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I'm about to kill my cat- Anyone a Veterinarian on here??


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My friend has cats that he trained for "abuse". Most cats hate it when you pull their tails, but his don't even struggle if you pick 'em up by the tail. It was pretty comical at first when I saw him pick up one of the cats by its tail and move it elsewhere. It just hung there limp waiting for him to set it down.

Now that's ****ed up. I'll take great pleasure in making one target practice for a 30/30, but torture is out of the question.

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I came home from a bar one night and my cat had peed on my bed and was laying right next to it staring at me with it's ears laid back like it was trying to prove a point to me.

so i put the cat in the tub and peed on it. that cat never even went to the bathroom in the house again.

all animals need to be taught who is the alpha and who is in charge. i am not saying to pee on your cat but you need to establish dominance to where the cat will not want to do things like that.


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what the hell is spraying?

A male cat, if not neutered, will back his shivering arse up to an object and let loose with a vile spray of urine to mark his territory.

Anyway this might be a stress related issue and if you take it to the Vet they will probably give it valium or anti anxiety drugs.

We have an old male cat and I have a love/hate relationship with the beast. Our cat refuses to cover its' poop in the litterbox. :doh:

This will be the last cat we have, and then it is only dogs in our house.

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so here is an update...and I had no idea this thread would become so damn funny.

I "checked" the cat box and I can tell that there is a lil blood coming from either his poo or his pee. So, I will take him to the vet in the very near future. Mr. Simba Kitty (yes that is his full ghey cat name), has been outside all week and is still alive. We are in a major meltdown, it's friggin 45 degrees here now, so he won't freeze and I'm feeding him.

My house is clean, I have OCD..I'm a clean freak. In regard to him asserting dominance or marking territory, why is he waiting over 2 years to do this?

Oh and the kicker....you guys are gonna love this. My mom tells me of a story that she never told before I agreed to take the cat. My mom woke up in the middle of the night, sorta doin the toss and turn thing. She turned over and just happened to open her eyes as Simba was pooping on her bed, about 2 inches from her head! No wonder she begged me to take him.

I don't know about this cat...I love animals, but if that thing pooped by my head...(I'd call BigMike over to poop right back on him)

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Mr. Simba Kitty (yes that is his full ghey cat name), has been outside all week and is still alive. We are in a major meltdown, it's friggin 45 degrees here now, so he won't freeze and I'm feeding him.

He'll survive, and his coat will adapt. At least the cat wasn't crapping on your bed. We had a cat that was so skittish she wouldn't come downstairs to use the litter box because she didn't like our newborn. She was 86'ed to my in laws garage.

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I'm giving him "trail runs" in the house. He came in this morning for a bit to eat. I let him walk one circle around the house ( I followed him)..then I put him out again...lol, damn cat!

ok, and here is a pic when I let him in for a few minutes last night. He spent the whole time cuddling w/ my pit bull..they groom each other and cuddle all the time.


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I came home from a bar one night and my cat had peed on my bed and was laying right next to it staring at me with it's ears laid back like it was trying to prove a point to me.

so i put the cat in the tub and peed on it. that cat never even went to the bathroom in the house again.

all animals need to be taught who is the alpha and who is in charge. i am not saying to pee on your cat but you need to establish dominance to where the cat will not want to do things like that.


That is hilarious!

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My cat had peed on my bed at least 10 times.

I put it in a box and took it to the vet store in Old Town as they let the cats walk around.

I told them i wanted to turn it in: 150$ :0 and i said sure, but the owner said it was full.

I told them if they didnt take it, its going to the pound. She started freaking out.

Said it was a comittment and I said sure, 11 years, 5 longer than wife.

She said i was insensitive and i agreed, she should take the cat.

She yelled at me about being a F'n cat killer and and i was harassing them. I replied i drove 30 minutes to pay for them to take the cat. They are causing this.

WHen i left with the cat she was yelling up and down the street in ole town.

I turned around, shook the box and said: Say Goodbye.

It was worth it.

The cat hasn't peed since...

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  • 1 month later...

Hog_nose, here is your update on the cat...

He basically stayed outside until I moved recently. For the last month he has been living in the garage at my new place. When the weather gets nicer, he can just live outside. I've let him in for a few minutes at a time in the new place, but under strict watch.

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Hog_nose, here is your update on the cat...

He basically stayed outside until I moved recently. For the last month he has been living in the garage at my new place. When the weather gets nicer, he can just live outside. I've let him in for a few minutes at a time in the new place, but under strict watch.

LOL , I would have missed this if I hadn't been scanning old threads. Thanks for the update.:)

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