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The one thing a man should know how to do.


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How to light a charcoal fire. I've seen guys try to do this to much failure. Either by not giving the fire enough oxygen, or by essentially extinguishing the coals with lighter fluid etc...

Isn't this kind of easy now, since most charcoal is already soaked in lighter fluid before you open the bag? If not, dousing it in lighter fluid usually does the trick, you just flick the lighter and there you go. On a completely unrelated note, I'm missing skin on some of my fingers from this years tailgates.

Put a woman in her place. :laugh:

There's a picture I want to put here, but I need to find it first.

have built something out of wood.

I found a wood plank and drew eyes and a mouth on it. I call it Keanu Reeves. Does this count?

pocket knife buddy pocket knife...

Presenting John Hirsch

Chop down a tree

With his penis?

Find a woman's "spot".

With his penis? No seriously, I can't believe it took 3 pages for this to get posted.

Since there's a lot of random stuff being thrown out here, I'm going to add something completely off the wall, so my answer is "Turn a lesbian straight"

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Cook and eat a steak


Change a tire

Drive a stick

Throw a football/baseball/basketball

Good call on cooking a steak. No man should own one of those bbq forks with a digital thermometer built in. If you can't tell when it's done without cutting it open or using a thermometer, you have no business cooking a steak

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Great thread.

Im gonna go with defend your wife and or family (sisters and brothers at school, etc)

Kill and field dress an animal.

Cook the meat and wear the animals hide. ;)

Balance a checkbook ( i have friends who struggle with this)

Chop fire wood

Catch a fish

Know hunters/fire arm safety

be able to converse and have an educated opinion in social circles

These are all basic fundamentals I want my son to have before he can even drive.

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A man should know how to fight and how to shoot a gun. you may need to do one or the other to protect your family.

and a man should always sleep on the side of the bed that is closest to the door in case someone tries to come thru you are the first line of defense.

what are the odds of breaking and entering where the assailant comes into the bedroom vs. the odds of a fire? for a fire, you're convenient "protecting your family" spot becomes your "quickest to the door" spot.

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Myself, I tend to reject this idea that there's one very specific thing that every single man needs to know how to do before they are considered a man. I guess I'm more general than that.

I'd say taking responsibility for yourself and your actions, having the courage of your convictions, and living up to your ideals. But then again, I'd measure the worth of a woman by these same standards.

There's a quote from Teddy Roosevelt that my grandfather had made into a framed print and passed on to my father when he was 16, and my father then passed on to me at the same age, that I think is appropriate here. At the risk of making this thread "too serious", here it is:

A man's usefulness depends upon his living up to his ideals insofar as he can. It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed. All daring and courage, all iron endurance or misfortune, make for a finer, nobler type of manhood. Only those are fit to live who do not fear to die and none are fit to die who have shrunk from the joy of life and the duty of life.

Theodore Roosevelt

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