.

Nah, he has never missed, and he also drops duece in the toilet on occasion. I don't mind, I actually find it funny and I sit there and talk to him while he is on the can. I used to have a cat named "Major Logs" and he would do it too. Funny thing is, Ive neever taught either of them to do it. Logs had a few accidents, but SnickerPoodle has never missed and never gone in the house.

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Take the cat to the vet or at least consult one about the recent behavior. He could have some type of urinary infection. Please stop throwing him. That's like a cop beating you down for peeing in public.

I would say it's more like a gentle toss into the snow...lol

I know that male cats can build up crystals in their urine, similar to a kidney stone, or bladder stone. I was looking up some of this. There is special food that Purina puts out just for Urinary issues. I'll switch to that when I get cat food again, until then, Simba is staying outside. I really don't care how much snow there is. Today is 40 degrees, so much is melting anyway.

A neighbor I used to have (that lived in house the DEA busted, but before that), used to have 17 cats! Most of them were inside, but about 5-6 were outside. He lived next to me for a year, and my cat never seemed to mind. I haven't seen any other cats in my neighborhood.

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Thankfully, I have a cat that is more like a dog, .

That's what I say about my cat. He and the dogs take turns cleaning each other. He and my pit bull will spend hours licking each other all over the face, and they cuddle. He goes out in the morning w/ the dogs, comes in w/ the dogs. Well, now he is outside for good. He is overall a pretty cool cat. very playful and fun. I've actually enjoyed having him around, but I really will not tolerate the spraying. He's been neutered for 3 years. I do recall seeing him spray outside about a year ago, other than that, all of this is new.

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Urinary infection or general anxiety from a perceived slight. Cats can be moody creatures. Taking him to the vet as soon as you can might not be a bad idea. Self diagnosis isn't really the safe thing to do.

I would if I had the money. I just shelled out over $600 for my dog who had a tumor, then the holidays...add my heat bill triples in the winter (natural gas heat:mad:)....sorry, but this cat is just not worth $100 (or more) for someone to tell me to use a different cat food, or that he's mad, or that he is marking his territory. Usually someone on here, has a similar story, or the actual knowledge. My dog is one thing, I'd go to the ends of the earth for him..this cat...well, he's outside in the snow for a reason.

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No two instances are the same though, and similiar experiences won't mean the same diagnosis. However, I understand your financial situation won't allow it at the moment. The worst thing to find out would be that he's just a frustrated kitty and you still need to fork over the cash.

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Drugs. Put him on valium or some other downer to make him chill out. If you don't want to do that then spray him back. A blast of something aerosol, like deodorant should do the trick. And if it doesn't, try holding a lit lighter in front of the aerosol spray - that should get his attention. As a side benefit, your cat might not shed anymore either.

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