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Atheist sign joins nativity scene, tree at Washington State Capitol building**Update


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a key issue that is being ignored is that the nativity scene, which promotes christianity, a religion that says others are morally inferior and going to hell. therefore, they are insulting and denigrating other religions and atheists alike implicitly by having their symbol in there, much in the same way that the atheist sign is insulting and offensive to christians. the only difference is the athiest sign is using explicitly using words to insult religions whereas the nativity scene uses implicit symbols to insult atheists and other religions. in my opinion, there should be nothing condoning any religion or lack of religion in any government building.
Total inclusivity or total exclusivity is impossible.
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The nativity does not PROMOTE Christianity. It recognizes an important symbol of a Holiday that the Federal Govt recognizes.

Christmas is a Govt Holiday about, shocking I know, JESUS CHRIST!

The Govt should have told the atheist to **** off.

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in my opinion, there should be nothing condoning any religion or lack of religion in any government building.

Hmmm The east side of the U. S. Supreme Court building is decorated with an eighteen foot high sculpture of Moses holding The Ten Commandments. If you were to travel a short distance to our nations capitol building, and enter through the subway, there on the wall you would see another sculpture of Moses.

And then, upstairs, in the capitol building, you might visit the chambers of the House of Representatives. In the House chambers, on the wall you will find thirteen of history's greatest legislators honored in sculpture.

Moses has the most honored position of all. Moses is in the center position on the North wall directly across from the Speaker's seat. Symbolically, Moses watches over our nation's House of Representatives and symbolically they look to Moses for instruction.

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Maybe the pagans should have told the Christians to **** off their holiday?

Christmas is the Winter Solstice. It is not Jesus's birthday. It is the Winter Solstice. It was banned in early American puritanical societies. Banned by the Christians. Banned by Americans. Banned by Christian Americans. It is the Winter Solstice.

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Maybe the pagans should have told the Christians to **** off their holiday?

Christmas is the Winter Solstice. It is not Jesus's birthday. It is the Winter Solstice. It was banned in early American puritanical societies. Banned by the Christians. Banned by Americans. Banned by Christian Americans. It is the Winter Solstice.

Great. And when Grant made it a Federal Holiday to Celebrate the birth of Christ, nothing else prior to that mattered anymore.

So whether it is or is not the actual day (or even month) that Jesus was born, it;s the day that the Federal Govt recognizes and celebrates.

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Great. And when Grant made it a Federal Holiday to Celebrate the birth of Christ, nothing else prior to that mattered anymore.

So whether it is or is not the actual day (or even month) that Jesus was born, it;s the day that the Federal Govt recognizes and celebrates.

It is the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice has been celebrated on the 25th of December since Roman times. It is the Winter Solstice. Just because the federal government says it is Jesus's Birthday does not mean it is also not the Winter Solstice on that day. It is. Christians can celebrate on that day and everyone else can celebrate on that day. It is as much a secular holiday as a religious one. It is the Winter Solstice.

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An Act making the first Day of January, the twenty-fifth Day of December, the fourth Day of July, and Thanksgiving Day, Holidays, within the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following days, to wit: The first day of January, commonly called New Year's day, the fourth day of July, the twenty-fifth day of December, commonly called Christmas day, and any day appointed or recommended by the President of the United States as a day of public fast or thanksgiving, shall be holidays within the District of Columbia, and shall, for all purposes of presenting for payment or acceptance of the maturity and protest, and giving notice of the dishonor of bills of exchange, bank checks and promissory notes or other negotiable or commercial paper, be treated and considered as is the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday, and all notes, drafts, checks, or other commercial or negotiable paper falling due or maturing on either of said holidays shall be deemed as having matured on the day previous.

It says nothing about Jesus's Birthday.

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It is the Winter Solstice. The Winter Solstice has been celebrated on the 25th of December since Roman times. It is the Winter Solstice. Just because the federal government says it is Jesus's Birthday does not mean it is also not the Winter Solstice on that day. It is. Christians can celebrate on that day and everyone else can celebrate on that day. It is as much a secular holiday as a religious one. It is the Winter Solstice.

Well, actually, while the 25th was the solistice at the establishment of the Julian calendar, it actually now falls between the 20th and the 23rd. So, technically, it's not. :)

And secondly, it is not a secular holiday. I actually think the very idea of a secular "holy day" is a bit silly, but be that as it may, as far as I know, the solistice has never been celebrated as such by anybody other than religions like Wicca. I suppose that could change, if this catches momentum.

Of course, those secularists celebrating the solistice wouldn't be doing it on the 25th. ;)

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The western church leaders selected DEC-25 because this was already the date recognized throughout the Roman Empire as the birthday of various Pagan gods. 1,2 Since there was no central Christian authority at the time, it took centuries before the tradition was universally accepted:

Many symbols and practices associated with Christmas are of Pagan origin: holly, ivy, mistletoe, yule log, the giving of gifts, decorated evergreen tree, magical reindeer, etc.

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Maybe using the one that is culturally forced upon them by retailers would cause less confusion and just make more sense.

I would think it would cause more confusion to say "happy solstice" when the calendars clearly show that the solstice was two to four days previous.

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"For how many years shall this festival abide! Never shall age destroy so holy a day! While the hills of Latium remain and father Tiber, while thy Rome stands and the Capitol thou hast restored to the world, it shall continue."

-Statius (on Saturnalia)

Wow, dude was right! ;)

The secular version of Christmas people celebrate is very similar to Saturnalia. A religious holiday; for Saturn, that people enjoyed due to the customs, feasts and gifts.

And Vicious, calling Christmas a winter solstice holiday and equating it with pagan holidays is kinda loose. No one celebrates spirits, nature or celestial alignment in these days. Some of your links seem to be loosely equating paganism with lots of religions, including basic beliefs in Roman gods. I don't really equate the two.

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Lets Ban Dr Martin Luther King Day he was a Religious Man and gasp a Christian at that.

He obviously doesn't rate having a day that's recognized by government because the godless and morally corrupt are intimidated by Judeo Christian principles that call into question deviant behaviour and lack of standards they want to promote.

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Lets Ban Dr Martin Luther King Day he was a Religious Man and gasp a Christian at that.

He obviously doesn't rate having a day that's recognized by government because the godless and morally corrupt are intimidated by Judeo Christian principles that call into question deviant behaviour and lack of standards they want to promote.

The Dark Ages called, asked when they could expect you back.

Something about a witch that needed burning, and apparently the town stake is locked in your barn.


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The Dark Ages called, asked when they could expect you back.

Something about a witch that needed burning, and apparently the town stake is locked in your barn.


Dark Ages? Isnt that what the liberals and anti god types are attempting to bring back?

Witches burnt at the stake?

That still pales in comparisons to the creative deaths committed on my people from burnings to lynchings

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Lets Ban Dr Martin Luther King Day he was a Religious Man and gasp a Christian at that.

He obviously doesn't rate having a day that's recognized by government because the godless and morally corrupt are intimidated by Judeo Christian principles that call into question deviant behaviour and lack of standards they want to promote.

Why do you hate black people?

So is godless and morally corrupt together up there or seperate.

Because i'm currently between gods, but morally i'm walking the straight line.

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