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Atheist sign joins nativity scene, tree at Washington State Capitol building**Update


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Lets Ban Dr Martin Luther King Day he was a Religious Man and gasp a Christian at that.

He obviously doesn't rate having a day that's recognized by government because the godless and morally corrupt are intimidated by Judeo Christian principles that call into question deviant behaviour and lack of standards they want to promote.

Does having 10 bazillion extra-marital affairs count as deviant behavior in your book? Gonna go out on a limb and guess it did when Bill Clinton did it.

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Why do you hate black people?

So is godless and morally corrupt together up there or seperate.

Because i'm currently between gods, but morally i'm walking the straight line.

I am black. 5 watt light bulbs are slow to realise it for some reason. That has been established since day one.

Godless: Not recognizing, not worshiping or not believing in God(s)

Morally Corrupt: The bashers of religion generally don't want the deviant behaviour, sinful business practices or public interactions they embrace challenged.

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Does having 10 bazillion extra-marital affairs count as deviant behavior in your book? Gonna go out on a limb and guess it did when Bill Clinton did it.

Yep it does and I don't respect those who commit it either.

Its too bad that they aren't publicly shamed for doing it and fined.

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I am black. 5 watt light bulbs are slow to realise it for some reason. That has been established since day one.

Godless: Not recognizing, not worshiping or not believing in God(s)

Morally Corrupt: The bashers of religion generally don't want the deviant behaviour, sinful business practices or public interactions they embrace challenged.

Of course i know your black: thats what made it funny:

The why do you hate Jesus thing...

Actually the bashers of peopel that say they are religious but only follow 1/16th of the rules.

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Of course i know your black: thats what made it funny:

The why do you hate Jesus thing...

Actually the bashers of peopel that say they are religious but only follow 1/16th of the rules.


If you are Black and Conservative some people attempt to paint you as having black self hate if you don't blindly support the democratic party until I put them in their place by countering with their plantation mentality.

I'm not one of those KMart Catholics who pick from this aisle or that aisle of rules to abide by and ignore the rest.

I am a practice what you preach types not a do as I say not as I do person who does upset me when I see that.

Like Pelosi bashing Billionaires flying a private plane when she is doing the same thing herself but its paid by taxpayers.

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Dark Ages? Isnt that what the liberals and anti god types are attempting to bring back?

Witches burnt at the stake?

That still pales in comparisons to the creative deaths committed on my people from burnings to lynchings

No, they aren't trying to bring back the dark ages. And of course you know that, but this ridiculous hatred you have for anything left of your position makes you write stuff like this goofiness above.

And the rest about blacks being lynched is just totally out of the blue, no context, no point, and no reason to be added to this conversation.

Come on Dave. It's 2008. Must we still fear the boogie man? There's plenty of real things to be scared of, must we invent things to frighten us, too? Liberals stealing children in the night, sucking their blood and making them accept gay people.... I mean really.


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MLK day isnt his exact B-day, so I'll expect the KKK to be allowed to have equal representation. Oh, same goes for the Nazis on any Jewish holiday.

Also, from this point forward, I'll expect lumberjacks to be able to have signs all around on Arbor day, hunters to be allowed to show pride on groundhog day, single folks to get equal time on valentines day etc etc etc.

It's a Govt recognized CHRISTIAN holiday. Any other religion or anti religion messages allowed offends me as a Christian. But as per usual, it's perfectly acceptable to offend Christians.

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Who's trying to stop you? Seriously.

The point was that's HOW I FEEL...so many lawsuits preventing or attempting to prevent people from decorating, almost like "lets just pretent it doesn't exist" so the VERY SMALL minority who don't believe feel ok. Because that small minority can't just go on about their business, they have to spend time and money to interfere with our holidays. Once again, if you don't like it you scrooges, go crawl into your lil hole and go away...but leave the decorations, leave the CHRISTMAS TREE (not holiday tree) alone. Stop screwing up something so fun AND meaningful. :mad:

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If you are Black and Conservative some people attempt to paint you as having black self hate if you don't blindly support the democratic party until I put them in their place by countering with their plantation mentality.

I'm not one of those KMart Catholics who pick from this aisle or that aisle of rules to abide by and ignore the rest.

I am a practice what you preach types not a do as I say not as I do person who does upset me when I see that.

Like Pelosi bashing Billionaires flying a private plane when she is doing the same thing herself but its paid by taxpayers.

I think this is one thing I actually agree w/ y ou on. I know the feeling of peopel thinking that just because you are...x,y or z y then you MUST feel a certain way, or believe certain things.

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MLK day isnt his exact B-day, so I'll expect the KKK to be allowed to have equal representation. Oh, same goes for the Nazis on any Jewish holiday.

Also, from this point forward, I'll expect lumberjacks to be able to have signs all around on Arbor day, hunters to be allowed to show pride on groundhog day, single folks to get equal time on valentines day etc etc etc.

