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STOP! ES Rules Review time(Yet again).


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Okay. Now that I have your attention, let's review here.

(Apologies to the other mods for not giving fair warning before starting this. I'm feeling impulsive this a.m.).

1)SEARCH. Use the ES search, ES Google search, just Google, go back a few pages, or all of the above, but SEARCH DAMNIT! Rule # 7,(like the rest of them), isn't there just look at. I mean really, what the hell is wrong with some of you? It seems as though some of you would rather see your name under the thread title than join other threads discussing similar, if not the very same subject as the thread you started. A few of you even keep most of your posts in the threads only you start. Until they are merged that is. What's more important? Engaging your fellow members in discussion or seeing your "name in lights?"

I understand the discussions on this board are built upon the the threads members start and the subject matter within. I also understand that at times like these, it's good to vent, but really. SEARCH FIRST! I know the other mods have busted ass and spent way too much time merging and closing threads because some of you just can't bring yourselves to do this. I know I spent too much time doing so last night.

2) Rule number 5 is taking a beating....again. Some of you need to take a breath or 20 before posting and a few of you need to grow up.

3) Rule number 6 is getting thrashed on a regular basis. The filters are there for a reason and if it's that important to you to actually take the time to find a way to beat them, then might I suggest reading the final 5 words above.

4) Rule # 3. Let's review here, and if the other mods don't mind, let me voice a few pet peeves. "In before close" is one that we have tried to get you all not to use. A few others that I have noticed recently that can qualify are "In before the merge","Merge in 3,21....", "x1","x2","x3", ect.

Also ,(and along those same lines), I understand that it's all cool and all for some of you to see this,but speaking for myself, I'm not a big fan of banning. I do it, but with no great pleasure,(except on a few rare occasions). However, you don't need to come in and further derail a thread with comments about the banishment of a member who probably has already done enough of that already. I understand that it's human nature to drive slower and look at the wreck, but you don't have to roll down the window and say "It sucks to be you doesn't it? Go get 'em officer!" Or something like that. Speaking only for myself,(as I did above), I'd just as soon you ignore it and keep the thread on track or get it back on it. Oh, and "Ban him/her" as a response, well, covered it. That's what the reported post feature is about.

Thanks. Other mods, I think I've done my venting here, feel free to do the same,(even if it's on me for starting this without letting you know first).

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Hey Jay? One request I have and I'm sure I speak for many others is to institue a rule questioning someone's "fanhood." It is one of the biggest problems on this board and causes a lot of friction. Not to mention it's completely annoying.

I guarantee you if you put this rule into affect, this board will be much more enjoyable.

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Hey Jay? One request I have and I'm sure I speak for many others is to institue a rule questioning someone's "fanhood." It is one of the biggest problems on this board and causes a lot of friction. Not to mention it's completely annoying.

I guarantee you if you put this rule into affect, this board will be much more enjoyable.

Dude I don't think you're a true fan since you want that rule.

Be gone you trader.

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I read the thread title and I assumed there'd be a picture of MC Hammer in the thread.

This thread = epic fail.

Kidding. Kind of.

No... really... :)

Good post, PCS. No one is going to read this, though. Too many short attention spans around here :)

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Perhaps its because there are 60K+ memebers here, probably more than that by now. BTW why did the member number go away?

Hap, if you're referring to the individual's #, don't know -- but at the bottom of the main page there are 81,000 and change members listed. Quite a few opinions here these days, even though many of them aren't active.

PCS, great points, although like KDawg I'm afraid most of the people causing the problems you alluded to will either ignore this thread completely or not get it if they do read.

There is something to be said for having your name in lights though. ;)

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I was recently put on vacation for profanity filter bypassing and it was something I totally didnt do on purpose. After I came back I read the rules and there were things in there I wasnt aware of that were actual rules.

such as x2, "ban him", "already posted", etc...

I would invite everyone to take a moment to scan the rules over and brush up on them...

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May I add this handy little gem that I use all the time but most people don't seem to be aware of?

google.com - type in your search words and follow it with


Shazaam, you get a nice quick search of the site. I use this all the friggin' time.

Just for fun try that search with bubba as the searchword, it locks up google:D

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I have been here since Feb. 08 and have never started a thread.


1- Topic I am interested in is already being discussed.

2- Fear of having my hand slapped.


I have been a member for... I don't know how long. I have only started one thread, with observations after being at the Giants game. That's it. I've never had to search far for a place to express myself. So it can be done.

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Hap, if you're referring to the individual's #, don't know -- but at the bottom of the main page there are 81,000 and change members listed. Quite a few opinions here these days, even though many of them aren't active.


Holy Cow didn't realize we had gotten that big. I guess a bunch snuck in when I wasn't looking. :silly:

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