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Merrill CEO Thain seeking $10 million bonus


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There is a lot of hipocracy too, being a CEO isn't an easy job, it is hard work, and requires skill and talent. CEOs DO get paid alot, but the do a lot too. But they are not the only ones are not the only ones that get paid huge amounts of money.

Movie stars get paid ridiculous amounts too, but for some reason people feel better about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez making a combind $24.5 Million dollars on a movie that netted only $4Million.

I guess that people just like movie stars better than they like CEOs, but I think that CEOs contribute more to society than Movie stars.

Comaring them to movie stars is idiotic. When was the last time i saw a Hollywood studio beg for a taxpayer bailout?

I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here and say that the anger and resentment towards these CEOs probably has something to do with the fact that people who work under these priveleged ****s lose their jobs while these clowns collect bonuses of 10s of millions of dollars that they begged Congress to give them. They cut every cost but their own when times are tough, and frankly, if times are tough, the buck stops at the top.

These guys may work, but the Big 3 CEOs have worked their companies into the ground.

You get rewarded for doing GOOD work. Not for ****ing things up beyond repair, not for having to come begging for taxpayer bailo9uts in their provate jets.

They simply don't get it. It's as painfully clear as it's ever going to get. these people believe they are a cut above, that they deserve everything while everyone else deserves to starve.

SHF says he fears violence against these people. I'd like to say I advocate it. I'm dead serious. These people have literally ruined good people's lives with their mismanagement and incompetence. And they want to be paid like a king for that job? They should be paid with a brick through their skull.

Yeah, they do a lot of work. They just suck at it, and the very idea that this guy will ask for that kind of bonus after begging us to bail him out is beyond ignorant. It's a slap in the face of every American.

We should slap back.



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