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Merrill CEO Thain seeking $10 million bonus


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NEW YORK - Merrill Lynch & Co Chief Executive John Thain has suggested to directors that he get a 2008 bonus of as much as $10 million, but the battered company’s compensation committee is resisting his request, the Wall Street Journal said, citing people familiar with the situation.

The compensation committee has not reached a decision, but is leaning toward denying Thain and other senior executives bonuses for this year, the people told the paper.

Man....it would break my heart if this guy doesn't get his 10million dollar bonus. :(

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These people are insane. They live in a warped, deranged world. How could any CEO, for a company who is falling apart, think they deserve anything like 10 million dollars. Insane.

I am so glad that the board is thinking of rejecting it. They will get a big :cheers: if they follow through and do it.

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Unbelievable gall.

The fact he requested it is bad enough, but the fact that the board didn't throw him out the second the words came out of his mouth is even more problematic.

"The compensation committee has not reached a decision, but is leaning toward denying Thain and other senior executives bonuses for this year,"

You have GOT to be kidding me. It's either a complete and total lack of any understanding of what they've done, or a complete and total lack of concern for anything other than their own unbelievable greed.


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Who knows the actual story but the implication from the article is that he wants the $10M bonus for helping prevent the collapse of the company since September 15.

So the $10M would be for a two and a half month period and for doing a job that he is already paid multi-millions per year for.

Some might even think the job of the CEO is to avert taking your company to the brink of collapse in the first place, and NOT to expect a $10 million bonus for staving it of for a couple more months, after it's happened.

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I really am nervous that there will be violence against people like him

Who would know who he is? Could you pick him out of a lineup? It's not like he's famous like a celebrity or star athlete where everyone knows what he looks like.

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Surely he deserves $10 million. After all his company only lost $11.67 billion. I mean, gee, some of the other financial firms went out of business completely, so he must be doing a bangup job. :rolleyes:

Given that he "requested" this bonus presumably it's beyond his agreed compensation when he joined a year ago (and received his $15 million signing bonus).

So he thinks that only losing close to $12Billion is an achievement for he should be richly rewarded beyond what he agreed to in his employment contract.

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These people are insane. They live in a warped, deranged world. How could any CEO, for a company who is falling apart, think they deserve anything like 10 million dollars. Insane.

I am so glad that the board is thinking of rejecting it. They will get a big :cheers: if they follow through and do it.

Well, what if it is obvious that with out this CEO, the company would already be Bankrupt, or Collapesed?

Even though things are bad, doesn't mean they wouldn't be worse without him. We don't know, so we really can't judge.

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A couple of people raise a valid point about "what if he did things that saved them x", meaning ML lost less because of him. I consider losses avoided the same thing as income, however i dont know that he should be rewarded the same way.

I dont know any of his history, but it seems like he was a recent enough hire that he may not of been the decision maker that led to all of their losses, so if he came in last year and tried to right the ship and ML lost less because of his leadership i think that is commendable, but probably not rewardable at this time.

To me, if he helped them minimize losses, it is a situation where he gets a little feather in his hat or some sort of IOU so that when the business turns around it is accounted for in future bonuses. But they have to realize (and it appears that they did too late), that the public is not going ot stomach a guy getting $10M in a year his company lost $11B regardless if he did something to cut losses or not.:2cents:

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There is a lot of hipocracy too, being a CEO isn't an easy job, it is hard work, and requires skill and talent. CEOs DO get paid alot, but the do a lot too. But they are not the only ones are not the only ones that get paid huge amounts of money.

Movie stars get paid ridiculous amounts too, but for some reason people feel better about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez making a combind $24.5 Million dollars on a movie that netted only $4Million.

I guess that people just like movie stars better than they like CEOs, but I think that CEOs contribute more to society than Movie stars.

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I guess that people just like movie stars better than they like CEOs, but I think that CEOs contribute more to society than Movie stars.

To use your analogy, in this case the "movie star" is asking for a $10million bonus more than he agreed to in the contract because the "film" didn't tank as badly as other failures.

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Sounds like he wants the $10 milliion for coming in and negotiating the deal with BoA that saved the company from collapse. He was only made CEO after ML was on the brink of collapse.

I'm not saying he deserves it, but it's not as bad as it sounds.

That said, I'm glad we have a national dialogue going on about this stuff. It has spiralled out of control over the past 20 years. These executive types have simply lost touch with reality- which is probably why they're not very good executives.

This mindset has to end- and this is coming from someone who has been a staunch defender of the money these guys make.

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