It's a Govt recognized CHRISTIAN holiday. Any other religion or anti religion messages allowed offends me as a Christian. But as per usual, it's perfectly acceptable to offend Christians.

I think you took that directly from Bill O'Reilly:silly:

But seriously, there are people in my state already that are planning that...but here is the thing. The athiest sign, as ****ty as it is, is not inciting riots or violent behavior ( at least not yet). But I can almost garuntee you that if the Neo Nazi's/Skinheads (cause we have them here not the KKK), put up a sign on MLK's celebrated bday, there would be some violence. And THAT is what makes it different.

I don't agree that it should be treated differently, just going off of Washington state law.

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The point was that's HOW I FEEL...so many lawsuits preventing or attempting to prevent people from decorating, almost like "lets just pretent it doesn't exist" so the VERY SMALL minority who don't believe feel ok. Because that small minority can't just go on about their business, they have to spend time and money to interfere with our holidays. Once again, if you don't like it you scrooges, go crawl into your lil hole and go away...but leave the decorations, leave the CHRISTMAS TREE (not holiday tree) alone. Stop screwing up something so fun AND meaningful. :mad:

Well, I believe how you feel is not indicative of the reality of the situation. A very small vocal minority want to be bothersome over the holidays, and as we all know, that is who will get the publicity. The majority of us who don't believe in God don't want to take anything from you, change anything of yours, remove anything, or disrupt your faith in any way whatsoever.

the VAST majority of atheists simply want to live and let live.

But so long as Bill O'Reilly and other firebrands keep telling you that this ridiculously small minority of atheists represent a concerted movement that wants to kill Christmas, then there's going to be a percentage of people who believe it to be true.

But of course, there is the underlying fact that practically everyone who tells you about this so called "war on Christmas" makes money off of keeping you agitated.

Relax. No one wants to take Christmas. The few who are militant about it are as annoying as people who pass out tracts on the street, or show up knocking on your door to 'spread the word".

They're minor annoyances. Do what we atheists do when your militants infringe on our lives like that. Smile and say "no thanks", forget about them and go about your business as if nothing really happened. Because in truth, nothing did. There is no Grinch that can take your Christmas from you. He's as mythical as I believe the God in those tracts or in their testimony is. And if I can get by that and enjoy the season, so can you.


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the VAST majority of atheists simply want to live and let live.

I'd venture to say 95 percent or so.

Most atheists are so used to having Christians and other religious people tell them that they're living their lives the wrong way and that they need to have their "eternal soul saved" that they just want some peace and quiet from all of the bickering.

You're going to be hard pressed to find a lot of atheists that care about getting out and "spreading their word." That's exactly what they're tired of being told. Live and let live describes the majority of the atheist mindset to a tee.

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the VAST majority of atheists simply want to live and let live.


thats not what I see.

I see athiests protesting a lot to have God removed from school. I see them having a cross removed from property in San Diego (Mt Soledad). I see them putting up a sign right next to a nativity scene when they have plenty of other places they can put one.

No, I dont see them wanting to live and let live. I see them being no better then anyone else who has a cause. They want everyone to hear it and will go to whatever means to make sure it is put in effect.

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I'd venture to say 95 percent or so.

Most atheists are so used to having Christians and other religious people tell them that they're living their lives the wrong way and that they need to have their "eternal soul saved" that they just want some peace and quiet from all of the bickering.

You're going to be hard pressed to find a lot of atheists that care about getting out and "spreading their word." That's exactly what they're tired of being told. Live and let live describes the majority of the atheist mindset to a tee.

then what are they doing here?

seems like they are trying to spread the word and show that you can be an athiest just as much as you can be a christian. thats just like spreading the word to me.

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I'd venture to say 95 percent or so.

Most atheists are so used to having Christians and other religious people tell them that they're living their lives the wrong way and that they need to have their "eternal soul saved" that they just want some peace and quiet from all of the bickering.

You're going to be hard pressed to find a lot of atheists that care about getting out and "spreading their word." That's exactly what they're tired of being told. Live and let live describes the majority of the atheist mindset to a tee.

The thing that's great about atheism is that it doesn't operate like an organized religion. If one atheist stands up and urges other atheists to follow him, chances are their response will be something along the lines of "why the hell would I do that?"

I know a lot of atheists, none of whom belong to any type of atheist group, myself included.

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thats not what I see.

I see athiests protesting a lot to have God removed from school. I see them having a cross removed from property in San Diego (Mt Soledad). I see them putting up a sign right next to a nativity scene when they have plenty of other places they can put one.

No, I dont see them wanting to live and let live. I see them being no better then anyone else who has a cause. They want everyone to hear it and will go to whatever means to make sure it is put in effect.

Mike, if there are no "crosses" on property..... or nativity scenes on public property.... would athiests have a message?

Who's the instigator? Do you ever see an "athiest" sign BEFORE you see a religious marker?

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